Temporal changes in weak natural and artificial soils – influence on geotechnical characteristics
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Doktoritöös käsitletakse hilisjääaja viirsavi ja põlevkiviõli tootmisjääkide füüsikalis-mehaanilisi (geotehnilisi) omadusi. Nende pinnaste eripäraks on, et skeletiks olev mineraalaines (pinnaseosakesed) moodustavad mahuliselt vaid ca 1/3 pinnase ruumalast ning 2/3 moodustab osakeste vaheline tühi ruum ehk pooriruum. Settimisjärgse koheva pinnaseskeleti säilimine on olnud võimalik vaid tänu pinnaseosakeste vahel moodustunud tsementeerivatele sidemetele. Aja jooksul, keskkonnatingimuste muutudes, võivad need sidemed hävida.
Tsementeerivad sidemed mitte ainult ei toeta koheva struktuuri säilimist vaid on olulised ka pinnase nihketugevuse ühe komponendina. Sidemete hävimisel pinnase tugevus väheneb, mis võib viia maalihkeni jõeorus või jäätmehoidla nõlval. Seetõttu on tsementeerivate sidemete ja neid lõhkuvate füüsikaliste ja keemiliste protsesside tundmine äärmiselt oluline nii jõeorgude kui jäätmehoidlate nõlvade pikaajalise stabiilsuse hindamisel.
Uurimistöö eesmärgiks oli Lääne-Eesti viirsavi ja põlevkiviõli tootmisjääkide geotehniliste omaduste süstematiseerimine ja neid omadusi määravate tsementatsiooniliste sidemete olemuse ning elutsükli analüüs pinnase- või mäemassiivis toimuvate keskkonnatingimuste muutudes.
In thesis geotechnical properties of varved clays of western Estonia and oil shale retorting waste are discussed. Both soil types are very porous and consist about one part of solids and two parts of voids in volume and have maintained loose post-sedimentation state under considerable overburden due to geochemically determined bonding. Both soil types tend to lose that bonding as soon as equilibrium conditions change. Bonding determines not only the ability of the solids to preserve their skeleton under the pressure of overburden, but also the strength. Degradation of these bonds means decrease of overall strength of frictional matter and may ultimately lead to a failure – landslide or yield of dams or waste depositories. Therefore, the knowledge of nature and timeframe of the processes inducing degradation of the bonds are of major importance in order to assess the long-term stability of the natural and man-made structures. General goal of this thesis is to summarize and analyze geotechnical properties and long term behaviour of soft lateglacial varved clays and landfilled waste from oil shale retorting processes with respect to their environmental and compositional changes.
In thesis geotechnical properties of varved clays of western Estonia and oil shale retorting waste are discussed. Both soil types are very porous and consist about one part of solids and two parts of voids in volume and have maintained loose post-sedimentation state under considerable overburden due to geochemically determined bonding. Both soil types tend to lose that bonding as soon as equilibrium conditions change. Bonding determines not only the ability of the solids to preserve their skeleton under the pressure of overburden, but also the strength. Degradation of these bonds means decrease of overall strength of frictional matter and may ultimately lead to a failure – landslide or yield of dams or waste depositories. Therefore, the knowledge of nature and timeframe of the processes inducing degradation of the bonds are of major importance in order to assess the long-term stability of the natural and man-made structures. General goal of this thesis is to summarize and analyze geotechnical properties and long term behaviour of soft lateglacial varved clays and landfilled waste from oil shale retorting processes with respect to their environmental and compositional changes.
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pinnas, viirsavi, tootmisjäätmed, tsementeerimine, pinnasemehaanika, soil, varved clay, industrial effluents, cementation, soil mechanics