Pharmacological and behavioral characterization of the monoaminergic and GABA-ergic systems of Wfs1-deficient mice
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Meeleolu- ja ärevushäired on laialt levinud väga rasked psühhiaatrilised haigused. Mõnedes inimese geenides esinevate mutatsioonide puhul ilmneb neid häireid oluliselt sagedamini. Üheks selliseks geeniks on WFS1 geen. WFS1 geeni homosügootsed mutatsioonid põhjustavad Wolframi sündroomi (WS), mis on üliharuldane ja väga raske kuluga haigus. Kuigi WS-i iseloomustavad paljud eri sümptomid nagu diabeet, nägemisnärvi kärbumine ja kurtus, on intrigeeriv, et WS-i patsientidel esineb lisaks oluliselt tihemini depressiooni, ärevust ja psühhoose. Lisaks, ka WFS1 heterosügootsetel isikutel on leitud palju suurem risk sattuda haiglasse raske depressiooniga. Nagu inimeses on WFS1 geen, on ka hiires selle analoogina Wfs1 geen. Tulenevalt sellest, et WFS1 geeni mutatsioonid on tihedalt seotud raskete vaimsete häirete tekkega, otsustasime uurida selle geeni puudulikkusest tulenevaid käitumuslikke ja kesknärvisüsteemi muutusi hiiremudelis, millel eelnevalt tekitasime vastavad mutatsioonid Wfs1 geeni. Eesmärk oli vaadata, kas nende mutanthiirte käitumine spetsiaalsetes katseseadmetes peegeldab vaimsete häirete tunnusjooni, mis võimaldaks seda loommudelit kasutada ärevus- ja depressiooniravimite siirdemeditsiinilistes uuringutes näiteks WS-i puhul. Lisaks soovisime teada, millised biokeemilised muutused toimuvad peamistes psühhiaatriliste haigustega seotud virgatsainesüsteemides (dopamiin, serotoniin, noradrenaliin ja GABA) hiire ajus. Esiteks ilmnes, et dopamiini süsteem oli neil hiirtel oluliselt pidurdatud mitmes aspektis. Teiseks ilmnes, et nendel hiirtel on häirunud serotoniini talitlus ja need hiired on tundlikumad laialt levinud serotonergilistele ja noradrenergilistele antidepressantidele (paroksetiin ja imipramiin) depressiooni-laadset seisundit peegeldavates testides. Samas ei tõuse Wfs1-puudulike hiirte serotoniini tasemed ajus vastusena ärevust tekitavale keskkonnale (nt ereda valgusega avaral väljal); pigem isegi langevad. Seevastu mutatsioonita hiirtel serotoniini tasemed tõusevad, mis on üldiselt tavapärane. Kolmandaks leidsime nii käitumuslikke kui geneetilisi muutusi GABA süsteemis, mis võib näidata ärevuse tekkes oluliste mehhanismide kõrvalekaldeid tulenevalt Wfs1 geeni puudulikkusest.
Mood and anxiety disorders are prevalent and debilitating psychiatric disorders. Mutations in some human genes are associated with a higher incidence of these disorders. One such gene is WFS1. Homozygous mutations of WFS1 gene cause Wolfram syndrome (WS), a rare and severe disease. Although WS is characterized by multiple different symptoms like diabetes, optic nerve atrophy and deafness, WS patients also have a higher likelihood of depression, anxiety and psychoses. In addition, heterozygous carriers of WFS1 mutations display elevated chance of being hospitalized with depression. Because WFS1 mutations are closely related to debilitating psychiatric disorders, we decided to study the behavioral and biochemical phenotype caused by changes in this gene using a Wfs1-deficient mouse line. The aim was to see if the behavior and biochemical profile of these mutant mice reflects characteristics of human psychiatric disorders and would allow for this mouse model to be used when screening anxiolytic and antidepressant drugs in the field of translational medicine. In addition, we wanted to know which kind of biochemical changes accompany Wfs1 deficiency in neurotransmitter systems (dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline, GABA) strongly implicated in psychiatric disorders. We first found that these mice had alterations to serotonin metabolism and an elevated reaction to serotonergic antidepressants in behavioral despair experiments. At the same time, brain serotonin levels do not rise in Wfs1-deficient animals in response to exposure to a stress-inducing environment. By contrast, serotonin levels do rise in wild-type animals which is a known response. Secondly, the dopaminergic system is impaired in many aspects in Wfs1 mutants. Thirdly, we detected behavioral and genetic alterations to the GABA system, owing to Wfs1 gene deficiency, which indicate changes to mechanisms important in the etiology of anxiety.
Mood and anxiety disorders are prevalent and debilitating psychiatric disorders. Mutations in some human genes are associated with a higher incidence of these disorders. One such gene is WFS1. Homozygous mutations of WFS1 gene cause Wolfram syndrome (WS), a rare and severe disease. Although WS is characterized by multiple different symptoms like diabetes, optic nerve atrophy and deafness, WS patients also have a higher likelihood of depression, anxiety and psychoses. In addition, heterozygous carriers of WFS1 mutations display elevated chance of being hospitalized with depression. Because WFS1 mutations are closely related to debilitating psychiatric disorders, we decided to study the behavioral and biochemical phenotype caused by changes in this gene using a Wfs1-deficient mouse line. The aim was to see if the behavior and biochemical profile of these mutant mice reflects characteristics of human psychiatric disorders and would allow for this mouse model to be used when screening anxiolytic and antidepressant drugs in the field of translational medicine. In addition, we wanted to know which kind of biochemical changes accompany Wfs1 deficiency in neurotransmitter systems (dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline, GABA) strongly implicated in psychiatric disorders. We first found that these mice had alterations to serotonin metabolism and an elevated reaction to serotonergic antidepressants in behavioral despair experiments. At the same time, brain serotonin levels do not rise in Wfs1-deficient animals in response to exposure to a stress-inducing environment. By contrast, serotonin levels do rise in wild-type animals which is a known response. Secondly, the dopaminergic system is impaired in many aspects in Wfs1 mutants. Thirdly, we detected behavioral and genetic alterations to the GABA system, owing to Wfs1 gene deficiency, which indicate changes to mechanisms important in the etiology of anxiety.
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loommudelid, Wolframi sündroom, mutatsioonid, käitumismuutused, serotoniinergiline süsteem, dopamiinergiline süsteem, GABA-retseptorid, animal models, Wolfram syndrome, mutations, behaviour modifications, serotonergic system, dopaminergic system, GABA receptors