A Post-Structuralist “Concept” of Legitimacy
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Käesolev väitekiri käsitleb legitiimsuse kontseptsiooni. Töö eesmärgiks on jõuda dekonstruktiivse analüüsi kaudu nn. post-strukturalistliku legitiimsuse „kontseptsiooni“ sõnastamiseni. Põhitähelepanu koondub Jacques Derrida ja Hannah Arendti käsitlustele vabariikliku asutamisaktiga seonduvast „nõiaringi“ paradoksist. Võttes vaatluse alla teemad nagu vabariikliku asutamisakti loogika, performatiivide-konstatiivide eristus, vägivald, dekonstruktsiooni eetika ning analüüsides autorite nagu Hannah Arendt, John Austin, Jacques Derrida, Bonnie Honig, Walter Benjamin, Ernesto Laclau asjakohaseid tekste, näitab käesolev väitekiri, et legitiimsus töötab ühiskondlikul väljal nagu derridalik infrastruktuur – resigneerimine.
This thesis is an investigation into the concept of legitimacy. It aims at formulating a post-structuralist concept of legitimacy by following a deconstructive analysis of two accounts of the “vicious circle” of the republican founding act of a state. These accounts belong to Jacques Derrida and Hannah Arendt. Addressing themes like the republican founding act, the performative-constative distinction, violence, ethics of deconstruction and analysing relevant texts of authors like Hannah Arendt, John Austin, Jacques Derrida, Bonnie Honig, Walter Benjamin, Ernesto Laclau, and others the thesis arrives at a “concept” of legitimacy that functions as a Derridean infrastructure – resigning.
This thesis is an investigation into the concept of legitimacy. It aims at formulating a post-structuralist concept of legitimacy by following a deconstructive analysis of two accounts of the “vicious circle” of the republican founding act of a state. These accounts belong to Jacques Derrida and Hannah Arendt. Addressing themes like the republican founding act, the performative-constative distinction, violence, ethics of deconstruction and analysing relevant texts of authors like Hannah Arendt, John Austin, Jacques Derrida, Bonnie Honig, Walter Benjamin, Ernesto Laclau, and others the thesis arrives at a “concept” of legitimacy that functions as a Derridean infrastructure – resigning.
poliitiline filosoofia, mõisted, legitiimsus, filosoofid, tekstianalüüs, poststrukturalism, political philosophy, concepts, legitimacy, philosophers, textual analysis, poststructuralism