The Place of Semantics in Biosemiotics: Conceptualization of a Minimal Model of Semiosic Capabilities
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Käesolev töö uurib, millised on esmase semioosivõimelise süsteemi minimaalsed tingimused, ehk teisisõnu, millised teoreetilised aluselemendid on tarvilikud märgiprotsessi käsitlemisel biosemiootika vaatenurgast. Modelleerimaks selliseid minimaalseid tingimusi, oleme ent vastakuti filosoofiliste probleemidega nende metafüüsiliste elementide osas, mida biosemiootika varjatult eeldab. Kui neid biosemiootika eeldusi mitte piirata, võivad nad laieneda eelbiootiliste nähtuste niisuguseks seletuseks, mille korral neid peetakse märkidest koosnevaks, ilma et neil oleks mingit pistmist tunnetusega.
Töös analüüsitakse seda olukorda ja arendatakse välja seisukoht, mis kitsendab mõningaid tugevamaid metafüüsilisi eeldusi. Arusaamad emergentsusest ja modelleerimisest, mis mõlemad on tänapäevase biosemiootika jaoks relevantsed, on käesolevas analüüsis tähtsal kohal, kuna viis, kuidas me neid mõisteid käsitleme, mõjutab seda, kuidas me oma teooriaid rakendada saame. Töös arendatakse välja semioosi põhiliste alustingimuste tasandiline mudel, mis keskendub organismide ja nende keskkondade vahelistele suhetele ning sellele, millistel tingimustel need suhted endaga semantilisuse kaasa toovad. Mudel võimaldab eripäraselt kontseptualiseerida aine ja sümboli (või täpsemini, aine ja märgi) komplementaarsust ning esitab lihtsustatud analüüsiühiku biosemioosi alaste uuringute tarbeks.
This work is an attempt at grounding a minimal model expressing semiosic capabilities from the biosemiotic point of view. We start by exploring the philosophical background of biosemiotics, its need for metaphysics and the problems that come from assuming that such background is not relevant to the scientific pursuit of the field. By having a clearer idea of what the metaphysical assumptions are when developing theories of biosemiotics, we can constrain their explanatory roles. This is a necessity for biosemiotics because sign terminology can be used to represent a number of possibilities about what organisms do when relating to the world. This is taken to the extent that semiotic explanations could apply to much simpler interactions in the physical, without a check for any form of cognition. This, it is contended, can have serious implications for the standing of biosemiotic naturalization. Following these considerations, we establish a position within biosemiotics to observe the concept of emergence and modeling, and what these do in the construction of the general theory of the discipline. With the intention of building a parsimonious model of semiosic capabilities, that is, seeing only the essentials for an account of biosemiosis, we discuss these philosophical issues and develop a layered model using a special notion of semantics based on the concept of symbol-matter complementarity, or rather, the complementarity between signs and matter. The result is a simplified proposal for a unit of analysis including organism, environment and relational mechanisms, all deemed necessary for semiosis to be effective.
This work is an attempt at grounding a minimal model expressing semiosic capabilities from the biosemiotic point of view. We start by exploring the philosophical background of biosemiotics, its need for metaphysics and the problems that come from assuming that such background is not relevant to the scientific pursuit of the field. By having a clearer idea of what the metaphysical assumptions are when developing theories of biosemiotics, we can constrain their explanatory roles. This is a necessity for biosemiotics because sign terminology can be used to represent a number of possibilities about what organisms do when relating to the world. This is taken to the extent that semiotic explanations could apply to much simpler interactions in the physical, without a check for any form of cognition. This, it is contended, can have serious implications for the standing of biosemiotic naturalization. Following these considerations, we establish a position within biosemiotics to observe the concept of emergence and modeling, and what these do in the construction of the general theory of the discipline. With the intention of building a parsimonious model of semiosic capabilities, that is, seeing only the essentials for an account of biosemiosis, we discuss these philosophical issues and develop a layered model using a special notion of semantics based on the concept of symbol-matter complementarity, or rather, the complementarity between signs and matter. The result is a simplified proposal for a unit of analysis including organism, environment and relational mechanisms, all deemed necessary for semiosis to be effective.
biosemiootika, semantika, semioos, mudelid, biosemiotics, semantics, semiosis, models