Solving simplification problems in the domain of exponents, monomials and polynomials in interactive learning environment T-algebra
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Algebraliste avaldiste teisendamine on üks peamisi oskusi koolimatemaatikas, kuid tihti tekitab see paljudele õpilastele raskusi. Traditsioonilise õppetehnoloogia korral ei jõua õpetaja anda kogu klassile õigeaegselt nõuandeid ega juhtida tähelepanu tehtud vigadele. Kohene reaktsioon vigadele on üks peamistest põhjustest, miks arvutite kasutamine võiks parandada õpilaste edukust.
Antud väitekiri baseerub tööl, mis on tehtud T-algebra projekti raames. Projekti peamine eesmärk oli luua uut tüüpi interaktiivne teisendusülesannete lahendamise keskkond probleemide lahendamiseks neljas koolimatemaatika ja algebra valdkonnas (sh. lihtsustamise ülesanded astmete, üksliikmete ning hulkliikmete teemas).
Ülesannete lahendamine T-algebras on sarnane ülesannete lahendamisega paberil. Iga sammu tegemisel rakendab õpilane ühte konkreetset teisendusreeglit, märgib objektid ning sisestab tulemuse. Ülesannete lahendamise ajal õpilane teeb kõik otsused lahenduskäigu kohta. T-algebra annab võimaluse teha samu vigu nagu paberil, kuid erinevalt paberist on võimeline diagnoosima õpilase vigu ning aitama õpilast üksikute sammude tegemisel. Enne sammu dialoogi ning vigade diagnoosi disainimist me korraldasime eksperimendid õpilastega, et välja selgitada tüüpilised vead, mida nad teevad paberil ning lisaks vaatasime ka teiste analoogsete uurimiste tulemusi. Tänu kolmesammulisele dialoogile T-algebral on olemas kogu eelinfo, mida õpilane valib ja sisestab alametappidel. See annab parema võimaluse diagnoosida vigu võrreldes süsteemidega, kus on olemas ainult info sisestatud sammu tulemuse kohta.
Sammude tegemise dialoog on see, mis eristab T-algebrat teistest sarnastest süsteemidest. T algebra jaoks me parandasime ning täiendasime esialgset dialoogi: ühtlustasime sisestusetappi erinevate reeglite jaoks kolme erineva sisestusrežiimi väljatöötamisega ning täiendasime skeemi lisaetappidega mõnede reeglite puhul (lisainfo sisestamine, vaheetapi lisamine ning struktuuri laiendamine). Loodud dialoog annab võimaluse õppida ja harjutada ülesannete lahendamise strateegiaid ning samuti üksikute sammude tegemise tehnikat.
Väitekiri kirjeldab loodud süsteemi erinevaid aspekte, erinevate komponentide disainiotsuseid ning realisatsiooni detaile. Väitekirja autori panuse ja tulemused võib liigitada kolme kategooriasse:
• T algebra üldiste funktsionaalsete komponentide disain ja realisatsioon (sh. lahenduse sammu tegemise dialoog ja selle täiendused, avaldiste redaktor koos dialoogi toetava funktsionaalsusega, teisendusreeglite ja ülesannete tüüpide baasklassid ja liidesed ning samuti vigade diagnoosimise ja kategoriseerimise printsiip);
• valdkonna spetsiifiliste ülesannete tüüpide ja teisendusreeglite ning vigade diagnoosi disain ja realisatsioon (lihtsustamise ülesanded astmete, üksliikmete ning hulkliikmete teemas);
• osalemine eksperimentides ning nende korraldamine selleks, et hinnata nii T algebra üldise lahenduse erinevaid aspekte kui ka valdkonna spetsiifilise disaini ja realisatsiooni otsuseid.
Eksperimentide peamine tulemus on see, et loodud sammu tegemise skeem on kergesti omandatav õpilaste poolt, vigade diagnoos ja abiteated on arusaadavad ja aitavad õpilasi parandada vigu ja lahendada ülesandeid. Viimases eksperimendis me uurisime vigu, mida õpilased teevad T-algebras ja saime positiivseid tulemusi. Juba esimesel lahendamise sessioonil T-algebraga õpilased õppisid oma vigadest tänu kohesele diagnoosile ja programmi reaktsioonile. Me oleme tuvastanud teatud vigade tüübid, mis kadusid õpilaste lahendustest juba peale paari probleemi lahendamist.
Expression manipulation is one of the central skills needed for solving tasks in practically all fields of mathematics, but is often poorly acquired by students. The use of computerised training environments providing immediate feedback could improve the performance of the students. This thesis is based on the work that has been done for the T-algebra project. The main goal of the project was to create an interactive environment for simplification problem solving in four fields of school mathematics and algebra including solving simplification problems in the domain of exponents, monomials and polynomials. Solving problems in T algebra by making steps is very similar to solving problems on paper. A student has to make all decisions himself and also has the opportunity to make various errors. However, in comparison to solving on paper, T algebra is able to assist the student and perform some steps automatically if the student is lost. Furthermore, T algebra is able to diagnose student errors and provide feedback. Based on the information entered by the student at different stages of the steps, it is possible to make quite adequate diagnosis of student errors and, in future developments, possibly to diagnose misconceptions with very small amount of guesswork and computational efforts. Special three-stage solution step dialogue (called action-object-input scheme) was designed and implemented for T-algebra and also other key components to support this scheme (for example, an expression editor). We improved the input stage with three different input modes and extended the dialogue with additional steps for some rules. The solution step dialogue, design of different field specific transformation rules and problem types as well as support for adequate error diagnosis are key attributes that distinguish T-algebra from other similar environments. In addition to those, T-algebra includes a cognitively faithful domain expert that provides hints and generates automatic solutions to problems corresponding to algorithms taught in classroom. This thesis describes different aspects of the created system, design decisions of different components and some implementation details. These also include parts mainly contributed by the author of the thesis, which could be summarized in three large parts: • design decisions and implementation of some general T-algebra features (including solution step dialogue and extensions, expression editor for supporting the dialogue, interfaces for rules and problem types as well as principles of error diagnosis); • study, design decisions and implementation of problem types, rules and error diagnosis for a specific domain – the domain of exponents, monomials and polynomials; • experimenting efforts in evaluating the general features, like solution dialogue of T-algebra, as well as domain specific decisions, problem types, transformation rules, error diagnosis etc. The main result of the experiments with students was that the introduced solution step dialogue was easy to learn and use, error diagnosis and messages were helpful. The latest study of student errors in T-algebra gave us positive results – we have identified some certain typical errors that disappear from student solutions after just first few problems solved.
Expression manipulation is one of the central skills needed for solving tasks in practically all fields of mathematics, but is often poorly acquired by students. The use of computerised training environments providing immediate feedback could improve the performance of the students. This thesis is based on the work that has been done for the T-algebra project. The main goal of the project was to create an interactive environment for simplification problem solving in four fields of school mathematics and algebra including solving simplification problems in the domain of exponents, monomials and polynomials. Solving problems in T algebra by making steps is very similar to solving problems on paper. A student has to make all decisions himself and also has the opportunity to make various errors. However, in comparison to solving on paper, T algebra is able to assist the student and perform some steps automatically if the student is lost. Furthermore, T algebra is able to diagnose student errors and provide feedback. Based on the information entered by the student at different stages of the steps, it is possible to make quite adequate diagnosis of student errors and, in future developments, possibly to diagnose misconceptions with very small amount of guesswork and computational efforts. Special three-stage solution step dialogue (called action-object-input scheme) was designed and implemented for T-algebra and also other key components to support this scheme (for example, an expression editor). We improved the input stage with three different input modes and extended the dialogue with additional steps for some rules. The solution step dialogue, design of different field specific transformation rules and problem types as well as support for adequate error diagnosis are key attributes that distinguish T-algebra from other similar environments. In addition to those, T-algebra includes a cognitively faithful domain expert that provides hints and generates automatic solutions to problems corresponding to algorithms taught in classroom. This thesis describes different aspects of the created system, design decisions of different components and some implementation details. These also include parts mainly contributed by the author of the thesis, which could be summarized in three large parts: • design decisions and implementation of some general T-algebra features (including solution step dialogue and extensions, expression editor for supporting the dialogue, interfaces for rules and problem types as well as principles of error diagnosis); • study, design decisions and implementation of problem types, rules and error diagnosis for a specific domain – the domain of exponents, monomials and polynomials; • experimenting efforts in evaluating the general features, like solution dialogue of T-algebra, as well as domain specific decisions, problem types, transformation rules, error diagnosis etc. The main result of the experiments with students was that the introduced solution step dialogue was easy to learn and use, error diagnosis and messages were helpful. The latest study of student errors in T-algebra gave us positive results – we have identified some certain typical errors that disappear from student solutions after just first few problems solved.
algebra, teisendused, õpitarkvara, T-algebra (tarkvara), transformation, training software, T-algebra (software)