The Development of Complex Postpositions in Estonian: A Case of Grammaticalization via Lexicalization
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Doktoritöös käsitletakse liitsete funktsioonisõnade – liitkaassõnade ja liitmäärsõnade – kujunemist eesti keeles. Traditsioonilise käsitluse järgi koosneb eesti keele määrsõna kategooria nii liht- kui liittüvelistest sõnadest (juures, seejuures), kuid kaassõnu, eriti tagasõnu on peetud vaid lihttüvelisi üksusi sisaldavaks kategooriaks (maja juures). Töö arendab edasi Habicht ja Penjami (2007) välja pakutud ja Jürine ja Habichti (2013) täpsustatud mudelit, mille kohaselt on eesti keeles tekkimas ka liitsete kaassõnade (alam)kategooria. Seda nähtust vaadeldakse kehaosanimedega seotud fraaside selja taga, käe all, külje all, käe kõrval, kaela peal ja jalge all seas.
See on esimene uurimus, kus liitkaassõnastumise probleemi vaadeldakse kvantitatiivselt loomulikus keelekasutuses. Uurimus põhineb materjalil, mis pärineb Eesti suurimast internetikorpusest etTenTen, diakrooniline analüüs põhineb vana kirjakeele korpusel, 19. sajandi tekstide korpusel ning eesti kirjakeele 1890.–1990. a läbilõikekorpusel.
Kuna uuritavad fraasid lubavad tänapäeva keeles mitut semantilist ja struktuurilist tõlgendust, oli töö üheks eesmärgiks sõnastada kriteeriumid, mille alusel vabalt kombineeruvat üksust ning liitüksust omavahel eristada, lisaks vaadeldi ka sageduse ja leksikaliseerumise rolli liitkaassõnade kujunemises. Diakroonilises materjalis uuriti eelkõige liitkaassõnastumise etappe ning selle protsessi põhjusi.
Uurimuse tulemused näitavad, et liitkaassõnades esineb teatud määral grammatiseerumise formaalseid tunnuseid – ekstensiooni ja dekategoriseerumist, kuid liitüksuse määratlemise olulisim kriteerium on terviktähenduse kujunemine (s.o leksikaliseerumine). Kuigi kõiki uuritud üksusi võib pidada kokkukuuluvateks üksusteks, on sagedasemad neist enam kinnistunud. Samuti on sagedamad üksused üldisema tähendusega ning liitüksustena produktiivsemad, kuid esineb ka erandeid. Diakrooniline analüüs näitas, et määrsõnastumine ei pruugi olla liitkaassõna tekkimisel kohustuslik vaheetapp, võimalik on ka liitkaassõna staatuse eelnemine liitmäärsõnale. Vana kirjakeele materjal osutab asjaolule, et mõned fraasid võivad olla kujunenud saksa keele mõjul tõlkelaenulisel teel.
Uurimus aitab selgitada selliste keeleüksuste positsiooni, mis ei sobitu praeguse grammatika kirjelduse järgi eesti keele struktuuri. Töö laiema eesmärgina võib nimetada liitsete funktsioonisõnade kujunemise kirjeldamist peamiselt tagasõnu kasutava keele näitel, mis panustab ka üldisemasse debatti liitkaassõnade tekkimisest ja määratlemisest.
The dissertation focuses on the development of Estonian complex function words – complex adverbs and complex postpositions. Although the category of adverbs is considered to include simple as well as complex structures (juures ‘at’, seejuures ‘thereat’) in Estonian, the category of postpositions is traditionally considered to include simple members only (maja juures ‘at the house’). The present study proceeds from the model proposed by Habicht and Penjam (2007) and elaborated by Jürine and Habicht (2013), which postulates the development of the subcategory of complex postpositions in Estonian. The present study investigates this phenomenon in body part related phrases: selja taga (back+behind), käe all (hand+under), külje all (side+under), käe kõrval (hand+beside), kaela peal (neck+on), and jalge all (feet+under). The dissertation is the first study to investigate the development of Estonian complex postpositions in a natural language use, which includes contemporary as well as the diachronic data. The data has been extracted from the Estonian internet corpus etTenTen and the Corpus of Old Literary Estonian, the Corpus of 19th century texts, and the Corpus of Estonian Literary language. Because the studied phrases allow several interpretations in contemporary language, one of the aims of the study was to develop criteria to distinguish the complex postpositions from their source form. Additionally, the role of frequency and lexicalization were investigated. The diachronic study aimed to observe the stages of development of complex postpositions and discover the motivation of change. The results indicate that the complex postpositions display, to a certain extent, formal criteria – extension and decategorization. However, it is the development of the holistic meaning (i.e. lexicalization) that discriminates between the two structures. Even though all of the studied phrases can be considered as fixed units, the more frequent items are more tightly bound. With a few exceptions, the frequent units also express more general meanings and are more productive as complex units. The diachronic analysis indicates that the adverbialization is not necessarily a prerequisite of the development of the complex postposition and in some cases German influence is suspected to have triggered the change. The dissertation shows that the studied phrases are not compatible with the traditional view on Estonian language structure and are more appropriately analyzable as complex adverbs and complex postpositions. As a more general aim, the present study attempts to contribute to the ongoing debate on the development of complex adpositions.
The dissertation focuses on the development of Estonian complex function words – complex adverbs and complex postpositions. Although the category of adverbs is considered to include simple as well as complex structures (juures ‘at’, seejuures ‘thereat’) in Estonian, the category of postpositions is traditionally considered to include simple members only (maja juures ‘at the house’). The present study proceeds from the model proposed by Habicht and Penjam (2007) and elaborated by Jürine and Habicht (2013), which postulates the development of the subcategory of complex postpositions in Estonian. The present study investigates this phenomenon in body part related phrases: selja taga (back+behind), käe all (hand+under), külje all (side+under), käe kõrval (hand+beside), kaela peal (neck+on), and jalge all (feet+under). The dissertation is the first study to investigate the development of Estonian complex postpositions in a natural language use, which includes contemporary as well as the diachronic data. The data has been extracted from the Estonian internet corpus etTenTen and the Corpus of Old Literary Estonian, the Corpus of 19th century texts, and the Corpus of Estonian Literary language. Because the studied phrases allow several interpretations in contemporary language, one of the aims of the study was to develop criteria to distinguish the complex postpositions from their source form. Additionally, the role of frequency and lexicalization were investigated. The diachronic study aimed to observe the stages of development of complex postpositions and discover the motivation of change. The results indicate that the complex postpositions display, to a certain extent, formal criteria – extension and decategorization. However, it is the development of the holistic meaning (i.e. lexicalization) that discriminates between the two structures. Even though all of the studied phrases can be considered as fixed units, the more frequent items are more tightly bound. With a few exceptions, the frequent units also express more general meanings and are more productive as complex units. The diachronic analysis indicates that the adverbialization is not necessarily a prerequisite of the development of the complex postposition and in some cases German influence is suspected to have triggered the change. The dissertation shows that the studied phrases are not compatible with the traditional view on Estonian language structure and are more appropriately analyzable as complex adverbs and complex postpositions. As a more general aim, the present study attempts to contribute to the ongoing debate on the development of complex adpositions.
eesti keel, liitsõnad, kaassõnad, määrsõnad, tagasõnad, grammatiseerumine, leksikaliseerumine, keelekasutus, korpused (keelet.), korpuslingvistika, Estonian language, compound words, adpositions, adverbs, postpositions, grammaticalization, lexicalization, language usage, corpora (ling.), corpus linguistics