Acting is everything: the European Union and the process of becoming a peacebuilder
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Asjaolu, et Euroopa Liidu ühise julgeoleku- ja kaitsepoliitika (ÜJKP) raames korraldatud rahumissioone on valdavalt uuritud ühe rakursi alt, lähtudes aritmeetilise tehte loogikast, on tinginud võrdlemisi kitsa fookuse, eeskätt tõhusust ja võimeid silmas pidades, vaadelduna ÜJKP seisukohalt. Seetõttu on ka rahumissioonide sisu ja eesmärgid omandanud käibetõe staatuse ning debatt nende üle on jäänud minimaalseks. Selles doktoriväitekirjas seatakse uurimise keskmesse rahumissioonide sisu ja eesmärkide problemaatika. Ma ei väida, et ELi rahuoperatsioone saab panna võrduma kindla valemiga, vaid pigem uurin ELi kui rahuehitaja identiteeti, st kuidas EL aktiivselt räägib ja teeb ehk aktiivselt loob tähendusi oma rahuoperatsioonidest. Käsitledes ELi rahuoperatsioone kui diskursiivseid tähendusekandjaid, vaadeldakse rääkimise ja tegemise dünaamikat, mis võimaldab ELi ÜJKPd vaadelda kui protsessi, mis on liikumises. Selline lähenemine lubab mul jälgida, kuidas EL mõtestab oma rolli rahuehitajana ja mis on need „lahendused”, mida ta konfliktidele vastuseks pakub.
Toetudes kriitilistele teooriatele (versus traditsioonilisemad käsitlused), avaneb mulle mitmeid tehnikaid, et võtta luubi alla rahuoperatsioonide produktid (nt julgeolek, õigusriik). Ma vaatlen identiteeti dialoogi mõiste kaudu, mis tähendab, et ELi ÜJKP identiteet kujuneb dialoogis mitmete teiste toimijatega/arusaamadega. See omakorda joonib alla identiteedi sügavalt relatsioonilise ja kontekstuaalse mõõtme. Poststrukturalistlik lähenemine lubab uurida võimusuhteid, mis avalduvad ELi koostööpartneri(te) valikul ÜJKP elluviimisel ja seetõttu ka ELi rahuehitaja identiteedi dialoogilises kujunemises. Lisaks juba tutvustatud mõistetele toetub minu väitekiri õiglase rahu mõistele, mis annab kindla tähenduste raami ELi arusaamast rahu mõtestamisel.
ÜJKP identiteedi analüüs keskendub kolmele ELi seisukohalt märgilisele rahuoperatsioonile, millest kaks kätkevad endas teatavat lähenemist julgeolekule (Kongo Demokraatlikus Vabariigis ja Bosnia ja Hertsegoviinas) ning üks lähtub konkreetsest õigusriigi käsitusest (Kosovos). Oma analüüsis võtan kasutusele mitmesuguseid poststruktrualistliku diskursuse analüüsi võtteid, mis võimaldavad ELi rahu ehitamisel uurida pakutavate lahenduste (nt julgeolek ja õigusriik) tähendusi.
Analüüs näitab, et peamine väärtus, millele ELi ÜJKP diskursus keskendub, on tegutsemise olulisus. Nimelt peab EL tegutsemist kui sellist rahumissiooni edu pandiks, pööramata tähelepanu missiooni sisule või selle tulemitele.
The fact that the EU’s peace missions in the frames of its Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) have generally been analysed from a single position, following the logic of mathematical equations, has lead to a rather narrow focus on questions of effectiveness and capabilities of the CSDP in its own terms. This way CSDP missions’ substance and purpose have been taken for granted and consequently debate about these categories has remained cursory. This thesis problematises the substance and purpose of CSDP missions. I do not offer a concrete equation for these missions, but rather investigate the EU’s identity as a peacebuilder. Meaning, how the EU actively tells and acts its peace missions. Treating the EU’s peace missions as discursive bearers of meaning by investigating the dynamics of telling and acting allows me to capture the development of the EU’s CSDP in motion and shed light on the way the EU conceptualises its role as a peacebuilder and the “goods” that it offers in response to conflicts. Adopting the critical lens (as opposed to a problem-solving one) equips this thesis with the techniques to approach the substance matter of the EU’s peace missions (e.g., security and the rule of law). To approach identity I turn to the concept of dialogue, which means that the EU’s CSDP identity is seen as a dynamic product of dialogue with its “others” and it further highlights the deeply relational and spatio-temporally sensitive character of identity. The poststructuralist lens adopted in this thesis also permits analysing the power relations inherent in the EU’s choice of “others” whom it recognises as its legitimate policy counterparts, and who are thus involved in the dialogical formation of its peacebuilder identity. Finally, a critical review of the concept of just peace introduces a particular lens for scrutinising the EU’s understanding of peace. The analysis of the CSDP identity focuses on three core missions: two of which rely on a particular understanding of security (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and one of which centers on a specific understanding of the rule of law (Kosovo). The EU has explicitly framed these missions as exemplifying its CSDP identity. The main method utilised – a combination of various strands of poststructuralist discourse analysis – allows for studying the meanings of the particular “goods,” such as security and the rule of law, which the EU puts forth with the aim of safeguarding peace. In general, the analysis demonstrates that the EU’s discourse surrounding the CSDP stresses the significance of acting in response to conflict, and considers acting per se as constituting success of a peace mission, without much thought given to its substance, or the outcome of the EU’s engagement.
The fact that the EU’s peace missions in the frames of its Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) have generally been analysed from a single position, following the logic of mathematical equations, has lead to a rather narrow focus on questions of effectiveness and capabilities of the CSDP in its own terms. This way CSDP missions’ substance and purpose have been taken for granted and consequently debate about these categories has remained cursory. This thesis problematises the substance and purpose of CSDP missions. I do not offer a concrete equation for these missions, but rather investigate the EU’s identity as a peacebuilder. Meaning, how the EU actively tells and acts its peace missions. Treating the EU’s peace missions as discursive bearers of meaning by investigating the dynamics of telling and acting allows me to capture the development of the EU’s CSDP in motion and shed light on the way the EU conceptualises its role as a peacebuilder and the “goods” that it offers in response to conflicts. Adopting the critical lens (as opposed to a problem-solving one) equips this thesis with the techniques to approach the substance matter of the EU’s peace missions (e.g., security and the rule of law). To approach identity I turn to the concept of dialogue, which means that the EU’s CSDP identity is seen as a dynamic product of dialogue with its “others” and it further highlights the deeply relational and spatio-temporally sensitive character of identity. The poststructuralist lens adopted in this thesis also permits analysing the power relations inherent in the EU’s choice of “others” whom it recognises as its legitimate policy counterparts, and who are thus involved in the dialogical formation of its peacebuilder identity. Finally, a critical review of the concept of just peace introduces a particular lens for scrutinising the EU’s understanding of peace. The analysis of the CSDP identity focuses on three core missions: two of which rely on a particular understanding of security (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and one of which centers on a specific understanding of the rule of law (Kosovo). The EU has explicitly framed these missions as exemplifying its CSDP identity. The main method utilised – a combination of various strands of poststructuralist discourse analysis – allows for studying the meanings of the particular “goods,” such as security and the rule of law, which the EU puts forth with the aim of safeguarding peace. In general, the analysis demonstrates that the EU’s discourse surrounding the CSDP stresses the significance of acting in response to conflict, and considers acting per se as constituting success of a peace mission, without much thought given to its substance, or the outcome of the EU’s engagement.
Euroopa Liit, rahu, julgeolekupoliitika, kaitsepoliitika, rahvusvahelised suhted, rahvusvaheline poliitika, European Union, peace, security policy, defence policy, foreign relations, international policy