Õpetajad ja eakaaslased internetikasutuse vahendajatena põhikooli õpilaste pilgu läbi
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Teachers and peers as mediators of internet use through the eyes of primary school children.
The aim of this thesis was to find out, how useful are recommendations and directions about the
use of the internet from teachers and peers, and if children think it is useful to get advice from
them about different problems and dangers they may encounter, or whether children prefer to
turn to teachers and peers, when they are already facing the problem.
The theoretical part of this study gives an overview of the information society and focuses on the
changes, that it has brought, how it influences children and which are society’s expectations and
fears regarding the growth of the internet use. In addition, I have brought out main online risks
and opportunities. The main emphasis is on empirical results regarding teachers’ and peers’
mediation. Mostly, these are based on EU Kids Online reports.
To gather empirical data for this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted among 11-12
and 13-14 year old children. All in all, there were eight interviews and all children participated in
the interviews in pairs.
Due to the limited sample of this study, it is not possible to make overall generalisations, but it
gives an overview of children’s internet use in one primary school and of teachers’ and peers’
influence on these children regarding the internet.
The study shows that, when children had encountered something difficult on the internet, they
turned to peers, but generally, 13-14 year olds manage to cope with their problems on their own.
Teachers have given children the advice, how to use the internet more safely. Younger children
associate it with a video about online risks. In addition to that, I found from the interviews, that
retroactive mediation takes place among 11-12 year olds and their peers, which means that
children turn to their peers, when they encounter a problem. From teachers, children expect
proactive mediation, which means that teachers should talk about possible problems and dangers
before children face them, but when a real problem occurs, children would rather not turn to their
teachers. However, 13-14 year olds turn to their teachers, when they have questions about
schoolwork regarding the internet.
As the growth of children internet use is rapid, the theme about teaching new media at schools is
becoming more topical. Due to the fact, that children face many problems daily using the
internet, teachers should more and more act as “guides” or “interpreters” (Kalmus 2012
forthcoming) and help children to discover new opportunities and cope with online risks already
in elementary school.