Raadiosaate „Kirjutamata memuaare" sisu muutumine aastatel 1977-2006



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Tartu Ülikool


"Content transformation of the radio show 'Unwritten memories' during the years 1977 - 2006" In the current thesis I analyze how the content of the radio show „Kirjutamata memuaare“ changed based on the time period during which the show was aired. My aim was to explain if different time periods and social order influenced the show’s content, objectives, form and its participants. To reach that goal I made a selection, which included 12 randomly chosen shows of „Kirjutamata memuaare“ from 1977 to 2006, when the show was aired on Estonian Radio. There were 23 interviews included in the shows. To analyze, I transcribed the interviews and the analysis was based on the texts of the interviews. In the theoretical part of the work I took the radio as a medium, dealt with radio genres and more closely I inspected the peculiarities of radio interviews. I also covered journalistic freedom, editing and the soviet period in Estonian radio journalism. I focused more intently on key words such as narrative and modality. I based the theoretical part on Estonia’s theorists’ and well known Estonian radio operatives’ researches in particular. Closer inspection was done on the works of Ivar Trikkel, Vello Lääne and Valdo Pant. To answer the questions raised in the thesis I used two methods – quantitative content analysis and qualitative content analysis. Quantitative analysis gave the opportunity to map the results using numerical values and to create a general picture of how the shows changed during three different periods. The results revealed that the form, objectives, content and participants of the shows changed within the context of social order. The critical discourse analysis method helped find out the use of words in interviews, their hidden meaning and tonality, what the value of the stories was and which ideological meanings were hidden in the sentences. The analysis revealed that depending of the period the show’s content was different. If, during the earlier period from 1977 to 1984, the topics of the shows were softer, more based on culture, then during the latter periods from 1987 to 2006 the shows were almost without exception aimed at the second World War. The topics changed at times to more critical and bold. According to the period, the amount of information, which was publicly discussed, changed. After the soviet times the need to convey the true meaning of the stories by subtle hints, symbols and connections was diminished. For the listener the shows during the opening periods were more shallow and frail, during the latter periods the narrative changed into more deeper and honest thanks to the context being different. Similarly to the show „Kirjutamata memuaare“’s content, the participants became more bold and critical as well. One’s own opinion was declared more openly after the soviet period, people were more emotional and critisized the soviet reign. Previously a neutral presenter Lembit Lauri also made evaluations. If, during 1977 to 1984 period Lauri conveyed his opinions with his tone of voice and signs, then later he did the same using words and emotions as well. The values, that were transmitted, were previously rather felt. Lauri asked a lot about the first rebublic and he did so covertly, cautiously. There also occurred soviet propaganda, which usually revealed itself in the text excerpts that Lauri read. After the soviet period the values that were conveyed, were unequivocal and clear. Estonia, Estonians were valued and soviet authority was bravely criticized. The objective of the show also changed with the social order. If, during the earlier period the objective was more about conveying hidden messages and valuing the person, then during the latter period the objective of the shows was to reflect society by people’s stories. Guests in the shows painted an objective picture with their subjective stories of general life during different time periods. From 1977 to 1984 a picture of Estonia before the second World War was painted, from 1987 to 2006 a summary of the second World War, the escapes, life and repression was the main aim of the stories. The current thesis gave an overview of how the content of the show „Kirjutamata memuaare“ changed from 1977 to 2006. The show was varied and the thesis revealed that changes happened in the show „Kirjutamata memuaarides“ in the people making speeches, subjects, messages and objectives. All those changes were largely dependant on the time period during which the show was broadcast. Since the material is varied and abundant, following researches could focus more closely and deeply on more specific time periods during which the show was broadcast on the Estonian Radio.


