The contribution of self-compassion to optimal self-esteem
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Tartu Ülikool
The aim of the research was to analyse the relationship between self-esteem and selfcompassion
and to find out whether self-compassion increases optimal self-esteem.
For the purposes of this study, optimal self-esteem was operationalized as the
congruence between explicit and implicit self-esteem. 147 participants were recruited
to a computer-based online study. Explicit self-esteem was measured with Rosenberg
Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and explicit self-compassion was measured with Self-
Compassion Scale (SCS). Self-esteem IAT and self-compassion IAT were developed
to measure implicit self-esteem and implicit self-compassion. Regression analysis was
performed to analyze which components and to what extent contribute to the
congruence of explicit and implicit self-esteem. It was found that explicit selfcompassion
predicted greater congruence between explicit and implicit self-esteem,
implicit self-compassion did not have a significant effect. Also high self-efficacy
predicted greater congruence between explicit and implicit self-esteem. It can be
concluded, that self-compassion has a separate role in optimal self-esteem that cannot
be described by the role of self-efficacy, as both self-compassion and self-efficacy
independently predicted greater congruence between explicit and implicit self-esteem.
optimal self-esteem, self-compassion, implicit self-esteem, explicit self-esteem, IAT, optimaalne enesehinnang, enesesõbralikkus, eksplitsiitne enesehinnang, implitsiitne enesehinnang, IAT