Understanding the Role of Communication in the Management Accounting and Control Process
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Kommunikatsiooni protsess seob omavahel juhtimisarvestusest saadavad näitajad organisatsiooniliikmete tegevustega ning omab seetõttu väga olulist rolli organisatsiooni juhtimises ja selle eesmärkide saavutamises. Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärgiks on välja töötada kommunikatsiooni mudel juhtimisarvestuse valdkonna tarvis, mis võimaldaks paremini mõista ja seeläbi mõjutada organisatsioonis toimuvaid protsesse.
Doktoritöö teoreetiline osa baseerub Roman Jakobsoni kommunikatsiooniteoorial ja Juri Lotmani kultuurisemiootikal. Doktoritöö empiirilises osas on kasutatud osaleva vaatluse meetodit. Töö autor töötas ja samal ajal kogus empiirilist materjali organisatsioonis, kus tal olid aastate jooksu kujunenud head tööalased suhted paljude selle organisatsiooni liikmetega. Head suhted võimaldasid luua dialoogi organisatsiooni liikmete ja uurija vahel. Kommunikatsiooni mudeli väljatöötamine ja selle rakendatavuse uurimine toimus paralleelselt – kasutades väljatöötatud mudeli esialgset varianti analüüsiti selle ettevõtte juhtimisarvestuse ja controllingu protsessi ning samaaegselt täiendati ja täpsustati loodavat mudelit.
Uurimuse tulemusel võime öelda, et teisiti- või erinevalt mõistmine (ingl k misunderstanding) on kommunikatsiooni ja seeläbi ka juhtimisarvestuse ja controllingu protsessi lahutamatu osa. Doktoritöös tuuakse välja, et teisiti/erinevalt mõistmise roll ja selle teadvustamine juhtimisarvestuse ja controllingu protsessis on tänapäeval väga oluline, sest juhtimisarvestuse süsteemi kasutajateks on kaasaegse infoühiskonna tingimustes (peaaegu) kõik organisatsiooni liikmed.
Doktoritöös töötatakse välja kommunikatsiooni mudel, mille kaasabil saaksid organisatsioonide juhid ja ka teadlased analüüsida juhtimisarvestuse ja controllingu süsteemi toimimist. Uurimuse tulemusena luuakse kommunikatsiooni mudel, mis aitaks juhtimise ja -arvestuse protsessi paremini analüüsida ja leida võimalusi selle efektiivsemaks muutmiseks, mis omakorda aitaks juhtidel paremini organisatsiooni liikmeid kaasata planeeritud tulemuste saavutamisele.
The communication process in MAC is extremely important to understand how indicators and actions are connected. The study investigates the opportunities to understand communication in MAC. The aim of this study is to elaborate the model of communication for the MAC field to better understand the role of communication in MAC. The study draws on Jakobson’s communication theory, Lotman’s cultural semiotics and analyses the MAC communication process along with the results of the case study. The empirical study is based on participant observation and utilises the researcher’s previous professional (business) experience. The researcher gathered empirical material in the course of working with people with whom she forged good relationships for many years and with whom she could conduct her research and create opportunities for dialogue. The empirical study tests using the communication model to better understand the communication process in the MAC chain of the case company. This study shows that misunderstanding is an integral part of communication in the MAC processes and the communication and understanding/misunderstanding aspects of MAC are more important than was thought in the age when MAC was a tool for top management. This study introduces a communication theory which could offer managers a useful way to analyse the implementation of MAC. It provides theoretical propositions about the mechanism and the effects of a communication process on coordinating action in the organization and also provides a practical tool for analysing those processes in the organisation. This may help in both the evaluation of MAC and in improving its actual processes. This study attempts to help organizations improve the application of MAC by proposing a theory that might improve MAC practice and assist managers in engaging employees.
The communication process in MAC is extremely important to understand how indicators and actions are connected. The study investigates the opportunities to understand communication in MAC. The aim of this study is to elaborate the model of communication for the MAC field to better understand the role of communication in MAC. The study draws on Jakobson’s communication theory, Lotman’s cultural semiotics and analyses the MAC communication process along with the results of the case study. The empirical study is based on participant observation and utilises the researcher’s previous professional (business) experience. The researcher gathered empirical material in the course of working with people with whom she forged good relationships for many years and with whom she could conduct her research and create opportunities for dialogue. The empirical study tests using the communication model to better understand the communication process in the MAC chain of the case company. This study shows that misunderstanding is an integral part of communication in the MAC processes and the communication and understanding/misunderstanding aspects of MAC are more important than was thought in the age when MAC was a tool for top management. This study introduces a communication theory which could offer managers a useful way to analyse the implementation of MAC. It provides theoretical propositions about the mechanism and the effects of a communication process on coordinating action in the organization and also provides a practical tool for analysing those processes in the organisation. This may help in both the evaluation of MAC and in improving its actual processes. This study attempts to help organizations improve the application of MAC by proposing a theory that might improve MAC practice and assist managers in engaging employees.
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