Eesti sõdurid Esimeses maailmasõjas: sõjakogemus ja selle sõjajärgne tähendus
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Saja aasta möödumine Esimese maailmasõja puhkemisest aktualiseeris teemakohast ajalookirjutust nii Lääne-Euroopas kui ka Eestis ja mujal Ida-Euroopas, kus ilmasõda tunti seni pigem “unustatud sõjana”. Sellest tulenevalt on siinses ajalookirjutuses tulnud nähtavale mitmed lüngad, eriti sõja ühiskondlike ja kultuuriliste aspektide käsitlemisel. Viimaste hulka kuulub sõdurite kogemuse ja selle sõjajärgse tähenduse analüüs, mis on antud doktoritöö uurimisülesanne.
Tuginedes eesti sõdurite kirjadele, päevikutele ja mälestustele ning veteranide organisatsioonide materjalidele, analüüsib väitekiri Esimeses maailmasõjas Vene armee koosseisus osalenud eestlastest sõdurite sõjakogemuse ühisosa, selle eripäraseid ja/või seni vähest tähelepanu pälvinud komponente. Töö käsitleb sõja kestel omandatud kogemust ning viimase tähendust pikemal aegreal, st kogemusele hinnangu andmist ja selle rakendamist 1920.–1930. aastate ning nõukogude perioodi teisenenud ühiskondlik-poliitilistes oludes. Analüüsides eestlaste sõjakogemuse iseloomulikumaid komponente (vaenlase- ja enesekuvand, suhted kaassõdurite ja kodurindega, kojupöördumine), neid mõjutanud tegureid (nt Vene armee taustsüsteem, ilmasõjale järgnenud konfliktid) ning kogemuse sõjajärgset tähendust, astub töö diskussiooni maailmasõja alase lokaalse ja rahvusvahelise historiograafiaga ning juhib tähelepanu vajadusele Vene armees teeninud väikerahvaste kogemuse problemaatikat, aga ka erinevaid “pika” Esimese maailmasõja aspekte idarindel kompleksselt analüüsida.
The 100th anniversary from the outbreak of the First World War (WWI) has increased the number of academic studies dedicated to the war both in Western Europe as well as in Estonia and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, where it was heretofore rather known as the “forgotten war”. This increased focus has revealed several gaps in the local historiography, especially in relation to the social and cultural aspects of the war. Among these gaps is the topic of the war experience of soldiers and its post-war meaning, which stands in the center of this doctoral thesis. The thesis relies on Estonian soldiers’ letters, diaries, memoirs and materials of veterans’ organizations, and analyzes both the common as well as previously less explored elements of the war experience of Estonian soldiers who served in the Russian Army during WWI. The thesis examines the formation of the experience during the war as well as its postwar meaning over a long timespan, i.e. how the experience was perceived and re-implemented in the transformed sociopolitical context during the interwar period and the Soviet era. By analyzing the central aspects of the Estonians’ war experience (enemy-image, self-image, relations with fellow soldiers and with the home front, returning home), the factors that affected these aspects (the context of the Russian Army, postwar conflicts), and the postwar meaning of the experience, the thesis places the Estonian case study into the wider framework of the local and international historiography and highlights the need to further research the experiences of minorities who served in the Russian Army as well as the numerous aspects of the “long” WWI on the Eastern Front.
The 100th anniversary from the outbreak of the First World War (WWI) has increased the number of academic studies dedicated to the war both in Western Europe as well as in Estonia and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, where it was heretofore rather known as the “forgotten war”. This increased focus has revealed several gaps in the local historiography, especially in relation to the social and cultural aspects of the war. Among these gaps is the topic of the war experience of soldiers and its post-war meaning, which stands in the center of this doctoral thesis. The thesis relies on Estonian soldiers’ letters, diaries, memoirs and materials of veterans’ organizations, and analyzes both the common as well as previously less explored elements of the war experience of Estonian soldiers who served in the Russian Army during WWI. The thesis examines the formation of the experience during the war as well as its postwar meaning over a long timespan, i.e. how the experience was perceived and re-implemented in the transformed sociopolitical context during the interwar period and the Soviet era. By analyzing the central aspects of the Estonians’ war experience (enemy-image, self-image, relations with fellow soldiers and with the home front, returning home), the factors that affected these aspects (the context of the Russian Army, postwar conflicts), and the postwar meaning of the experience, the thesis places the Estonian case study into the wider framework of the local and international historiography and highlights the need to further research the experiences of minorities who served in the Russian Army as well as the numerous aspects of the “long” WWI on the Eastern Front.
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eestlased, sõdurid, Esimene maailmasõda, 1914-1918, kollektiivne mälu, kogemused, mäletamine, mälestused, kirjad, päevikud, kirjalikud allikad, ajalooallikad, ajalugu, sõjaajalugu, 1910-ndad, historiograafia, Estonians, soldiers, First World War, collective memory, experiences, remembering, memoirs, letters, diaries, written records, historical sources, history, war history, 1910s, historiography