Glioblastoma multiforme: possibilities to improve treatment efficacy
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Multiformne glioblastoom (MGB) on kõige agressiivsem aju pahaloomuline kasvaja, olles samas ka äärmiselt ravile allumatu haigus. Operatsioonijärgse kiiritus- ja medikamentoosse raviga on võimalik saavutada vaid haiguse lühiajalist, mõned kuud kestvat stabilisatsiooni. MGB haigete keskmine elulemus pärast diagnoosimist on ligikaudu üks aasta.
Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärgiks oli leida võimalusi MGB kasvajavastase ravi efektiivsuse tõstmiseks. Selleks uuriti operatsioonil eemaldatud kasvajakoes mitmeid raviresistentsusega seotud faktoreid. Töö raames näidati, et ravitulemus ja seeläbi haigete elulemus sõltub kasvajakoe DNA-reparatsiooniensüümi DNA-PK tasemest. DNA-PK ensüümi abil parandatakse kasvajavastasest ravist tingitud kahjustused (DNA kaksikahela katkemised), mistõttu tavapärane kasvajavastane ravi ei pruugi anda oodatud tulemust. Uuringust selgus, et mida kõrgem oli kasvaja DNA-PK tase, seda lühemalt MGB haiged elasid. Üheks ravi ebaõnnestumise põhjuseks on eelkliiniliste uuringute alusel peetud ka kasvaja tüvirakkude äärmuslikku resistentsust kiiritusravile, mida selle uurimuse kliinilised andmed ei toetanud. Patsientidel, kelle kasvaja sisaldas kiiritusravi eelselt rohkem CD133 tüvirakke, said parema ravivastuse ning pikema elulemuse. Uuringu raames selgus samuti, et postoperatiivse ravi efektiivsus ning haigete elulemus sõltub ka kasvajat infiltreerivate põletiku- ja immuunrakkude hulgast. MGB patsiendid, kelle kasvajakude sisaldas kiiritusravi eelselt rohkem CD63 põletiku- ja immuunrakke, said parema ravivastuse. Lisaks ilmnes, et MGB ravis laialdaselt testitavate uute veresoonte teket pidurdavate (nn. angiogeneesi inhibiitorite) ravimite ühe põhilise sihtmärgi, vaskulaarse endoteliaalse kasvufaktori retseptor 2 (VEGFR2) ekspressioonsõltub põletiku ulatusest kasvajakoes. Seetõttu võib VEGFR-2 ekspressiooni sõltuvus tuumori mikrokeskkonnast olla üheks angiogeneesi inhibiitorite ebaefektiivse ravitulemuse põhjuseks.
Kokkuvõtteks võib öelda, et MGB ravitulemuste parandamiseks on mitmeid võimalusi ning efektiivsemaks kasvajavastaseks raviks ei tule mõjutada ainult kasvajarakke, vaid ka kasvaja tüvirakke ning kasvaja mikrokeskkonda.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive malignant tumor of the brain being also extremely treatment-resistant. Postoperative radiotherapy and medicamentose treatment enables to achieve only short-term stability for few months only. The average life expectancy with GBM is approximately 12-15 months. The aim of this study was to find opportunities to increase efficacy in the treatment of GBM. For this purpose tumor tissue samples removed during the operations were examined to identify several treatment resistant factors. It was demonstrated that treatment response and therefore life expectancy is dependent from tumor tissue DNA-reparation enzyme DNA-PK levels. DNA-PK enzyme is responsible for the reparation of the damage occurring from the antitumor treatment (such as DNA double helix) wherefore usual antitumor treatment may not give the expected results. The research concluded that the higher tumor DNA-PK level resulted in shorter life expectancy. One of the main reasons for the treatment failure is considered the stem cell resistance to radiotherapy shown by preclinical researches that this work’s clinical data did not support. Patients, whose tumor contained more CD133 stem cells pre-therapeutically, had better treatment response and longer life expectancy. The research also demonstrated that postoperative treatment efficacy and life expectancy depends from the amount of tumor infiltrative inflammatory as well as immunity cells. GMF patients whose tumor tissue contained more CD63 inflammatory and immunity cells pre-radiotherapeutically had better treatment response. In addition, it occurred that new medications widely tested in GBM treatment, such as angiogenesis inhibitors main target, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) expression depends from the coverage of the inflammation in the tumor tissue. Therefore VEGFR2 expression dependency form the tumors microenvironment could be one of the reasons for the angiogenesis inhibitors non-effective treatment result. In conclusion, for the better treatment results of GBM there are many opportunities and for more efficient antitumor treatment response it is effective not only to influence the tumor cells but also the stem cells of the tumor as well as the microenvironment of the tumor.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive malignant tumor of the brain being also extremely treatment-resistant. Postoperative radiotherapy and medicamentose treatment enables to achieve only short-term stability for few months only. The average life expectancy with GBM is approximately 12-15 months. The aim of this study was to find opportunities to increase efficacy in the treatment of GBM. For this purpose tumor tissue samples removed during the operations were examined to identify several treatment resistant factors. It was demonstrated that treatment response and therefore life expectancy is dependent from tumor tissue DNA-reparation enzyme DNA-PK levels. DNA-PK enzyme is responsible for the reparation of the damage occurring from the antitumor treatment (such as DNA double helix) wherefore usual antitumor treatment may not give the expected results. The research concluded that the higher tumor DNA-PK level resulted in shorter life expectancy. One of the main reasons for the treatment failure is considered the stem cell resistance to radiotherapy shown by preclinical researches that this work’s clinical data did not support. Patients, whose tumor contained more CD133 stem cells pre-therapeutically, had better treatment response and longer life expectancy. The research also demonstrated that postoperative treatment efficacy and life expectancy depends from the amount of tumor infiltrative inflammatory as well as immunity cells. GMF patients whose tumor tissue contained more CD63 inflammatory and immunity cells pre-radiotherapeutically had better treatment response. In addition, it occurred that new medications widely tested in GBM treatment, such as angiogenesis inhibitors main target, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) expression depends from the coverage of the inflammation in the tumor tissue. Therefore VEGFR2 expression dependency form the tumors microenvironment could be one of the reasons for the angiogenesis inhibitors non-effective treatment result. In conclusion, for the better treatment results of GBM there are many opportunities and for more efficient antitumor treatment response it is effective not only to influence the tumor cells but also the stem cells of the tumor as well as the microenvironment of the tumor.
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peaajukasvajad, glioblastoom, neuroblastoomirakud, DNA reparatsioon, ensüümid, tüvirakud, põletik, ravitulemused, elulemus, brain tumors, glioblastoma, neuroblastoma cells, DNA repair, enzymes, stem cells, inflammation, results of treatment, survival rate