The relationship between governance and performance in water services provision in Estonian municipalities
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Viimastel kümnenditel on arusaamad riigi või kohaliku omavalitsuse rollist avalike teenuste osuta¬misel oluliselt muutunud. Paljud riigid on algatanud avaliku sektori valitsemise reforme, et suurendada avalike teenuste osutamise tulemuslikkust. Reformide tulemusel on nende teenuste osutamine muutunud killustatumaks ja lepingulistel suhetel põhinevaks. Samas on senised teadmised valitsemise mõjudest avalike teenuste osutamise tulemuslikkusele kasinad ja killustunud. Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärgiks on luua Eesti veesektori näitel põhjalikum arusaamine sellest, kuidas avalike teenuste osutamisega tegelevate ettevõtete valitsemise mehhanismide ülesehitus ja kasutamine mõjutavad avalike teenuste osutamise rahalist ja mitterahalist tulemuslikkust. See teadmine aitab poliitikate kujundajaid, hinnaregulaatoreid ning teisi osapooli strateegiate arendamisel ja võimaluste leidmisel, et parandada veeteenuste ja teiste sarnaste avalike teenuste osutamise tulemuslikkust.
Doktoritöö empiirilise uuringu esimene osa sisaldab kvantitatiivset analüüsi omandivormi mõju kohta Eesti vee-ettevõtete tehnilisele tõhususele. Analüüs näitas, et ühtegi vaadeldud omandivormi (avaliku, erasektori ning avaliku ja erasektori ühine omandus) ei saa seostada suurema või madalama tõhususega kasutatud valimi korral. Uuringu tulemused ei toetanud teoreetilisi seisukohti, et avaliku sektori omanduses olevad ettevõtted on suhteliselt vähem tõhusad. Empiirilise uuringu teine osa koosneb võrdlevast juhtumiuuringust, mille tulemustest selgus, et vaadeldud omandivormidel on erinev mõju vee-ettevõtete rahalisele ja mitterahalisele tulemuslikkusele, mis sõltuvalt kasutatud valitsemise mehhanismidest võib olla negatiivne või positiivne. Eraomaniku kontrollitav vee-ettevõte (sh. avaliku ja erasektori ühises omanduses olev) võib saavutada suhteliselt suurema tulemuslikkuse, kui õigused (nt. tariifid) ja kohustused (nt. kvaliteedinõuded, aruandluse põhimõtted) on rangete lepingutega selgelt määratletud. Veeteenuste osutamine eraettevõtte poolt ilma eelnevate kirjalike kokkulepeteta viib tõenäoliselt tulemuslikkust kahjustavate volitaja-agendi probleemideni kohaliku omavalitsuse ja ettevõtte vahel. Avaliku sektori omanduses olevad ettevõtted, mida sageli peetakse vanamoelisteks ja ebaefektiivseteks, võivad saavutada hea tulemuslikkuse ka ilma rangete lepinguliste korraldusteta, kui vee-ettevõte on seotud kohaliku omavalitsusega ettevõtte nõukogu kaudu professionaalsusele tuginevalt.
Doktoritöö tulemused osundavad, et ainuüksi vee-ettevõtete omandivormi muutmine (nt. erastamine) ei lahenda tulemuslikkusega seonduvaid väljakutseid veeteenuste osutamisel. Poliitikud, veesektori regulaatorid ja vee-ettevõtete juhid peaksid põhjalikult kaalutlema veeteenuste osutamist reguleerivate lepinguliste sätete ning ettevõtte nõukogu kasutamise mõju vee-ettevõtte soovitud rahaliste ja mitterahaliste eesmärkide saavutamisele.
Performance improvement in public services is recognised as a goal for many governments, and has resulted in a variety of public governance reform initiatives. Nevertheless, current knowledge about how governance arrangements influence the performance of public services is scarce and fragmented. The present dissertation aims to provide an in-depth understanding of how local governments set up and use governance mechanisms for public services provision and how the different governance patterns determine financial and non-financial performance in public services. This study seeks to contribute to the scientific debate on governance-performance relationships through research conducted in the Estonian water sector. The first part of the empirical research comprises a quantitative analysis of the influence of ownership on the technical efficiency of Estonian water companies. The analysis reveals that none of the given ownership forms (public, private, mixed public-private) can be associated with a greater or lower efficiency levels. The second part of the empirical research - a comparative case study research - shows that the observed ownership structures had a different influence on the financial and non-financial performance of the water companies, which depending on the applied governance mechanisms could be either negative or positive. Private ownership of a water company could lead to relatively greater performance, if the rights (e.g. tariffs) and obligations (e.g. quality requirements, accountability) are clearly fixed by strict regulatory contracts. Water services provision by a privately owned company without a clear ex ante written set of rules is likely to cause performance eroding agency problems between the local government and the company. Moreover, public ownership, which is often considered to be old-fashioned and ineffective, could lead to good performance even without strong contractual arrangements when the water company is tied with the local government on a professional basis via the supervisory board. The empirical findings of this study suggest that mere privatisation itself is not the key to solving performance problems in the water sector. Policymakers, regulators and managers of water companies involved in water services provision should consider the setup and use of regulatory contracts and corporate boards thoroughly in order to be effective in achieving the targeted financial and non-financial performance objectives.
Performance improvement in public services is recognised as a goal for many governments, and has resulted in a variety of public governance reform initiatives. Nevertheless, current knowledge about how governance arrangements influence the performance of public services is scarce and fragmented. The present dissertation aims to provide an in-depth understanding of how local governments set up and use governance mechanisms for public services provision and how the different governance patterns determine financial and non-financial performance in public services. This study seeks to contribute to the scientific debate on governance-performance relationships through research conducted in the Estonian water sector. The first part of the empirical research comprises a quantitative analysis of the influence of ownership on the technical efficiency of Estonian water companies. The analysis reveals that none of the given ownership forms (public, private, mixed public-private) can be associated with a greater or lower efficiency levels. The second part of the empirical research - a comparative case study research - shows that the observed ownership structures had a different influence on the financial and non-financial performance of the water companies, which depending on the applied governance mechanisms could be either negative or positive. Private ownership of a water company could lead to relatively greater performance, if the rights (e.g. tariffs) and obligations (e.g. quality requirements, accountability) are clearly fixed by strict regulatory contracts. Water services provision by a privately owned company without a clear ex ante written set of rules is likely to cause performance eroding agency problems between the local government and the company. Moreover, public ownership, which is often considered to be old-fashioned and ineffective, could lead to good performance even without strong contractual arrangements when the water company is tied with the local government on a professional basis via the supervisory board. The empirical findings of this study suggest that mere privatisation itself is not the key to solving performance problems in the water sector. Policymakers, regulators and managers of water companies involved in water services provision should consider the setup and use of regulatory contracts and corporate boards thoroughly in order to be effective in achieving the targeted financial and non-financial performance objectives.
veemajandus, tulemuslikkus, avalikud teenused, kohalikud omavalitsused, kvantitatiivne analüüs, empiirilised meetodid, juhtumiuuringud, võrdlevuuringud, Eesti, water management, results of action, public services, local governements, empirical methods, case studies, comparative research, Estonia