Superpositional graphs and finding the description of structure by counting method
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Digitaalskeemide diagnostikas on vigade simuleerimisel üheks efektiivsemaks andmestruktuuriks struktuurselt sünteesitud binaarsed otsustusdiagrammid. Paljud nimetatud diagrammide omadused sõltuvad tema skeleti, superpositsioonigraafi, vastavatest omadustest, seega oli eesmärk välja töötada superpositsioonigraafide klassi kirjeldavad omadused. Et aga superpositsioonigraaf kui andmestruktuur ei sisalda endas saamise ajalugu siis otsitavad omadused ei tohi kasutada superpositsiooni. Tavameetoditega aga sellist omaduste komplekti ei õnnestunud leida.
Käesolevas töös on leitud superpositsioonigraafide klassi kirjeldavad omadused uue lähendamismeetodiga. Võtmetähtsusega on seejuures translaator, mis etteantud lausearvutusvalemite pere ja selle parameetrite väärtustele leiab vastava lausearvutusvalemi.
Translaatorit ja kehtestavate väärtustuste loendajat kasutades leiame samm-sammult õigemat arvjada genereeriva omaduste komplekti. Metoodika põhiidee on efektiivselt leida struktuuri kirjeldusega mittesobivaid mudeleid ning seejärel parandada lähendiks olevat omaduste komplekti seni kuni leitud komplekt genereerib sellise arvjada, mis piisavalt suurte parameetri väärtuste korral langeb kokku orientiiriks võetud arvjadaga. Siis püstitame hüpoteesi, et viimasena leitud lähend on otsitav ja tõestame hüpoteesi. Metoodikat kasutades saame ka lihtsasti veenduda, et leitud omaduste hulk ei sisalda ülearuseid.
Töös esitame ka superpositsioonigraafide klassi kirjeldamiseks vajaliku matemaatilise teooria ja anname nimetatud klassi kirjeldavate omaduste kontrollimiseks vajalikud algoritmid.
The algorithms based on Structurally Synthesized Binary Decision Diagrams (SSBDDs) are used in the programs of digital diagnostics; SSBDDs provide an efficient opportunity for modeling digital systems for simulation purposes. Many properties of SSBDD depend on the properties of superpositional graphs (SPGs). The necessary decision problem for decomposing SPGs - whether a binary graph is a SPG - would be easy to solve if we knew the sequence of superpositions that was used for generating the graph. However, we do not have this sequence. Thus, the purpose is to develop necessary and sufficient properties for describing SPGs without using the superposition. In this thesis we found the descriptive properties for the class of SPGs by using a new approximation methodology. The method can be used if the exact set of properties that describes a given finite structure cannot be found by pure thought but we can find the number of objects for small values of the parameter. The next step is to codify the objects as assignments to a set of propositional variables, and the candidate properties as propositional formulae, in such a way that an object satisfies the property if and only if the assignment satisfies the formula. The main idea of this method is to find efficiently, using a special translator and a counter of satisfying assignments, models that do not fit with the current approximation of the description of the structure and stepwise refine the logical description. Finally, we „translate“ the logical description into a mathematical one and prove it.
The algorithms based on Structurally Synthesized Binary Decision Diagrams (SSBDDs) are used in the programs of digital diagnostics; SSBDDs provide an efficient opportunity for modeling digital systems for simulation purposes. Many properties of SSBDD depend on the properties of superpositional graphs (SPGs). The necessary decision problem for decomposing SPGs - whether a binary graph is a SPG - would be easy to solve if we knew the sequence of superpositions that was used for generating the graph. However, we do not have this sequence. Thus, the purpose is to develop necessary and sufficient properties for describing SPGs without using the superposition. In this thesis we found the descriptive properties for the class of SPGs by using a new approximation methodology. The method can be used if the exact set of properties that describes a given finite structure cannot be found by pure thought but we can find the number of objects for small values of the parameter. The next step is to codify the objects as assignments to a set of propositional variables, and the candidate properties as propositional formulae, in such a way that an object satisfies the property if and only if the assignment satisfies the formula. The main idea of this method is to find efficiently, using a special translator and a counter of satisfying assignments, models that do not fit with the current approximation of the description of the structure and stepwise refine the logical description. Finally, we „translate“ the logical description into a mathematical one and prove it.