The Semiotic Construction of Identities in Hypermedia Environments: The Analysis of Online Communication of the Estonian Extreme Right
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Väitekiri keskendub paremäärmusliku võrgusuhtluse ning selle vahendusel toimuvate identiteediloomeprotsesside semiootilisele uurimisele. Nii julgeolekuorganisatsioonid kui ka mitmed akadeemilised tööd on välja toonud, et tänapäevases vähemuste õigusi tunnustavas maailmas toimub kõige aktiivsem ksenofoobsete ja rassistlike ideede koondumine ning paremäärmuslike kogukondade moodustumine eelkõige internetis. Semiootika metakeel võimaldab paremäärmusliku suhtluse relatsioonilist mõtestamist, mis võtab arvesse rahvusradikaalsete sõlmekeste omavahelistes interaktsioonides kujunenud tähendushierarhiaid kui ka nende dünaamilist suhestumist laiema sotsiokultuurilise kontekstiga. Tuginedes eesti paremäärmuslikus võrgustikus läbi viidud mitteosalevale vaatlusele, teiste uurimuste tulemustele ning kultuurisemiootika kontseptuaalsetele alustele, keskendub siinne doktoritöö neljale allteemale, mis aitavad avada rassistliku ja ksenofoobse tähendusloome võtmeaspekte. Esiteks selgitan paremäärmuslikku tähendusloomet organiseerivad dominantseid seosteraamistikke, mis suunavad nii konkreetsete sündmuste tõlgendusi kui ka nende seostamist kogukondliku mäluga. Teiseks avan semiootilisi mehhanisme, mis võimaldavad pealtnäha paradoksaalseid paremäärmuslikke enesekirjeldusi, kus põimitakse rassistlikke ja ksenofoobseid vaated ühiskonnas üldaktsepteeritud liberaaldemokraatia ja multikulturalismi diskursustesse kuuluvate tähistajatega, nagu õigus võrdsele kohtlemisele, vähemuste kaitse, sõnavabadus jne. Kolmandaks näitan, millised paremäärmuslikku tähendusloomet määravad ja suunavad dominandid viivad polariseeruva ja olemasolevaid stereotüüpe taastootva kajakambrisuhtluseni. Neljandaks avan uue maailmakorra (NWO) vandenõuteooriate rolli paremäärmuslaste enesekirjeldustes kui ka ühiskondlike sündmuste ja nähtuste mõtestamisel. Lisaks osutatud fookustele keskendub käeolev doktoritöö ka üldise teoreetilise raamistiku väljaarendamisele, mis lubab avada vandenõuteooriate semiootilist tähistamisloogikat ka väljaspool paremäärmuslikku suhtlust. Samuti selgitan e-Eesti identiteedidiskursust, mis seob tänapäevased info-ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogiad tugevalt konkreetsete väärtuste ning ühiskonnavisioonidega. E-Eesti diskursusel on tähtis roll nii riigi ametlikes enesekirjeldustes kui ka mitmesuguste perifeersemate sfääride identiteediloomes.
This dissertation presents a semiotic study of the processes of identity-creation, which prevail in online interactions of the extreme right. Security authorities, as well as the academic studies, have indicated that in contemporary societies, which generally respect the rights of minorities, the most active formation and exchange of racist and xenophobic ideas takes place by virtue of online communities. The meta-language of semiotics allows the relational conceptualization of the extreme right communication. It enables to take into account the meaning-hierarchies, which form the interactions of different extreme right nodes but also to comprehend the dynamic relations between radical nationalist sphere and the wider socio-cultural context. Based on non-participatory observation in the Estonian extreme right networks, the findings of the previous studies and conceptual frameworks of cultural semiotics, this dissertation concentrates of four topics, which disclose the key-aspects of contemporary racist and nativistic meaning-making. Firstly, I explain the dominant frameworks which organize the extreme right interpretations of particular events but also generate the associations with communal memory. Secondly, I reveal the semiotic mechanisms which enable seemingly paradoxical self-descriptions, which unite racist and xenophobic understandings with signifiers form generally accepted discourses of liberal democracy and multiculturalism. Thirdly, I demonstrate what kind of dominants of meaning-making lead to the echo chamber communication, which facilitates the reproduction of pre-existing stereotypes and directs towards polarized understandings. Fourthly, I make known the functions, which New World Order (NWO) conspiracy theories have in the extreme right interpretations and self-understandings. Besides aforementioned emphases, this dissertation develops a general theoretical framework, which enables to expose the semiotic logic of the signification of conspiracy theories that are articulated outside of the extreme right sphere of communication. In addition, I also explain the identity-discourse of e-Estonia, which connects contemporary information and communication technologies with particular values and visions of Estonian society. The discourse of e-Estonia has a significant role in the dominant self-descriptions of Estonia but it also influences the identity-creation of peripheral spheres.
This dissertation presents a semiotic study of the processes of identity-creation, which prevail in online interactions of the extreme right. Security authorities, as well as the academic studies, have indicated that in contemporary societies, which generally respect the rights of minorities, the most active formation and exchange of racist and xenophobic ideas takes place by virtue of online communities. The meta-language of semiotics allows the relational conceptualization of the extreme right communication. It enables to take into account the meaning-hierarchies, which form the interactions of different extreme right nodes but also to comprehend the dynamic relations between radical nationalist sphere and the wider socio-cultural context. Based on non-participatory observation in the Estonian extreme right networks, the findings of the previous studies and conceptual frameworks of cultural semiotics, this dissertation concentrates of four topics, which disclose the key-aspects of contemporary racist and nativistic meaning-making. Firstly, I explain the dominant frameworks which organize the extreme right interpretations of particular events but also generate the associations with communal memory. Secondly, I reveal the semiotic mechanisms which enable seemingly paradoxical self-descriptions, which unite racist and xenophobic understandings with signifiers form generally accepted discourses of liberal democracy and multiculturalism. Thirdly, I demonstrate what kind of dominants of meaning-making lead to the echo chamber communication, which facilitates the reproduction of pre-existing stereotypes and directs towards polarized understandings. Fourthly, I make known the functions, which New World Order (NWO) conspiracy theories have in the extreme right interpretations and self-understandings. Besides aforementioned emphases, this dissertation develops a general theoretical framework, which enables to expose the semiotic logic of the signification of conspiracy theories that are articulated outside of the extreme right sphere of communication. In addition, I also explain the identity-discourse of e-Estonia, which connects contemporary information and communication technologies with particular values and visions of Estonian society. The discourse of e-Estonia has a significant role in the dominant self-descriptions of Estonia but it also influences the identity-creation of peripheral spheres.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.
identiteet, hüpermeedia, paremäärmuslus, elektrooniline kommunikatsioon, võrgusuhtlus, Eesti, semiootika, kultuurisemiootika, identity, hypermedia, extreme right, electronic communication, network communication, Estonia, semiotics, cultural semiotics