Segmentation of repeat visitors using passive mobile positioning data: customer loyalty based approach
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Dissertatsiooni eesmärgiks on luua raamistik korduvkülastajate segmenteerimiseks passiivse mobiilpositsioneerimise (PMP) andmeid kasutades. Korduvkülastajate segmenteerimine on aktuaalne ja tähtis seetõttu, et see aitab suurendada sihtkohaturunduse strateegiate tõhusust ja viib turismitööstuses uute toodete ja teenuste loomiseni, mis omakorda aitab kaasa kasvule turismitööstuses.
Dissertatsiooni teoreetilises osas võrreldakse klientide lojaalsuse erinevaid käsitlusi ning luuakse uus integreeritud klientide lojaalsuse käsitlus. Samuti täpsustatakse sihtkohalojaalsuse olemust ja tuuakse välja erinevad võimalikud korduvkülastajate segmendid. Seejärel keskendutakse metoodikale, kus esmalt tuuakse välja erinevad karakteristikud, mille alusel saab klientide lojaalsust mõõta, seejärel tutvustatakse PMP meetodit ja tuuakse välja selle positiivsed küljed ja nõrgad kohad. Korduvkülastajate segmenteerimiseks pakutakse autori poolt välja otsene ja kaudne meetod.
Dissertatsiooni empiiriline osa põhineb kolmel artiklil. Esimene artikkel uurib mõjutegureid, mis mõjutavad klientide liikumist erinevate lojaalsussegmentide vahel ja eesmärgiks on selgitada välja, kas klientide lojaalsuse alusel segmenteerimisel on üldse mõtet. Teise empiirilise uurimuse eesmärgiks on luua metoodika, kuidas eristada külastajate telefonikasutuse andmete alusel korduvkülastusi. Kolmandas artiklis testitakse dissertatsioonis välja pakutud raamistikku korduvkülastajate segmenteerimiseks. Selle raames on (käitumuslike) kõnetoimingute andmete alusel tehtud järeldusi külastajate külastusmotiivide kohta, mille kaudu on jõutud Eestit külastanud korduvkülastajate segmenteerimiseni.
The aim of this dissertation is to create a framework for the segmentation of repeat visitors using passive mobile positioning (PMP) data. The topic is important and actual since the segmentation of repeat visitors should improve the effectiveness of destination marketing strategies and lead to the creation of new products and services facilitating the growth of the tourism industry. The building of the framework starts from the theoretical part of the phenomena. As the repeat visitation is a behavioural expression of destination loyalty which, in principle, is a sort of customer loyalty, first the concepts of customer loyalty and destination loyalty are specified. The author of this dissertation proposes new definitions, which are more flexible and allow distinguishing between different types of loyalty. Also the concept of the “visitors” used in former literature of destination loyalty is broadened and the concept of destination is specified. Then a methodological side of the segmentation process is placed under consideration. The a-priori descriptive method is used and direct and indirect methods for segmentation are proposed by the author. The criteria of segmentation are proposed based on different measures of loyalty while considering the limits and capabilities of PMP. This dissertation consists of three empirical studies. The first study shows that the impact of the different factors affecting loyalty is dependant on the level of loyalty of the customers and therefore the detection and differentiation of different loyalty segments is important. The second empirical study introduces the possibilities offered by passive mobile positioning. The main objective of this study is to work out the algorithm for the detection of repeat visits. In the third empirical study the testing of the proposed framework for the segmentation of repeat visitors using PMP data is accomplished. Different characteristics are used for the direct or indirect detection of repeat visitors’ segments. The distribution of visitors to Estonia in the loyalty segments is identified.
The aim of this dissertation is to create a framework for the segmentation of repeat visitors using passive mobile positioning (PMP) data. The topic is important and actual since the segmentation of repeat visitors should improve the effectiveness of destination marketing strategies and lead to the creation of new products and services facilitating the growth of the tourism industry. The building of the framework starts from the theoretical part of the phenomena. As the repeat visitation is a behavioural expression of destination loyalty which, in principle, is a sort of customer loyalty, first the concepts of customer loyalty and destination loyalty are specified. The author of this dissertation proposes new definitions, which are more flexible and allow distinguishing between different types of loyalty. Also the concept of the “visitors” used in former literature of destination loyalty is broadened and the concept of destination is specified. Then a methodological side of the segmentation process is placed under consideration. The a-priori descriptive method is used and direct and indirect methods for segmentation are proposed by the author. The criteria of segmentation are proposed based on different measures of loyalty while considering the limits and capabilities of PMP. This dissertation consists of three empirical studies. The first study shows that the impact of the different factors affecting loyalty is dependant on the level of loyalty of the customers and therefore the detection and differentiation of different loyalty segments is important. The second empirical study introduces the possibilities offered by passive mobile positioning. The main objective of this study is to work out the algorithm for the detection of repeat visits. In the third empirical study the testing of the proposed framework for the segmentation of repeat visitors using PMP data is accomplished. Different characteristics are used for the direct or indirect detection of repeat visitors’ segments. The distribution of visitors to Estonia in the loyalty segments is identified.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda empiiriliste uuringute osa.
tarbijauuringud, kliendid, mobiilpositsioneerimine, kliendilojaalsus, consumer research, customers, mobile positioning, customer loyality