De facto states in the international system: Conditions for (in-)formal engagement
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Doktoritöö „De facto states in the international system: Conditions for (in-)formal engagement” uurib rahvusvaheliste suhete ääremaid – de facto riike. Tegemist on üksustega, mis vastavad riigi tunnustele, kuid milledel puudub teiste riikide heakskiit: rahvusvaheline tunnustus. Hoolimata sellest on mõned de facto riigid maailmas ellu jäänud ning suhtlevad teiste, tunnustatud riikidega. Käesoleva töö peamine eesmärk ongi leida tingimusi, mis sellist mitte-formaalset suhtlust põhjustavad. Kuid me ei piirdu ainult tingimuste leidmisega vaid otsime ka kombinatsioone, kuidas need tingimused omavahel sobitudes de facto riike rahvusvahelisse süsteemi kaasata aitavad. Selleks kasutame töös meetodit, mis on jõudsalt järgijaid kogumas, kuid rahvusvaheliste suhete distsipliinis endiselt vähekasutatud – Qualitative Comparative Analysis.
Analüüsitavad tingimusi on kokku neli: setsessioon; võimas patroon; inimõigused ning majanduslikud tingimused. Viimased koosnevad omakorda kolmest komponendist: eksport; välisinvesteeringud ning kaubanduspartnerite hulk, mida analüüsitakse eraldi disjunktsiooni ja konjunktsioonina. Tingimusi, milledeni eelmainitud viia võivad on samuti mitu: välisriikide esindused de facto riigis; formaalne tunnustamine ja osalemine rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonide töös. Töö tulemusel selgus, et de facto riikidel on mitteformaalse kaasamise saavutamiseks erinevad teed, samuti võivad erinevad teed viia sama tulemuseni. Piisavate tingimuste kombinatsioonide hulgas on esindatud kõik analüüsitud tingimused, mistõttu saab väita, et nad kõik omavad kombinatsioonis mõne teise tingimusega mõju de facto riikide positsioonile rahvusvahelises süsteemis. Individuaalset mõju omavad tingimused mitte piisavate vaid vajalikena. Eraldi tasub välja tuua majanduslike tingimuste mõju. Käsitletuna konjunktsioonis oli majanduse mõju kaasamisele väike, kuid käsitletuna disjunktsioonina oli mõju märgatav. Üldiselt annab töö de facto riike käsitleva võrdleva raamistiku, mille põhjal saaks teha edasisi sügavamaleminevaid analüüse.
Doctoral dissertation ‘De facto states in the international system: Conditions for (in-)formal engagement’ deals with periphery of international relations – the de facto states. These are entities that fulfil the criteria for statehood but lack the acceptance of other states – international recognition. Despite this several de facto states have survived in the world and are engaging with recognised states. The main purpose of this thesis is to find conditions that cause the informal engagement. But the research is not limited to finding conditions. We also search for combinations of conditions that help de facto states to be involved in the international system. To achieve this goal we use a method that is increasingly gaining popularity but remains little used in the analysis of international relations – Qualitative Comparative Analysis. There are four conditions to be analysed: secession; powerful patron; human rights; and economic conditions. The latter consist in turn from three components: exports from de facto state; foreign direct investment; and number of trading partners. Economic conditions are analysed twice, as a conjunction and as a disjunction. There are also three outcome conditions: foreign representations; formal recognition; and involvement in international organisations. The work shows that de facto states have different paths to achieve informal engagement and that the same outcome can be reached by different paths. Also, all tested conditions featured in at least one combination to some outcome. Hence we can say that all the conditions have some imapct, in combination with others, on the position of de facto states in the international system. Individual impact of conditions is visible through necessety rater than sufficiency. Special attention can be given to economic conditions that have little impact as a conjunction but visible as a disjunction. Overall contribution of the ork is to give a comparative framework which can be used as a platform for further more in depth analysis.
Doctoral dissertation ‘De facto states in the international system: Conditions for (in-)formal engagement’ deals with periphery of international relations – the de facto states. These are entities that fulfil the criteria for statehood but lack the acceptance of other states – international recognition. Despite this several de facto states have survived in the world and are engaging with recognised states. The main purpose of this thesis is to find conditions that cause the informal engagement. But the research is not limited to finding conditions. We also search for combinations of conditions that help de facto states to be involved in the international system. To achieve this goal we use a method that is increasingly gaining popularity but remains little used in the analysis of international relations – Qualitative Comparative Analysis. There are four conditions to be analysed: secession; powerful patron; human rights; and economic conditions. The latter consist in turn from three components: exports from de facto state; foreign direct investment; and number of trading partners. Economic conditions are analysed twice, as a conjunction and as a disjunction. There are also three outcome conditions: foreign representations; formal recognition; and involvement in international organisations. The work shows that de facto states have different paths to achieve informal engagement and that the same outcome can be reached by different paths. Also, all tested conditions featured in at least one combination to some outcome. Hence we can say that all the conditions have some imapct, in combination with others, on the position of de facto states in the international system. Individual impact of conditions is visible through necessety rater than sufficiency. Special attention can be given to economic conditions that have little impact as a conjunction but visible as a disjunction. Overall contribution of the ork is to give a comparative framework which can be used as a platform for further more in depth analysis.
rahvusvahelised suhted, de facto riigid, tunnustamine (pol., jur.), international relations, de facto states, recognition (pol.), Qualitative Comparative Analysis