Mild traumatic brain injury in childhood: pre-injury social-emotional behavior, social-emotional and cognitive outcome and implications for attention rehabilitation
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Ajutrauma on üks sagedasemaid laste invaliiduse põhjuseid. Eestis on laste ajutraumade esinemissagedus väga kõrge (369: 100,000) ning üle 80% ajutraumadest moodustavad kerged ajutraumad. Enamik ajutrauma läbiteinud lastest paranevad hästi. Osadel lastel kujunevad aga traumajärgselt välja erinevad sotsiaal-emotsionaalsed ja/või kognitiivsed häired. Need häired ei pruugi ilmneda kohe pärast ajutraumat vaid võivad süveneda aja jooksul – “laps kasvab oma puudesse”. Sotsiaal-emotsionaalsed ja kognitiivsed häired on sagedased pärast mõõdukat ja rasket ajutraumat. Kas ka kergel ajutraumal on negatiivne mõju lapse sotsiaal-emotsionaalsele ja kognitiivsele arengule on teadlaste hulgas siiani veel vaidlusküsimuseks.
Sellest tulenevalt oli käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärgiks uurida lapseea kerge ajutraumaga seotud sotsiaal-emotsionaalseid ja kognitiivseid muutusi. Erilist tähelepanu pöörati kerge ajutrauma eelsele sotsiaal-emotsionaalsele käitumisele ja sotsiaal-emotsionaalsele ja kognitiivsele arengule pärast ajutraumat. Lisaks tutvustatakse arvutipõhise tähelepanufunktsioonide rehabilitatsiooniprogrammi ForamenRehab kasutamistulemusi ajukahjustusega lastel.
Läbiviidud uuringute tulemustest selgus, et kerge ajutraumaga lastel esineb juba enne traumat tervetest eakaaslastest rohkem enesekontrolli ja iseseisvusega seotud probleeme. Ajutraumast võiksid rohkem ohustatud olla 12 kuu vanused afektiivsete probleemidega beebid, 30 kuu vanused enesekontrolli ja suhtlemisraskustega väikelapsed ning liiga iseseisvad 5-aastased lapsed. Õnnetuste ja kukkumiste suhtes tasuks tavapärasest tähelepanelikum ja valvsam olla ka puuduliku enesekontrolli ning liiga iseseisvate väikeste poiste ja eakaaslastest kehvemate adaptiivsete võimetega väikeste tüdrukute vanematel.
Veel selgus meie uuringutest, et isegi kerge ajutrauma võib avaldada negatiivset mõju üldisele sotsiaal-emotsionaalsele arengule – traumajärgselt halvenes meie uuringus osalenud väikelaste sotsiaalse suhtlemise võime oluliselt. Samuti selgus, et kerge ajutrauma järgselt esines poistel võrreldes tüdrukutega rohkem erinevaid sotsiaal-emotsionaalseid probleeme.
Ajutrauma järgselt kujunevad paljudel lastel välja ka erinevad kognitiivsed häired. Kohe pärast ajutraumat esines rohkem kui pooltel meie uuringus osalenud lastest visuaalse mälu häireid ning ühel kolmandikul lastest oli raskusi visuaalruumilise planeerimisega ja/või visuaalse info töötlemise kiirusega. Nimetatud kognitiivsed häired olid diagnoositavad ka kaks aastat pärast ajutraumat. Püsivate kognitiivsete häiretega lapsed vajavad spetsiifilist kognitiivset rehabilitatsiooni. Tähelepanu arendamisel on oluline osa ajukahjustustega laste üldise toimetuleku parandamisel. Kuue nädala pikkune terapeudi juhendamisel läbiviidud sekkumine arvutipõhise ForamenRehab tähelepanu mooduliga on sobivaks meetodiks kerge ajutraumaga laste tähelepanu arendamisel
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is common cause of acquired disability in children. In Estonia, childhood TBI incidence rate is up to 369: 100,000, 80% of injured children suffering from mild TBI. Most of the children sustaining TBI recover well while others exhibit different cognitive, social-emotional and behavioral impairments. These impairments may not be notable immediately after the injury, but could start to impact children’s lives as they grow older – child “growing into his or her lesion”. Impairments are evident after moderate and severe TBI, but whether even a mild TBI can have a negative impact of child’s ongoing social-emotional and cognitive development is still a matter of debate. Therefore, the main aim of this dissertation was to broaden the overall understanding of social-emotional and cognitive functioning in children with mild TBI. Pre-injury social-emotional behavior and social-emotional and cognitive outcome after mild TBI were addressed and child-friendly computer-based attention intervention was implemented. We found that children with mild TBI have more pre-injury self-regulation difficulties and autonomy disturbances compared to their non-injured peers. Pre-injury affective problems in 12-month olds, self- regulation and communication difficulties in 30-month olds and autonomy disturbances in 5-year olds could be seen as risk signs for mild TBI. Parents and caregivers of little boys with self-regulation and autonomy difficulties, and girls, with adaptive problems, should be more attentive and alert for accidents. Our outcome study suggested that even a mild TBI may have negative impact on on-going social-emotional development – especially to social interaction skills. We also found that overall social-emotional outcome after mild TBI is worser for boys than for girls. Our data showed that soon after injury, more than half of the children with TBI demonstrated visual-spatial memory dysfunctions and 1/3 showed slowed processing speed and/or impairments in visual-spatial planning. For a number of children, these cognitive difficulties are persistent – two years after the injury over 1/3 of children with TBI still demonstrated visual-spatial planning and/or visual-spatial memory problems. For children, who continue to demonstrate cognitive dysfunctions after an acute period of injury, specific intervention is needed. Improving attention is an important part of the enhancement of overall cognitive outcome. Using ForamenRehab Attention module incorporated into 6-week therapist guided computer-based intervention is a promising method for attention impairment rehabilitation in children with mild TBI.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is common cause of acquired disability in children. In Estonia, childhood TBI incidence rate is up to 369: 100,000, 80% of injured children suffering from mild TBI. Most of the children sustaining TBI recover well while others exhibit different cognitive, social-emotional and behavioral impairments. These impairments may not be notable immediately after the injury, but could start to impact children’s lives as they grow older – child “growing into his or her lesion”. Impairments are evident after moderate and severe TBI, but whether even a mild TBI can have a negative impact of child’s ongoing social-emotional and cognitive development is still a matter of debate. Therefore, the main aim of this dissertation was to broaden the overall understanding of social-emotional and cognitive functioning in children with mild TBI. Pre-injury social-emotional behavior and social-emotional and cognitive outcome after mild TBI were addressed and child-friendly computer-based attention intervention was implemented. We found that children with mild TBI have more pre-injury self-regulation difficulties and autonomy disturbances compared to their non-injured peers. Pre-injury affective problems in 12-month olds, self- regulation and communication difficulties in 30-month olds and autonomy disturbances in 5-year olds could be seen as risk signs for mild TBI. Parents and caregivers of little boys with self-regulation and autonomy difficulties, and girls, with adaptive problems, should be more attentive and alert for accidents. Our outcome study suggested that even a mild TBI may have negative impact on on-going social-emotional development – especially to social interaction skills. We also found that overall social-emotional outcome after mild TBI is worser for boys than for girls. Our data showed that soon after injury, more than half of the children with TBI demonstrated visual-spatial memory dysfunctions and 1/3 showed slowed processing speed and/or impairments in visual-spatial planning. For a number of children, these cognitive difficulties are persistent – two years after the injury over 1/3 of children with TBI still demonstrated visual-spatial planning and/or visual-spatial memory problems. For children, who continue to demonstrate cognitive dysfunctions after an acute period of injury, specific intervention is needed. Improving attention is an important part of the enhancement of overall cognitive outcome. Using ForamenRehab Attention module incorporated into 6-week therapist guided computer-based intervention is a promising method for attention impairment rehabilitation in children with mild TBI.
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lapsed, vaimne areng, sotsiaalne käitumine, peaajutraumad, kognitiivsed häired, kognitiivsed võimed, käitumis- ja emotsionaalsed häired, neurorehabilitatsioon, children, mental development, social behavior, traumatic brain injuries, cognition disorders, cognitive abilities, behavioral and emotional disorders, cognitive rehabilitation