Valduse ja kohtuliku registri kande publitsiteet Eesti eraõiguses
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Õiguskord kaitseb paljudel juhtudel isikuid nende teadmatuse tagajärgede eest, kui nad ei ole informeeritud nende käitumist mõjutavate asjaolude esinemisest või mitteesinemisest. Sellise kaitse olemasolu sõltub kindlatest asjaoludest nagu näiteks valduse olemasolu, kinnistusraamatu või äriregistri kande olemasolu või siis vastava kande puudumine. Asjaolu esinemisest või puudumisest tulenevalt võib isikul tekkida ettekujutus, et talle kuulub mingi õigus, mille tekkimise eeldused ei ole tegelikkuses täidetud. Sellist näivat õigust nimetatakse õigusnäivuseks ning asjaolu, mille esinemine või puudumine õigusnäivuse tekitab, nimetatakse vastavalt positiivseks (asjaolu esinemise korral) või negatiivseks (asjaolu puudumise korral) publitsiteediks. Seaduses ettenähtud juhtudel võimaldatakse isikutele, kelle ees õigusnäivus on loodud, asja heauskset omandamist mitteomanikult või tehingu sõlmimist isikuga, kellel tegelik esindusõigus puudub. Doktoritöö otsib vastust küsimusele, millistel juhtudel on vallasasja valdusel ning kinnistusraamatu ja äriregistri kandel põhineva õigusnäivuse kaitse põhjendatud, kas olemasolevad õiguspoliitilised valikud on otstarbekohased.
Töö tulemusena selgus, et õigusnäivuse kaitse toetab oma põhiolemuselt usalduslike suhete arenemist majandustehingute osaliste vahel. Valdus kujutab endast tänapäeval suhteliselt ebakindlat vahendit õigusnäivuse kaitseks, kuna selle olemasolu tuvastamine ei ole sageli kerge. Seetõttu tasub tulevikus otsida võimalusi, kuidas siduda vallasasjade õigusenäivuse kaitse registrikannetega. Kinnistusraamatu ja äriregistrikande kandel põhinev õigusnäivuse kaitse täidab põhijoontes seatud eesmärke, kuid seejuures tasub vähendada õiguslikke erinevusi, mis annab kahe registri ebaõigetele kannetele erinevaid tagajärgi. Töös tehakse valdkonna regulatsiooni täiendamiseks mitmeid ettepanekuid.
In many cases legal order protects persons from the consequences of their unawareness when they are uninformed of the occurrence or non-occurrence of circumstances affecting their conduct and decisions. The availability of such legal protection can depend on specific circumstances, such as presence of the possession of movables, presence of an entry in the land register or commercial register, or absence of a respective entry. Due to the presence or absence of circumstances, a person may presume that s/he has acquired a right, the objective preconditions for the acquisition of which are not met in reality. Such a right is merely apparent and a case where the law protects a person who has a presumption concerning its presence is called the legitimising appearance of a legal position. Circumstances whose presence or absence causes legitimising appearance are called positive (in the case of the presence of the circumstances) or negative (in the case of the absence of the circumstances) disclosure effect respectively. The main objective of this dissertation has been to find out under what circumstances the legitimising appearance of a legal position based on possession, an entry in the land register and an entry in the commercial register is justified and based on what criteria it ought to be decided. Among main findings, it must be emphasized that possession is quite an insecure tool to fulfil the function of disclosure effect compared to entries in registers. Thus a simpler possibility of good faith acquisition of movables would be worthy of contemplation in case the acquisition takes place via a register. The regulation of the land register and commercial register largely meets the aims set for it. No fundamental change in the regulation of the function of disclosure effect of these registers is required in the predictable future, but at the development of the legal regulation of an entry in the land register and commercial register it is reasonable to avoid unjustified differences between the two registers. The thesis includes also certain proposals for amendments to the relevant legislation.
In many cases legal order protects persons from the consequences of their unawareness when they are uninformed of the occurrence or non-occurrence of circumstances affecting their conduct and decisions. The availability of such legal protection can depend on specific circumstances, such as presence of the possession of movables, presence of an entry in the land register or commercial register, or absence of a respective entry. Due to the presence or absence of circumstances, a person may presume that s/he has acquired a right, the objective preconditions for the acquisition of which are not met in reality. Such a right is merely apparent and a case where the law protects a person who has a presumption concerning its presence is called the legitimising appearance of a legal position. Circumstances whose presence or absence causes legitimising appearance are called positive (in the case of the presence of the circumstances) or negative (in the case of the absence of the circumstances) disclosure effect respectively. The main objective of this dissertation has been to find out under what circumstances the legitimising appearance of a legal position based on possession, an entry in the land register and an entry in the commercial register is justified and based on what criteria it ought to be decided. Among main findings, it must be emphasized that possession is quite an insecure tool to fulfil the function of disclosure effect compared to entries in registers. Thus a simpler possibility of good faith acquisition of movables would be worthy of contemplation in case the acquisition takes place via a register. The regulation of the land register and commercial register largely meets the aims set for it. No fundamental change in the regulation of the function of disclosure effect of these registers is required in the predictable future, but at the development of the legal regulation of an entry in the land register and commercial register it is reasonable to avoid unjustified differences between the two registers. The thesis includes also certain proposals for amendments to the relevant legislation.
eraõigus, valdus, kohtud, registrid, legitiimsus, avalikkus, Eesti, private law, possession, courts of justice, registers, legitimacy, publicity, Estonia