Suhtekorraldus Statistikaaameti strateegiliste eesmärkide saavutamisel




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Tartu Ülikool



This dissertation analysed the implementation of Statistics Estonia strategy during 2004- 2007. It focused on the public relations aspect of the strategy, in order to best assess the success of the current strategy and to come up with recommendations for the next one. To analyse the success of Strategy's implementation, the author used three consumer analyses conducted among various stakeholders in 2006: statistic users (188 respondents), data providers (503 respondents) and employees of the Statistics Estonia (251 respondents). These were complemented by in-depth interviews with the director general of the statistical office, the deputy director general and three departmental heads, conducted by the author in September 2007. The conclusions and analysis to the research questions are based on these consumer analyses and in-depth interviews. Analysing the implementation of the strategy reveals that the organisation does use public relations in the process and is aware that these facilitate the achievement of the aims. The main task of the Statistics Estonia is to provide the wider society with the necessary statistical information. Analysing the communication targeted at the main stakeholders reveals that Statistics Estonia mainly uses two Grunig's communication models: public information and two-way asymmetrical communication. The image/reputation of the Statistics Estonia among the data providers and statistics users is good. The Statistics Estonia is seen as professional, trustworthy and progressive. While the Statistics Estonia has stated in its mission statement that it wants to be seen as information provider in the society, then currently it is mainly seen as data collector. The main factor influencing the image of the Statistics Estonia among its employees is the financial compensation and appreciation of their work. At the same time, the loyalty to the organisation is high, which indicates that the employees are doing an interesting and pleasant job. One can conclude that the Statistics Estonia has been successful in implementing its strategic aims. Statistics Estonia's new strategy covers 2008ñ2011 and the discussions are already taking place. I am convinved that the public relations of the Statistics Estonia would be more professional and practice more meaningful if the Statistics Estonia would also develop a communication strategy targeting the various stakeholders.


H Social Sciences (General)
