Molecular Profiling of Endometriotic Lesions and Endometria of Endometriosis Patients
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Endometrioos on tõsine günekoloogiline haigus, mida iseloomustab emaka limaskesta ehk endomeetriumi koe kasvamine kolletena väljaspool emakaõõnt. Vaatamata intensiivsetele uuringutele on siiani ebaselge, miks endometrioosikolded moodustavad ja millised on need molekulaarsed muutused, mis haiguse kujunemisele kaasa aitavad. Endometrioosi tekkemehhanismide väljaselgitamist on oluliselt hõlbustanud mikrokiibi- ja sekveneerimistehnoloogiate kiire areng, mis võimaldavad ülevaatlikult kirjeldada molekulaarseid muutuseid endometrioosikolletes ja endomeetriumis. Varasemad suure läbilaskevõimega tehnoloogiatel põhinevad endometrioosi uuringud on paraku jõudnud vastukäivate tulemusteni, mis viitab suure tõenäosusega erinevustele katsete disainis ja seetõttu on väga oluline juba uuringut planeerides pöörata tähelepanu võimalikele kitsaskohtadele. Antud töö eesmärgiks oli leida endometrioosi kujunemist mõjutavaid geneetilisi, epigeneetilisi ja mikroRNAde tasemete muutuseid nii endometrioosikolletes kui ka endomeetriumis, kasutades selleks hoolikalt valitud katseskeemi ja mikrokiipidel ning süvasekveneerimisel põhinevaid tehnoloogiaid. Töö tulemuste põhjal võime järeldada, et kromosomaalsed ümberkorraldused endometrioosikolletes ja endomeetriumis ning muutused endomeetriumi DNA metülatsioonimustris ei ole endometrioosi kujunemise esmasteks põhjusteks. Leidsime viis endometrioosikolletes kõrgelt ekspresseeritud mikroRNAd, mille taseme määramine võimaldab ilma histoloogiliste uuringuteta koldeid tuvastada. See uuring tõi välja ka uuringudisaini olulisuse, näidates et kollete mikroRNA tasemete määramiseks tuleb arvesse võtta kollet ümbritseva koe normaalset mikroRNA profiili. Samuti näitasime, et menstruaaltükli jooksul toimuvad endomeetriumi DNA metülatsioonimustris olulised muutused, mida tuleb haigusseoseliste markerite otsimisel kindlasti arvestada.
Endometriosis is a serious gynaecological disease characterized by the growth of functional endometrial tissue outside the uterus. Despite of extensive research it is still unclear why endometriosis develops and what are the molecular events triggering the implantation of endometrial cells into the wrong location. The fast development of microarray and sequencing-based technologies has opened new possibilities to describe molecular changes in endometriotic lesions and endometria of endometriosis patients. However, previous high-throughput studies in endometriosis have provided conflicting results, most probably due to the differences in study design and therefore, it is extremely important to pay attention to possible shortcomings before planning the study. The aim of our study was to find genetic, epigenetic and microRNA markers in endometriotic lesions and endometrial tissue that contribute to the endometriosis development, by using carefully planned study design and high-throughput analysis methods. Based on the results of our study we propose that chromosomal alterations in endometriotic lesions and endometrium and changes in endometrial DNA methylation are not the key events responsible for disease development. In microRNA study, signature of five upregulated microRNAs in endometriotic lesions that enable correct diagnosis of endometriotic lesions without the need for traditional histological evaluation of tissue biopsy, was found. Also, the results of this study accentuated the relevance of study design and indicated that for identification of lesion specific miRNAs the normal miRNA signature of healthy tissue should be considered. Furthermore, we found that normal epigenetic changes occurring in endometrium across the menstrual cycle phases should be considered when looking for disease-specific DNA methylation markers.
Endometriosis is a serious gynaecological disease characterized by the growth of functional endometrial tissue outside the uterus. Despite of extensive research it is still unclear why endometriosis develops and what are the molecular events triggering the implantation of endometrial cells into the wrong location. The fast development of microarray and sequencing-based technologies has opened new possibilities to describe molecular changes in endometriotic lesions and endometria of endometriosis patients. However, previous high-throughput studies in endometriosis have provided conflicting results, most probably due to the differences in study design and therefore, it is extremely important to pay attention to possible shortcomings before planning the study. The aim of our study was to find genetic, epigenetic and microRNA markers in endometriotic lesions and endometrial tissue that contribute to the endometriosis development, by using carefully planned study design and high-throughput analysis methods. Based on the results of our study we propose that chromosomal alterations in endometriotic lesions and endometrium and changes in endometrial DNA methylation are not the key events responsible for disease development. In microRNA study, signature of five upregulated microRNAs in endometriotic lesions that enable correct diagnosis of endometriotic lesions without the need for traditional histological evaluation of tissue biopsy, was found. Also, the results of this study accentuated the relevance of study design and indicated that for identification of lesion specific miRNAs the normal miRNA signature of healthy tissue should be considered. Furthermore, we found that normal epigenetic changes occurring in endometrium across the menstrual cycle phases should be considered when looking for disease-specific DNA methylation markers.
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endomeetrium, endometrioos, patogenees, molekulaardiagnostika, miRNA, DNA metüülimine, endometrium, endometriosis, pathogenesis, molecular diagnostics, microRNA, DNA methylation