Church authority in society, culture and politics after Communism
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Ajaloolist lähenemist ja võrdlevat meetodit kasutav uurimus hindab kommunistlike režiimide mõju traditsioonilise kiriku võimu langusele avalikul alal. Kiriku võimu langust ühiskonnas, kultuuris ja poliitikas käsitleb uurimus ainsa ja määrava tunnusena, mis kaasneb kaasajal sotsiaalse, kultuurilise ja poliitilise sekulariseerumisega.
Põhitähelepanu all on üheksa läänekristliku kultuuritaustaga postkommunistlikku ühiskonda, mille kultuurilised rahvusliikumised algasid 19. sajandil. See oli aeg, mil Euroopa ühiskonnad olid olulisel määral juba sekulariseerunud ning avalikke funktsioone täitev kristlus oli muutunud piibellikust ja dogmaatilisest, müütilisest ja konfessionaalsest, kultuur-, tsiviil- ja rahvusreligiooniliseks.
Kiriku avalikku võimu on kommunismiaegsetest riigi ja kiriku suhetest enam mõjutanud kaks kommunismieelset riigi ja kiriku suhete mustrit – kultuuriline konfessioon (luterlik või katoliiklik) ning 19. sajandil kujunenud kiriku suhted rahvusliikumisega. Sõltumata sellest, kas kommunistlik kirikupoliitika oli kaasav või repressiivne, nõrgendas ta veelgi neid rahvuse ja kiriku vahelisi suhteid, mis oli nõrgad ka varem, ning tugevdas rahvuse ja kiriku liitu seal, kus vastavad suhted olid tugevad juba kommunistliku režiimi eel. Kirikute võim on erakordsel määral nõrgenenud kõigis luterliku traditsiooniga postkommunistlikes ühiskondades, kuid traditsiooniliselt katoliiklikest ühiskondadest vaid sellistes, milles kirikul puudub positiivne side rahvuskultuuriga.
Kahel kaudsel moel on kommunistlikud režiimid aidanud ka kaitsta traditsiooniliste kirikute avalikku võimu. Kommunistlikud režiimid ei soodustanud religiooni individualiseerumist ja kaasajastumist ehk protsesse, mis samaaegselt Lääne-Euroopa liberaaldemokraatlikes ühiskondades kirikute võimu nõrgendasid. Lisaks on homoseksualismi taunimine säilinud kommunistlike režiimi väärtushoiakulise pärandina ka sellistes ühiskondades, kus kodanike sidemed traditsiooniliste kirikutega on lagunenud.
The study assesses the specific impact of Communist regimes on the public authority of the traditional churches by using the historical approach and comparative method. The declining authority of the traditional church institutions in society, culture and politics is claimed to be the sole indicator of the social, cultural and political secularization that accompanies the processes of modernization. The main regional focus is limited to nine traditionally Western Christian post-communist societies, which experienced the origin of the cultural nation-building in 19th century. By this time publicly functional Christianities in European cultures and polities had transformed from the biblical and dogmatic, mythic and confessional to the cultural, civil and the national. The church-state relations of the Communist period have influenced the post-communist patterns of church authority less than pre-Communist historical struggles between Reformation and Counter-Reformation, and the legacy of church-state relationships of the early national awakening. Regardless of whether the pattern of Communist policy vis-à-vis the church was cooptive or repressive, the Communist period tended to weaken the pre-existing weak bonds between the church and the nation but to strengthen them where they were strong from the beginning. The church authority has been undermined in all post-communist Lutheran cultures, but only in such Catholic cultures, where the church lacks positive tie to national identity. Indirectly,the Communist regimes have helped also to preserve the traditional authority of churches. The social structures of the Communist regimes protected church traditions from religious individualization and modernization, which have weakened the church authority in Western liberal democratic societies. Additionally, the disapproval of homosexuality has persisted as a legacy of Communist regimes even in such post-communist societies where connections to churches have largely been lost.
The study assesses the specific impact of Communist regimes on the public authority of the traditional churches by using the historical approach and comparative method. The declining authority of the traditional church institutions in society, culture and politics is claimed to be the sole indicator of the social, cultural and political secularization that accompanies the processes of modernization. The main regional focus is limited to nine traditionally Western Christian post-communist societies, which experienced the origin of the cultural nation-building in 19th century. By this time publicly functional Christianities in European cultures and polities had transformed from the biblical and dogmatic, mythic and confessional to the cultural, civil and the national. The church-state relations of the Communist period have influenced the post-communist patterns of church authority less than pre-Communist historical struggles between Reformation and Counter-Reformation, and the legacy of church-state relationships of the early national awakening. Regardless of whether the pattern of Communist policy vis-à-vis the church was cooptive or repressive, the Communist period tended to weaken the pre-existing weak bonds between the church and the nation but to strengthen them where they were strong from the beginning. The church authority has been undermined in all post-communist Lutheran cultures, but only in such Catholic cultures, where the church lacks positive tie to national identity. Indirectly,the Communist regimes have helped also to preserve the traditional authority of churches. The social structures of the Communist regimes protected church traditions from religious individualization and modernization, which have weakened the church authority in Western liberal democratic societies. Additionally, the disapproval of homosexuality has persisted as a legacy of Communist regimes even in such post-communist societies where connections to churches have largely been lost.
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postsotsialistlikud riigid, Euroopa, sekularisatsioon, riigi-kiriku suhe, poliitika, võrdlevuuringud, Estonica kogu, post-communist countries, Europe, secularization, church and state, politics, comparative research