Greenhouse gas emissions and water treatment efficiency in subsurface flow filters using various substrates
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Tehismärgalade ja pinnasfiltersüsteemide kasutamine reoveepuhastuseks on viimase paarikümne aastaga märkimisväärselt arenenud. Uute tehnoloogiate väljatöötamine on suurendanud nii reovee puhastusefektiivsust, kui ka vähendanud süsteemidest lenduvate kasvuhoonegaaside (KHG) hulka. Käesoleva doktoritöö peamiseks eesmärgiks oli uurida erinevate filtermaterjalide (liiv, kruus, kergkruus, turvas, hüdratiseerunud tuhaplatoo sete) mõju pinnasfiltersüsteemide puhastusefektiivsele hall- ning reovee puhastamisel ning analüüsida nende materjalide mõju KHG (CO2, CH4 ja N2O) emissioonile. Töö tulemused näitasid, et kergkruusal põhinevad filtermaterjalid (Filtralite) on sobilikud eeskätt just aeroobsete puhastusprotsesside läbiviimiseks vertikaalvoolulistes pinnasfiltrites, muutes nad sobilikuks lämmastikühendite ning orgaanika eemaldamiseks. Horisontaalvoolulistes kergkruusa, tuhaplatoosette ja turbafiltrites lämmastiku ja orgaanika eemaldamises märkimisväärseid tulemusi ei saavutatud. Küll aga näitas tuhaplatoo sete väga head fosforiärastamise efektiivsust nii hall- kui ka reoveest just horisontaalvoolulistes pinnasfiltrites. Sedavõrd head tulemused on tingitud peamiselt sellest, et tuhaplatoo sete sisaldab suurel hulgal reaktiivseid kaltsiumirikkaid mineraale, mis sadestuvad materjalis kaltsiumfosfaadina. KHG mõõtmised näitasid, et väikseimad emissioonid olid iseloomulikud peamiselt filtritele, kus oli kasutusel tuhaplatoo sete. Eriti madalad olid CO2 emissioonid võrreldes näiteks turba või tavapäraste filtermaterjalidega (liiv ja kruus). Madalate CO2 emissioonide peamiseks põhjuseks on samuti reaktiivsed kaltsiumimineraalid, mis reageerivad atmosfääri CO2-ga ning sadestavad selle kaltsiumkarbonaadi ehk kaltsiidina. Lisaks CO2 emissioonile olid oluliselt madalama ka CH4 ja N2O voog, olles tingitud peamiselt aluselisest ning sulfaadirikkast keskkonnast, mis ei ole sobilik metaani oksüdeerivatele ning denitrifitseerivatele bakteritele. Kokkuvõtvalt näitasid doktoritöö tulemused, et tuhaplatoo sete on sobilik alternatiivne filtermaterjal fosfori eemaldamiseks erinevatest reovetest väga madalate KHG-de emissiooniga. Tuhafiltrit on soovitatav kasutada reovee järelpuhastuses, sest orgaanika ning lämmastikuärastuses on ta väheefektiivne.
The use of constructed wetlands and subsurface flow filter in wastewater treatment has been increased substantially during past few decades. New technologies and filter systems have increased both the treatment efficiency of the systems as well as lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from these systems. The main aim of this doctoral thesis was to study the effect of filter materials (sand, gravel, LECA, Filtralite, peat, hydrated oil shale ash) on the treatment efficiency of the domestic greywater and municipal wastewater and its impact on GHG (CO2, CH4, N2O) emissions. Results revealed that the filter systems with Filtralite filters were especially effective for aerobic purification processes and therefore should be used for nitrogen removal and organic matter reduction in vertical subsurface flow filters. However, the phosphorus removal of hydrated oil shale ash was outstanding in horizontal flow filters due to the high amount of reactive Ca-rich minerals which support phosphorus precipitation. Lowest GHG fluxes were measured from the filters where hydrated oil shale ash was used as main filter material component. Extremely low CO2 emission can be related to the same reactive Ca-mineral, which participates in the phosphorus removal process in this material. In atmospheric conditions those mineral will react with CO2 and will form calcium carbonate. In addition to the low CO2 fluxes, both CH4 and N2O emissions were also significantly lower compared to the filters where regular filter materials (e.g. sand, gravel, LECA) were used. The main reduction mechanism was probably highly alkaline and sulfate rich environment which supresses both methanogenesis and denitrification processes. Main conclusion of the doctoral thesis is that hydrated oil shale ash is an excellent alternative filter material especially for phosphorus removal with low GHG emissions and should be used for the secondary or tertiary treatment of municipal wastewater.
The use of constructed wetlands and subsurface flow filter in wastewater treatment has been increased substantially during past few decades. New technologies and filter systems have increased both the treatment efficiency of the systems as well as lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from these systems. The main aim of this doctoral thesis was to study the effect of filter materials (sand, gravel, LECA, Filtralite, peat, hydrated oil shale ash) on the treatment efficiency of the domestic greywater and municipal wastewater and its impact on GHG (CO2, CH4, N2O) emissions. Results revealed that the filter systems with Filtralite filters were especially effective for aerobic purification processes and therefore should be used for nitrogen removal and organic matter reduction in vertical subsurface flow filters. However, the phosphorus removal of hydrated oil shale ash was outstanding in horizontal flow filters due to the high amount of reactive Ca-rich minerals which support phosphorus precipitation. Lowest GHG fluxes were measured from the filters where hydrated oil shale ash was used as main filter material component. Extremely low CO2 emission can be related to the same reactive Ca-mineral, which participates in the phosphorus removal process in this material. In atmospheric conditions those mineral will react with CO2 and will form calcium carbonate. In addition to the low CO2 fluxes, both CH4 and N2O emissions were also significantly lower compared to the filters where regular filter materials (e.g. sand, gravel, LECA) were used. The main reduction mechanism was probably highly alkaline and sulfate rich environment which supresses both methanogenesis and denitrification processes. Main conclusion of the doctoral thesis is that hydrated oil shale ash is an excellent alternative filter material especially for phosphorus removal with low GHG emissions and should be used for the secondary or tertiary treatment of municipal wastewater.
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märgalapuhastid, reoveepuhastus, pinnasfiltrid, materjalid, kasvuhoonegaasid, wetland sewage treatment systems, nutrient removal, land filters, materials, greenhouse gases