Exposure to fluorides in drinking water and dental fluorosis risk among the population of Estonia
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Doktoritöö eesmärgiks oli analüüsida joogivee fluoriidisisalduse regionaalseid erinevusi Eestis, määrata elanike ekspositsioon joogivee erinevale fluoriidisisaldusele ning hinnata joogivee liigsest fluoriidisisaldusest tulenevat hambafluoroosi riski Eesti oludes. Töös lähtuti nelja-astmelisest terviseriski hindamise mudelist ning andmete saamiseks viidi läbi kaks spetsiaalset uuringut. Joogivee proovid võeti kõikidest ühisveevärkidest, kus oli vähemalt 100 tarbijat (735 veeproovi). Fluoriidisisaldus määrati kolorimeetriliselt SPADNS-meetodil. Elanike ekspositsiooni määramiseks lingiti fluoriidiuuringu andmed veetarbijate arvuga veevärkide kaupa. Uuring hõlmas 94% ühisveevärgi tarbijatest ja 78% Eesti rahvastikust. Hambafluoroosi levimuse ja joogivee fluoriidisisalduse seose hindamiseks (doosi-vastuse suhe) viidi läbi retrospektiivne uuring Tartu linna kuues eri piirkonnas, kus joogivee fluoriidisisaldus oli erinev.
Joogivee fluoriidisisaldus Eestis varieerub suurtes piirides: 0,05 kuni 6,95 mg/l. Fluoriidisisaldus sõltub kasutatavast veekihist, regioonist ja seguvee kasutamisest veevärkides. Suurema fluoriidisisaldusega vesi pärineb Siluri-Ordoviitsiumi veekihist, mis on Pärnu ja Lääne maakonnas sageli ainsaks joogiveeallikaks. Fluoriidirikas vesi on ka Kesk-Alam-Devoni-Siluri veekihis, mida kasutatakse Kesk-Eestis. Eesti elanike joogiveekaudne fluoriidiekspositsioon varieerub suurtes piiri¬des ning sõltub veeallikast ja paikkonnast. Optimaalse fluoriidisisaldusega (0,5–1,5 mg/l) vett tarbib vaid 38,1% uuringurahvastikust. Samal ajal on fluoriidivaesele (<0,5 mg/l) veele eksponeeritud üle poole (57,8%) uuritutest. Fluoriidivaene on joogivesi Võru, Põlva ja Valga maakonnas. Joogivee normist suuremale fluoriidisisaldusele (>1,5 mg/l) on eksponeeritud 42 571 (4,1%) isikut, kes elavad peamiselt Pärnu, Lääne, Rapla ja Tartu maakonnas. 12-aastaste koolilaste retrospektiivne uuring Tartus näitas, et hambafluoroosi levimus oli keskmiselt 30,2%, enamikul juhtudest esines fluoroosi kerge vorm. Hambafluoroosi levimuse ja joogivee fluoriidisisalduse vahel saadi tugev seos: r = 0,93. Eesti elanike joogivee liigsest fluoriidisisaldusest tulenevat terviseriski hinnati šansside suhtena ekspositsiooni neljas intensiivsuse kategoorias maakondade kaupa. Teades joogivee tarbijaid maakonniti fluoriidiekspositsiooni intensiivsuse järgi, on võimalik igas maakonnas ja iga veevärgi puhul hinnata, kui suur on hambafluoroosi haigestumise tõenäosus, mis tuleneb joogivee fluoriidisisalduse piirnormi ületamisest.
The main aim of this thesis was to analyse the content and regional distribution of fluoride in public water supplies, to determine the population exposure to different levels of fluoride through the use of tap water and to quantify dental health risk arising from excessive fluoride levels in drinking water. A 4-step model framework was used for health risk assessment. Two special studies were carried out for this purpose: a study of fluoride content in drinking water in Estonia and a dose-response assessment of drinking water fluoride and the prevalence of dental fluorosis in Tartu. The variability of fluoride concentration in drinking water is very high, reaching 7 mg/l. Fluoride concentration in tap water depends on several aspects: the used aquifers (well depth) and the mixing of water in the PWS system. High fluoride waters are prevalent in western and central Estonia, where Silurian-Ordovician and Devonian-Silurian aquifers are used. Elevated concentrations are also found in central and south-western Estonia. The dose-response relationship between drinking water fluoride content and dental fluorosis prevalence among 12-year-old schoolchildren was determined. The population exposure to drinking water fluoride is highly variable. The majority of the population (96%) is exposed to drinking water with fluoride concentration up to the nationally set limit of 1.5 mg/l. Nevertheless, over half of them are exposed to low-fluoride water (< 0.5 mg/l). There is a substantial excessive exposure to fluorides in drinking water among a relatively small proportion of inhabitants (4.1%). Most of these people live in western Estonia and on the islands. The population exposed to the highest levels of fluoride (over 4 mg/l) live in Pärnu, Lääne and Saare counties. The dental fluorosis risk attributable to drinking water and expressed as an odds ratio was calculated for the population and categorized by county. This risk can be eliminated through the removal or avoidance of excessive fluoride from water supply systems.
The main aim of this thesis was to analyse the content and regional distribution of fluoride in public water supplies, to determine the population exposure to different levels of fluoride through the use of tap water and to quantify dental health risk arising from excessive fluoride levels in drinking water. A 4-step model framework was used for health risk assessment. Two special studies were carried out for this purpose: a study of fluoride content in drinking water in Estonia and a dose-response assessment of drinking water fluoride and the prevalence of dental fluorosis in Tartu. The variability of fluoride concentration in drinking water is very high, reaching 7 mg/l. Fluoride concentration in tap water depends on several aspects: the used aquifers (well depth) and the mixing of water in the PWS system. High fluoride waters are prevalent in western and central Estonia, where Silurian-Ordovician and Devonian-Silurian aquifers are used. Elevated concentrations are also found in central and south-western Estonia. The dose-response relationship between drinking water fluoride content and dental fluorosis prevalence among 12-year-old schoolchildren was determined. The population exposure to drinking water fluoride is highly variable. The majority of the population (96%) is exposed to drinking water with fluoride concentration up to the nationally set limit of 1.5 mg/l. Nevertheless, over half of them are exposed to low-fluoride water (< 0.5 mg/l). There is a substantial excessive exposure to fluorides in drinking water among a relatively small proportion of inhabitants (4.1%). Most of these people live in western Estonia and on the islands. The population exposed to the highest levels of fluoride (over 4 mg/l) live in Pärnu, Lääne and Saare counties. The dental fluorosis risk attributable to drinking water and expressed as an odds ratio was calculated for the population and categorized by county. This risk can be eliminated through the removal or avoidance of excessive fluoride from water supply systems.
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doktoritööd, joogivesi, vee kvaliteet, Eesti, fluoriidid, hambafluoroos