Ajakirjanike roll valimiste eelses poliitilises kommunikatsioonis kohalikus meedias Pärnu Postimehe ja 2007. aasta Riigikogu valimiste näitel



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Tartu Ülikool



The aim of the Bachelor thesis “The role of the journalists in local media in a pre-election period. Based on the example of Riigikogu elections 2007 and the newspaper Pärnu Postimees” is to study the role of the journalists in local media, the newspaper in Pärnu, Pärnu Postimees. I have taken the 2007 Riigikogu elections as an example in order to narrow the problem nad to simplify the study. The goal is not to describe the situation before the elections, but to find out how the journalists act during that period. As communication is many-sided, I have used several methods to study the topic. I have conducted interviews with both journalists and candidates to the Riigikogu. I have also carried out content analysis with newspapers from january and february 2007. There are many ways to phrase the roles of journalists: a teacher, a participant in the politics, a reporter, a anlysist, an advocate, an intermediary, an infuelcer etc. In this Bachelor thesis, I have based the study mainly on Thomas E. Pattersons approach. He came up with a two-dimensional scale, a passive-active dimension and an advocate-neutral dimension. The approach includes the way a journalist infuelces the audience and also the way the news agenda is set. Some researches conducted in England have shown different results about setting the news agenda: some think that the local newspaper influences elections and the choice of topics, others believe that politicians use journalists’ lack og resources and set the agenda themselves. Estonian journalism theoricians have said that our journalists are most of all influential. The empirical part of the study showed that the journalists consider themselves to be neutral mediators, on the other hand, interviews with the candidates and content analysis showed the opposite. I would still agree with earlier studies and claim that the newspaper is rather advocate. It does not have to be intentional, but may also be caused by the canidates’ background, one of the factors is of course connections to the town or state power. Surprisingly, the final result of the elections did not match with Pärnu Postimees’ reflection at all. On the active-passive scale, the journalists in Pärnu Postimees position more on the passive side. To be more exact, the journalists act like goalkeepers, who have a bunch of topics to choose from, there is not much independent “nosing around”. The candidates agree to that. One of the reasons is the convenience and the so called frogpond effect caused by the smallness of the community, but also lack of resources. As the study comfirmed, an important addition to the study is the locality factor, which changes some things when looking at the role of journalists. In a smaller society, where everyone knows everyone, the journalists have different attitudes towards their sources, there is a smaller chance to come up with something new and people might easily be influenced by something without knowing it themselves. One of the advantages is that the journalists know the environment much better and can evaluate the value of news. One important key word is monopoly, which means a bigger influence for Pärnu Postimees in Pärnu County.


bakalaureusetööd, poliitika, valimised, parlamendivalimised, poliitiline kommunikatsioon, meedia, maakonnalehed, ajakirjanikud, elukutsed, Pärnu Postimees (ajaleht)
