Word-formation skill in Estonian children with specific language impairment



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Spetsiifilise kõnearengupuudega (SKAP) lastel on suured raskused rääkima õppimisel, kuigi muus osas on lapse areng normaalne. Miks lapsed ei õpi grammatiliselt õigesti rääkima, ei ole teadlastele siiani täpselt selge. Puude avaldumine on keeleti erinev. Logopeedilise diagnostika ja teraapia seisukohast on vaja teada, kuidas nimetatud puue avaldub eesti keeles ja mille poolest nende laste kõnelema õppimine erineb eakaaslastest. Käesolevas töös uuriti, kuidas SKAP lapsed omandavad sõnamoodustusoskust. Leiti, et sõnade liitmine ja tuletamine, mis on eesti keeles väga produktiivsed viisid uue tähenduse tähistamiseks, on SKAP lastele vanuses 4.2 – 6.9 rasked. Selgus, et eesti SKAP lapsed teevad eakaaslastest oluliselt rohkem vigu astmevahelduslike sõnade tüvevariantide kasutamisel, millel ei ole tähendust. Liitsõnade mõistmisel orienteeruvad nad eakaaslastest sagedamini liitsõna esimesele komponendile, moodustamisel vastavad liitsõna asemel täiendsõnaga, ei kasuta uurija poolt esitatud informatsiooni uue sõna moodustamisel. Eakaaslastest oluliselt rohkem mõjutab SKAP lapsi ülesande esitamise viis: eksimusi oli rohkem ülesandes, kus uusi sõnu oli vaja moodustada lauseid muutes; lihtsam oli sõna moodustada analoogia alusel. Uuringu tulemused näitavad, et SKAP laste vead tulenevad keelelise informatsiooni töötlemise probleemidest. Tulemused ei võimalda väita, et need lapsed ei suuda omandada keelereegleid, mille alusel liitsõnu moodustada. Töös kirjeldatakse, kuidas õpetada alakõnega (sh SKAP) õpilastele klassitingimustes sõnade tuletamist ja pakutakse välja õpetamisetapid ja töövõtted ühe tuletusmalli kujundamiseks ning eri mallide diferentseerimiseks.
Children with specific language impairment (SLI), even though otherwise normally developing, experience hardships in learning to speak. Why such children fail to acquire grammatically correct speech patterns is not quite clear yet. The ways in which the impairment exhibits itself do not coincide in different languages. For the purposes of impairment diagnostics and prescription of speech therapy, it is relevant, in each particular case, to reveal the specificity of the speech impairment involved and draw informed conclusions about how the teaching of children affected by it differs from that of their normally developing (ND) peers. The current paper investigates how Estonian SLI children acquire the word-derivation skill. Research revealed that word derivation and compounding, which in Estonian are characteristically productive ways of designating new meaning, appear to be difficult for SLI children in the 4.2 -6.9 age bracket. Significantly more often than their ND peers, Estonian SLI children tend to make mistakes in using variants of gradational stems that have no independent meaning. In comprehension of compounds, SLI children, more frequently than their normally developing peers, rely on the first component of a compound, use a modifier in place of a compound, and fail to take advantage of the information provided by the researcher to help them form novel compounds. SLI children tend to be more dependent on the method of task presentation: the subjects made more errors in the assignment which asked them to form new words by changing sentences, preferring to use a simpler way – forming words on the basis of analogy. The results of the study indicate that the underlying factors of SLI children’s errors are their problems with information processing. On the basis of the results, however, there is no reason to argue that SLI children are incapable of acquiring grammar rules and patterns governing compound formation. The paper therefore proposes particular methods for teaching the word-derivation skill to children with language impairments (incl. SLI children) in the conditions of classroom teaching. Stages and special techniques are suggested for teaching/learning particular derivational patterns as well as for distinguishing between different patterns.


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