Stepwise melt transport and accumulation: analogue and numerical modelling approach
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Väitekirjas uuritakse, kas ja kuivõrd on võimalik üldistada Morita ekvivalentsuse mõistet ja teooriat poolrühmadelt osaliselt järjestatud poolrühmadele. Morita teooria põhiidee on taandada ühe struktuuri uurimine teise, temaga Morita-ekvivalentse ja loodetavasti lihtsama struktuuri uurimisele.
Töös defineeritakse osaliselt järjestatud poolrühmade tugev Morita ekvivalentsus nn Morita kontekstide abil. Kahte osaliselt järjestatud poolrühma S ja T nimetatakse tugevalt Morita-ekvivalentseteks siis, kui leidub sürjektiivsete kujutustega unitaarne Morita kontekst (S, T, P, Q, <−, −>, [−,−]).
Siis esitatakse rida konstruktsioone ja näidatakse, et kui poolrühmadelt S ja T eeldada erinevate lokaalsete ühikute olemasolu, siis on tugev Morita ekvivalentsus samaväärne nii nende konstruktsioonide (Cauchy täieldid, järjestatud Reesi maatrikspoolrühmad, järjestatud Morita poolrühmad) abil saadud seostega kui ka teatud järjestatud polügoonide kategooriate vahelise ekvivalentsusega.
Peale eelmainitud tingimuste samaväärsuse uuritakse väitekirjas nn. Morita invariante ehk omadusi, mis kanduvad osaliselt järjestatud poolrühmalt temaga tugevalt Morita-ekvivalentsetele osaliselt järjestatud poolrühmadele. Sealhulgas leitakse tarvilikud ja piisavad tingimused selleks, et üks osaliselt järjestatud poolrühm oleks tugevalt Morita-ekvivalentne osaliselt järjestatud poolrühmaga mõnest tuntud klassist (nt. osaliselt järjestatud inverssed monoidid, osaliselt järjestatud ristkülikpoolrühmad, lineaarselt järjestatud poolrühmad).
Generation of magma and its subsequent ascent to the upper levels of the Earth's crust has been often considered as a continuous process, where magma is flowing along an interconnected network of melt-filled veins and dykes. This thesis is focused on an alternative model of stepwise melt transport and accumulation, where magma transport is accomplished in separate batches via hydraulic fracturing of rocks and interconnected melt network is not needed. Analogue and numerical modelling suggests that stepwise ascent of melt through the crust generates scale invariant patterns in both time and space, characteristic of a self-organized critical system – power law melt batch size statistics and 1/f fluctuations of the magma volume in the system. In the nature, former magmatic systems which have been solidified at some stage of magma generation, are now observable as migmatized rocks. Observations in migmatite outcrops and drill cores penetrating migmatized rocks show that magma batch sizes in natural systems follow power law and there exist clear structural evidence for stepwise melt transport and accumulation. Numerical modelling shows that stepwise melt transport through the crust has a strong influence on the chemical composition of extracted melt. Intensive tectonic deformation shortens the residence time of melt batches within the source and reduces the equilibration of melt with surrounding rock, producing high variability in extracted melt composition. Therefore, apart from different sources, melting percentages and fractionation in magma chamber, deformation can be an important factor in producing geochemical variations within magmatic complexes.
Generation of magma and its subsequent ascent to the upper levels of the Earth's crust has been often considered as a continuous process, where magma is flowing along an interconnected network of melt-filled veins and dykes. This thesis is focused on an alternative model of stepwise melt transport and accumulation, where magma transport is accomplished in separate batches via hydraulic fracturing of rocks and interconnected melt network is not needed. Analogue and numerical modelling suggests that stepwise ascent of melt through the crust generates scale invariant patterns in both time and space, characteristic of a self-organized critical system – power law melt batch size statistics and 1/f fluctuations of the magma volume in the system. In the nature, former magmatic systems which have been solidified at some stage of magma generation, are now observable as migmatized rocks. Observations in migmatite outcrops and drill cores penetrating migmatized rocks show that magma batch sizes in natural systems follow power law and there exist clear structural evidence for stepwise melt transport and accumulation. Numerical modelling shows that stepwise melt transport through the crust has a strong influence on the chemical composition of extracted melt. Intensive tectonic deformation shortens the residence time of melt batches within the source and reduces the equilibration of melt with surrounding rock, producing high variability in extracted melt composition. Therefore, apart from different sources, melting percentages and fractionation in magma chamber, deformation can be an important factor in producing geochemical variations within magmatic complexes.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.
dissertatsioonid, magma, maakoor, moone (geol.), moondekivimid, modelleerimine (teadus), magma, crust of the earth, metamorphism (geol.), metamorphic rocks, modelling (science)