Revisiting the triadic nexus: An analysis of the ethnopolitical interplay between Estonia, Russia and Estonian Russians
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Doktoriväitekiri keskendub dünaamilise kolmiksuhte – Eesti riik kui rahvustav riik, eestivenelased kui vähemus ja Venemaa kui vähemuse ajalooline kodumaa – analüüsile. Kasutades Rogers Brubakeri (1996) triaadilise kolmikneksuse analüütilist konstruktsiooni analüüsitakse Eesti entopoliitilist režiimi ja selle muutumise dünaamikaid viimasel kahel kümnendil. Väitekirjas vaadeldakse Eesti riigi ja eestivenelaste suhete arenguid, integratsioonipoliitikat ja integratsiooniprotsessi, analüüsitakse Euroopa Liidu väärtuspohise ja normatiivse tingimuste seadmise poliitika moju vähemuste oigustele Eestis ning lisaks ka Venemaa kui vähemuse ajaloolise kodumaa ja Noukogude Liidu mantlipärija rolli ja tegevusi venekeelse vähemuse suunal nii Eestis kui mujal. Väitekiri votab kokku Brubakeri mudeli edasiarendused ja empiirilised rakendused akadeemilises kirjanduses ning formuleerib ümber kolmiksuhte sees toimunud muutustest tulenevalt etnopoliitiliste suhete dünaamika. Kui Brubakeri nägemuses olid vahetult pärast Noukogude Liidu lagunemist etnopoliitiliste suhete katalüsaatoriteks uued riigid, mis kerkisid Venemaa ümber ning mis said pärandiks suure arvu venekeelset elanikkonda, siis täna on Venemaa, kes on läbimas joulist rahvusriigi ja rahvusliku eneseteadvuse kujunemise protsessi, peamine etnopoliitiliste suhete katalüsaator kolmnurgas Eesti riik, eestivenelased ja Venemaa.
PhD dissertation focuses on analysing the dynamic relationship of ethnopolitical relations in triadic configuration between Estonia as nationalising state, Estonian Russians as a minority and Russia as historic homeland of the minority. By applying the conceptual framework of triadic nexus developed by Rogers Brubaker (1996) the dissertation analysis Estonia’s ethnopolitical regime and the dynamics of its change in last two decades. The dissertation analysis the relationship between Estonian state and Estonian Russians, integration policy and integration process, the impact of EU conditionality policy on minority rights regime in Estonia and the role and actions taken by Russia as the historic homeland and the successor of Soviet Union towards Russophone populations in Estonia and elsewhere in near abroad. The dissertation summarises the new interpretations and empirical applications of Brubaker’s model in academic literature and postulates new dynamics of interplay in triadic configuration based on developments in recent decade. While Brubaker argued that the main catalyst of ethnopolitical confrontation in the nexus were nationalising states around Russia that inherited large number of Russian-speaking residents, the dissertation argues that nation-building processes in Russia in last decade permit to argue that the main protagonist of rather conflictual ethnopolitical relations in the nexus is Russia.
PhD dissertation focuses on analysing the dynamic relationship of ethnopolitical relations in triadic configuration between Estonia as nationalising state, Estonian Russians as a minority and Russia as historic homeland of the minority. By applying the conceptual framework of triadic nexus developed by Rogers Brubaker (1996) the dissertation analysis Estonia’s ethnopolitical regime and the dynamics of its change in last two decades. The dissertation analysis the relationship between Estonian state and Estonian Russians, integration policy and integration process, the impact of EU conditionality policy on minority rights regime in Estonia and the role and actions taken by Russia as the historic homeland and the successor of Soviet Union towards Russophone populations in Estonia and elsewhere in near abroad. The dissertation summarises the new interpretations and empirical applications of Brubaker’s model in academic literature and postulates new dynamics of interplay in triadic configuration based on developments in recent decade. While Brubaker argued that the main catalyst of ethnopolitical confrontation in the nexus were nationalising states around Russia that inherited large number of Russian-speaking residents, the dissertation argues that nation-building processes in Russia in last decade permit to argue that the main protagonist of rather conflictual ethnopolitical relations in the nexus is Russia.
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Eesti, Venemaa, venelased, venekeelsed, rahvuspoliitika, Estonia, Russia, Russians, Russian-speaking groups of populations, ethnic policy