Organizational Leadership Capability and its evaluation based on the example of Estonian service organizations
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Käesolev doktoritöö on keskendunud kollektiivse eestvedamise kui organisatsiooni terviksüsteemi salvestunud võimekuse uurimisele, defineerides seda organisatsioonilise eestvedamise võimekusena. Doktoritöö eesmärgiks on organisatsioonilise eestvedamise võimekuse mõõtmine ja hindamine näitlikustades seda tema organisatsioonilise efektiivsuse seosega Eesti teenindusorganisatsioonide näitel. Nimetatud eesmärgi esimene pool on pühendatud organisatsioonilise eestvedamise võimekuse hindamise meetodi väljatöötamisele ja teine pool illustreerib seda läbi tema seotuse organisatsioonilise efektiivsusega.
Doktoritöö uudsuseks teoreetilises plaanis on nii organisatsioonilise eestvedamise võimekuse kontseptuaalse kui ka tema mõõtmise raamistiku loomine. Lisaks on doktoritöö uudsuseks teoreetilise baasi loomine organisatsioonilise eestvedamise võimekuse ja organisatsiooni toimimise efektiivsuse vaheliste seoste uurimiseks. Selleks, toetudes teoreetilisele kirjandusele ning sealt tulenevatele argumentidele, on välja töötatud uurimisväited, millised on suunatud paralleelselt nii organisatsiooni funktsioneerimisele kui ka tema tulemuslikkusele.
Teine doktoritöö uudsus seisneb organisatsioonilise eestvedamise võimekuse mõõtmise instrumendi väljatöötamises. See on äärmiselt oluline, kuna organisatsiooni tegevusmustrisse salvestunud kollektiivse eestvedamise fenomeni uurimiseks sobiv mõõtmisinstrument siiani puudus. Doktoritöös väljatöötatud Organisatsioonilise Eestvedamise Võimekuse mõõtmisinstrument (i.k. Questionnaire of Organizational Leadership Capability) on oluline nii akadeemilise kui ka organisatsioonide praktilise töö seisukohtadelt. Akadeemilises kasutuses võimaldab see mõõtmise instrument uurida organisatsioonilise eestvedamise võimekuse fenomeni ja selle seotust organisatsiooni toimimise erinevate aspektidega – organisatsiooni efektiivsus ja tõhusus, organisatsiooni ülesehitus ja innovatsioon jms. Samuti võimaldab see mõõtmisinstrument hinnata organisatsioone nii terviklikult kui ka erinevate tasandite, gruppide, osakondade või üksuste lõikes. Selliselt saadud tulemused ja nende oskuslik tõlgendamine annavad olulist lisaväärtust ka juhtimispraktikutele nende igapäevases tegevuses organisatsioonide arendamise protsessis.
Doktoritöös saadud tulemused saab jaotada kolm põhigruppi. Esiteks, eestvedamise kollektiivse kontseptsiooni edasiarendamine ja vastava teoreetilise raamistiku loomine selle fenomeni omaduste avamiseks ja mõõtmiseks. Teiseks, mõõtmise instrumendi väljatöötamine organisatsioonilise eestvedamise võimekuse hindamiseks, milline avab tee tema omaduste edasisteks uuringuteks. Kolmandaks, otsingulise uuringuga (i.k. exploratory study) organisatsioonilise eestvedamise võimekuse esmaste põhiomaduste väljatoomine.
The aim of this dissertation is to take the measure of organizational leadership capability and illustrate it in terms of its relationships to organizational effectiveness on the basis of a sample of Estonian service organizations. The first part of this goal is targeted towards evaluating a method for estimating the capability of organizational leadership, while the second part exemplifies its relationships to organizational effectiveness. The topic of this dissertation is mainly theoretical; it develops the concept of collective leadership for the entire organization. The resulting conceptual framework makes it possible to expand our knowledge of the complexity of leadership at the organizational level on the one hand, and on the other to create an instrument for the assessment of organizational leadership capability in organizations. The contribution this dissertation makes is to the theoretical conceptualization of organizational leadership capability with the creation of a framework that makes it possible to measure organizational leadership at the level of the entire organization. It is important here that the framework allows us to estimate the capability of organizational leadership embedded in the organization as an internal resource. Another novel aspect of the dissertation is the measurement framework with its instrument for measuring organizational leadership capability. The author of the dissertation has developed a new measurement instrument and examines its use for evaluating the capability of organizational leadership. Additionally, the dissertation explores the initial relationships between the capability of organizational leadership and organizational effectiveness in Estonian service organizations. The dissertation consists of two major parts – theoretical and empirical – which focus on the three main aspects – theoretical, analytical and exploratory. The theoretical aspect of this dissertation resulted with two important frameworks. The conceptual framework opens up the phenomenon of organizational leadership capability and organizes the theoretical background for |elaborating the measurement framework for evaluating this phenomenon. The measurement framework of organizational leadership capability provides the theoretical basis for elaborating a measurement tool and highlights the principles of its functioning. The empirical aspect of this dissertation resulted in the measurement tool design. This includes designing the questionnaire of Organizational Leadership Capability itself and evaluating its functioning principles demonstrated by the developed measurement framework of organizational leadership capability. The exploratory aspect of this dissertation has analysed the preliminary relationship between the capability of organizational leadership and organizational effectiveness in Estonian service organizations. The preliminary relationships discovered highlight four main characteristics of organizational leadership capability.
The aim of this dissertation is to take the measure of organizational leadership capability and illustrate it in terms of its relationships to organizational effectiveness on the basis of a sample of Estonian service organizations. The first part of this goal is targeted towards evaluating a method for estimating the capability of organizational leadership, while the second part exemplifies its relationships to organizational effectiveness. The topic of this dissertation is mainly theoretical; it develops the concept of collective leadership for the entire organization. The resulting conceptual framework makes it possible to expand our knowledge of the complexity of leadership at the organizational level on the one hand, and on the other to create an instrument for the assessment of organizational leadership capability in organizations. The contribution this dissertation makes is to the theoretical conceptualization of organizational leadership capability with the creation of a framework that makes it possible to measure organizational leadership at the level of the entire organization. It is important here that the framework allows us to estimate the capability of organizational leadership embedded in the organization as an internal resource. Another novel aspect of the dissertation is the measurement framework with its instrument for measuring organizational leadership capability. The author of the dissertation has developed a new measurement instrument and examines its use for evaluating the capability of organizational leadership. Additionally, the dissertation explores the initial relationships between the capability of organizational leadership and organizational effectiveness in Estonian service organizations. The dissertation consists of two major parts – theoretical and empirical – which focus on the three main aspects – theoretical, analytical and exploratory. The theoretical aspect of this dissertation resulted with two important frameworks. The conceptual framework opens up the phenomenon of organizational leadership capability and organizes the theoretical background for |elaborating the measurement framework for evaluating this phenomenon. The measurement framework of organizational leadership capability provides the theoretical basis for elaborating a measurement tool and highlights the principles of its functioning. The empirical aspect of this dissertation resulted in the measurement tool design. This includes designing the questionnaire of Organizational Leadership Capability itself and evaluating its functioning principles demonstrated by the developed measurement framework of organizational leadership capability. The exploratory aspect of this dissertation has analysed the preliminary relationship between the capability of organizational leadership and organizational effectiveness in Estonian service organizations. The preliminary relationships discovered highlight four main characteristics of organizational leadership capability.
dissertatsioonid, majandusteadus, juhtimine, organisatsioonikultuur, teenindusettevõtted, eestvedamine