Vitiligo: clinical aspects, quality of life and the role of melanocortin system in pathogenesis
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Vitiliigo on haigus, mis valikuliselt kahjustab melanotsüüte ja põhjustab koldelist pigmendi kadu nahas, karvades ja limaskestades.
Antud töö eesmärgiks oli vitiliigo kliiniliste iseärasuste uurimine, haigete elukvaliteedi hindamine ja melanokortiini süsteemi rolli selgitamine vitiliigo tekkemehhanismis.
Uuritavateks olid mõlemast soost vitiliigo haiged ja terved kontrollisikud vanuses ≥18a. Uuritavaid anketeeriti, kasutades selleks kliiniliste tunnuste, Dermatoloogia Elukvaliteedi Indeksi ja Emotsionaalse Enesehinnangu Küsimustikke. Uuritavatel määrati veeniveres autoantikehad, vitiliigo koldes ja näiliselt terves nahas melanokortiiniraja süsteemi geenide mRNA ekspressiooni tasemed qRT-PCR meetodil.
Uurimus selgitas välja, et 81% haigetest esineb harilik vitiliigo. Haiguse kulg on pikaajaline ja aeglaselt progresseeruv, kuid enamusel juhtudest ei ületa pigmendi kadu 10% nahapinnast. Naistel esineb meestega võrreldes oluliselt sagedamini kaasnevat autoimmuunhaigust, autoantikehi veres ja autoimmuunset polüendokriinset sündroomi. Selgus, et perekondliku vitiliigoga haigetel on kõrgenenud risk hariliku vitiliigo vormi väljakujunemiseks varases haigusjärgus ja naissugu on oluliseks riskiteguriks ulatusliku depigmentatsiooni tekkel sporaadilistel juhtudel. Leidsime, et vitiliigo mõju elukvaliteedile on täiskasvanutel väike. Naissugu on enam mõjutatud sümptomite/tunnete skaalal ja meessugu isiklike suhete skaalal. Madalam elukvaliteet on vitiliigo haigetel seotud varasema haigestumisega, ulatusliku pigmendi kaoga, haiguse progresseerumisega ja depigmentatsiooniga labakätel. Võrdlus tervete kontrollisikutega ei toonud välja statistiliselt olulist erinevust haigete emotsionaalses seisundis. Näitasime, et melanokortiini süsteemi geenide ja signaalülekandes antud süsteemilt pigmentatsiooniensüümidele osalevate geenide ekspressioon on tõusnud vitiliigo haigete visuaalselt kahjustamata nahas, mis viitab kompensatoorse mehhanismi olemasolule taastamaks normaalset pigmentatsiooni haiguskolletes.
Kokkuvõtteks võib öelda, et antud uurimus tõi välja mitmeid vitiliigo kliinilisi iseärasusi, näitas haiguse vähest mõju elukvaliteedile ja tõestas, et melanokortiini süsteemi geenide ekspressioon on vitiliigo korral muutunud.
Vitiligo is a pigmentary disease characterized by white patches of the skin, hair and mucous membranes due to selective destruction of melanocytes. The aim of the current study was to examine the clinical aspects of vitiligo, the impact of quality of life and to elucidate the role of the melanocortin system in pathogenesis of vitiligo. The study group consisted of the patients with vitiligo and healthy controls at the age 18 years and over. All the subjects were questioned by using clinical, Dermatology Life Quality Index and Emotional State Questionnaires. The level of the autoantibodies in the blood and the exspressional level of the genes of the system of pathway of melanocortin in the lesional and nonlesional skin were measured by using qRT-PCR method. The study confirmed that vulgar vitiligo, occurring in 81% of the subjects, was the most frequent clinical type of vitiligo. The disease has a long lasting course with a slow progression as in the majority of the subjects pigment loss did not exceed 10% of body surface area. Female gender is associated with the presence of other autoimmune disease, autoantibodies in the blood and autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome. Patients with familial vitiligo have a higher risk for vulgar type at the beginning of the disease and female gender increases the risk for extensive depigmentation in sporadic cases. We demonstrated the disease related small impairment of quality of life in vitiligo. Females with vitiligo were more influenced in symptoms/feelings and males in relations. Lower quality of life in vitiligo is associated with earlier disease onset, extensive pigment loss, progression of the disease and depigmentation on the hands. Comparison with healthy controls did not show any statistically important difference in subjects’ emotional state in vitiligo. We revealed that the expression of the genes of the system of melanocortin pathway is increased in the non lesional skin of the patients with vitiligo and this up regulation could function as a compensation to restore normal pigmentation in depigmented lesions of the skin. The results of the present study brought out several clinical aspects in vitiligo, demonstrated the disease related small impairment of quality of life and verified that the expression of the genes of melanocortin system is changed in vitiligo.
Vitiligo is a pigmentary disease characterized by white patches of the skin, hair and mucous membranes due to selective destruction of melanocytes. The aim of the current study was to examine the clinical aspects of vitiligo, the impact of quality of life and to elucidate the role of the melanocortin system in pathogenesis of vitiligo. The study group consisted of the patients with vitiligo and healthy controls at the age 18 years and over. All the subjects were questioned by using clinical, Dermatology Life Quality Index and Emotional State Questionnaires. The level of the autoantibodies in the blood and the exspressional level of the genes of the system of pathway of melanocortin in the lesional and nonlesional skin were measured by using qRT-PCR method. The study confirmed that vulgar vitiligo, occurring in 81% of the subjects, was the most frequent clinical type of vitiligo. The disease has a long lasting course with a slow progression as in the majority of the subjects pigment loss did not exceed 10% of body surface area. Female gender is associated with the presence of other autoimmune disease, autoantibodies in the blood and autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome. Patients with familial vitiligo have a higher risk for vulgar type at the beginning of the disease and female gender increases the risk for extensive depigmentation in sporadic cases. We demonstrated the disease related small impairment of quality of life in vitiligo. Females with vitiligo were more influenced in symptoms/feelings and males in relations. Lower quality of life in vitiligo is associated with earlier disease onset, extensive pigment loss, progression of the disease and depigmentation on the hands. Comparison with healthy controls did not show any statistically important difference in subjects’ emotional state in vitiligo. We revealed that the expression of the genes of the system of melanocortin pathway is increased in the non lesional skin of the patients with vitiligo and this up regulation could function as a compensation to restore normal pigmentation in depigmented lesions of the skin. The results of the present study brought out several clinical aspects in vitiligo, demonstrated the disease related small impairment of quality of life and verified that the expression of the genes of melanocortin system is changed in vitiligo.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.
vitiliigo, kliinilised aspektid, elukvaliteedid, melanokortiinid, vitiligo, clinical aspects, quality of life, melanocortins