Ecology and bioindicative value of epiphytic lichens in relation to air pollution and forest continuity
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Doktoritöö käsitleb samblike liigirikkuse ja liigilise koosseisu erinevusi seoses õhusaaste ning metsa järjepidevusega, pöörates põhitähelepanu kuusel ja männil kasvavatele liikidele. (1) Tallinnas uuriti liiklussaaste mõju mändidel ja pärnadel kasvavatele samblikele. Muutused samblike liigilises koosseisus teeäärsetel puudel olid silmatorkavamad mändide puhul. Mändide koore happesus oli teede ääres oluliselt vähenenud, mille põhjuseks võib pidada liiklusega seotud tolmusaastet. Seega, koore kõrgemat pH taset eelistavate samblikuliikide esinemine mändidel on heaks tolmusaaste indikaatoriks; taolised indikaatorliigid on näiteks Phaeophyscia orbicularis, Physcia dubia ja Xanthoria parietina. (2) Ida-Virumaal uuriti samblike liigilise koosseisu muutusi puu jalamist ladvani seoses tolmusaastega. Tulemused näitavad, et võrdlemisi tihedates okasmetsades on tolmusaaste mõju samblike koosseisule oluliselt suurem võra ülemises osas, mida iseloomustab tolmusaaste indikaatorliikide puudumine tüve alumistel meetritel ning suur sagedus puulatvades. (3) Metsa järjepidevuse ja puu vanuse mõju epifüütsetele samblikele uuriti Eesti okasmetsades. Samblike liigirikkus oli kõrgem vanades metsades võrreldes esimese põlvkonna metsadega. Paljusid samblikuliike, sh kaitsealuseid ja punase raamatu liike, leiti vaid vanades pika järjepidevusega metsades, tõendades selliste metsade kõrget looduskaitselist väärtust. Samblikuliike Arthonia leucopellaea ja Lecanactis abietina võib soovitada kui väga häid vanade okasmetsade indikaatorliike Eestis. (4) Lõpetuseks võrreldi samblike liigirikkust ja liigilist koosseisu Eesti ja Fennoskandia vanades okasmetsades, mille tulemusena selgusid olulised erinevused uuritud alade samblike kooslustes. Paljude liikide, sh enamiku leitud vääriselupaiga indikaatorliikide, esinemine uuritud puudel erines Eesti ja Fennoskandia vahel. Tulemused kinnitavad, et väärtuslike metsaalade indikaatorliikide valikul tuleb arvestada kohalike eripäradega liikide arvukuses.
The doctoral thesis deals with the effects of air pollution and forest continuity on lichen species richness and species composition, with main emphasis on species growing on spruce and pine. (1) Epiphytic lichens on pine and lime trees were studied in relation to traffic pollution in Tallinn. The alterations in lichen species composition on roadside trees were more evident in case of pines. The normally acid bark pH of pines had increased near the roads, evidently due to road dust. The presence of lichen species that prefer higher bark pH on pines, e.g. Phaeophyscia orbicularis, Physcia dubia and Xanthoria parietina, is recommended as good indicator of dust pollution. (2) The effects of dust pollution on the vertical changes in lichen communities in coniferous forests were studied in north-eastern Estonia. Upper canopy lichens were much more affected by dust depositions from atmosphere as dust indicators were absent in the lowest height range but frequent in the treetops in polluted forest sites. (3) Epiphytic lichens in Estonian coniferous forests were studied in relation to forest continuity and tree age. Lichen species richness proved to be significantly higher in old forests compared to first-generation forests. Several lichen species, including protected and red listed species, were associated with old forests, demonstrating the high conservational value of these forests. Arthonia leucopellaea and Lecanactis abietina are regarded as best indicators of old coniferous forests in Estonia. (4) Epiphytic lichen biota was compared between Estonian and Fennoscandian old coniferous forests, revealing great differences in lichen diversity between the studied areas. The occurrence of many lichen species, including majority of recorded woodland key habitat indicators, on sampled trees differed between Estonia and Fennoscandia. The results confirm that the local context has to be taken into account when choosing indicator lichens of valuable forest habitats.
The doctoral thesis deals with the effects of air pollution and forest continuity on lichen species richness and species composition, with main emphasis on species growing on spruce and pine. (1) Epiphytic lichens on pine and lime trees were studied in relation to traffic pollution in Tallinn. The alterations in lichen species composition on roadside trees were more evident in case of pines. The normally acid bark pH of pines had increased near the roads, evidently due to road dust. The presence of lichen species that prefer higher bark pH on pines, e.g. Phaeophyscia orbicularis, Physcia dubia and Xanthoria parietina, is recommended as good indicator of dust pollution. (2) The effects of dust pollution on the vertical changes in lichen communities in coniferous forests were studied in north-eastern Estonia. Upper canopy lichens were much more affected by dust depositions from atmosphere as dust indicators were absent in the lowest height range but frequent in the treetops in polluted forest sites. (3) Epiphytic lichens in Estonian coniferous forests were studied in relation to forest continuity and tree age. Lichen species richness proved to be significantly higher in old forests compared to first-generation forests. Several lichen species, including protected and red listed species, were associated with old forests, demonstrating the high conservational value of these forests. Arthonia leucopellaea and Lecanactis abietina are regarded as best indicators of old coniferous forests in Estonia. (4) Epiphytic lichen biota was compared between Estonian and Fennoscandian old coniferous forests, revealing great differences in lichen diversity between the studied areas. The occurrence of many lichen species, including majority of recorded woodland key habitat indicators, on sampled trees differed between Estonia and Fennoscandia. The results confirm that the local context has to be taken into account when choosing indicator lichens of valuable forest habitats.
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epifüüdid, samblikud, linnaökoloogia, liigirikkus, liigiline koosseis, bioindikaatorid, epiphytes, urban ecology, lichens, species diversity, species composition, bioindicators