Spatial aspects of the environmental load of consumption and mobility
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Doktoritöös uuritakse Eesti elanike liikumis- ja tarbimiskäitumisest tuleneva keskkonnakoormuse seoseid elu- või töökoha asukohaga. Seejuures vaadeldakse linnastumisega kaasnevat soodsat ja ebasoodsat mõju tarbimiskäitumise keskkonnakoormuse kujunemisele. Täpsemalt käsitletakse nii eluruumi, transpordi, toitumise kui ka muude kaupade ja teenuste tarbimisega seotud süsinikuheitmete ja ökoloogilise jalajälje jagunemist Eesti asustussüsteemi hierarhias. Analüüsis tuginetakse leibkonna eelarve uuringu andmestikule (Statistikaamet) ning gümnaasiumiõpilaste ja väikeettevõtete seas läbiviidud uuringule.
Inimeste tarbimisotsustusi ja kaasuvat keskkonnakoormust kujundavad tarbimisvõimaluste olemasolu ja kättesaadavus inimese tavapärases tegevuskeskkonnas. Seda ka juhul, kui eeldada leibkondade võrdseid sissetulekuid ja teisi sotsiaaldemograafilisi tunnuseid. Kõrgematesse hierarhiatasanditesse kuuluvad linnad koondavad endasse laiema spektri erinevaid tegevusi ja võimalusi, pakutavaid kaupu ja teenuseid. Selle tulemusena on Tallinnas, Tartus, Pärnus ja nende linnade tagamaal elavatel inimestel suurema keskkonnakoormusega tarbimismuster kui madalamatesse hierarhiatasanditesse kuuluvate asustusüksuste elanikel.
Seevastu Ida-Viru regionaalsete tööstuslinnade elanike tagasihoidlik tarbimis- ja liikumiskäitumine põhjustab konkurentsitult kõige madalama keskkonnakoormuse Eesti elanike hulgas. Siin avalduvad linnade kompaktsusest tulenevad eelised energiakasutuse ja transpordi valdkonnas, samas ei ole nende tööstuslinnade eripärane arengulugu, majandusstruktuur, keskkonnaproblemaatika ja vähesed sotsiaalsed sidemed ümbritsevate aladega võimaldanud neil linnadel areneda tänapäevasteks aktiivset eluviisi võimaldavateks keskusteks.
Sotsiaalselt ja keskkonnaalaselt tasakaalustatud ühiskonnakorralduse saavutamiseks on seega vajalik jõuda teadliku ja läbimõeldud ruumipoliitikani nii iga linnastu kui ka terve riigi tasandil.
The thesis addresses the dilemma between the environmental benefits and disadvantages of urbanization across the settlement hierarchy of Estonia, aiming to get new insights about the effect of location on the environmental load of final consumption. It explores the carbon load and ecological footprint of the consumption and mobility behaviour of Estonian residents based on the data collected in Household Budget Survey (Statistics Estonia) or in surveys conducted among high school students and small enterprises providing knowledge-intensive business services. The thesis brings out the lifestyle environmental impacts of additional consumption that occurs along higher degrees of urbanization both in dense urban cores and in their surrounding hinterland. Better availability and accessibility of various commodities, especially leisure-related goods and services, in higher hierarchy level settlements (i.e. in Tallinn, Tartu, and Pärnu together with their hinterland) favour their consumption and the consequent environmental load also when differences in income levels and other socio-demographic aspects of households are considered. The thesis reveals the exceptional position of the residents of regional industrial centres in Estonian settlement hierarchy considering their significantly low environmental load from final consumption. This is only partly explained by lower affluence level and different ethnical composition of the population when compared to the rest of the country. It may be assumed that the industrial character, development peculiarities and environmental problems, lack of opportunities for self-expression, and low rate of social relations with the hinterland areas have hindered these regional centres to develop towards contemporary urban cores of active lifestyle. Estonian spatial policy in local, regional, and national planning needs to consider the causes of spatially varying consumer behaviour in order to achieve a socio-environmentally balanced society.
The thesis addresses the dilemma between the environmental benefits and disadvantages of urbanization across the settlement hierarchy of Estonia, aiming to get new insights about the effect of location on the environmental load of final consumption. It explores the carbon load and ecological footprint of the consumption and mobility behaviour of Estonian residents based on the data collected in Household Budget Survey (Statistics Estonia) or in surveys conducted among high school students and small enterprises providing knowledge-intensive business services. The thesis brings out the lifestyle environmental impacts of additional consumption that occurs along higher degrees of urbanization both in dense urban cores and in their surrounding hinterland. Better availability and accessibility of various commodities, especially leisure-related goods and services, in higher hierarchy level settlements (i.e. in Tallinn, Tartu, and Pärnu together with their hinterland) favour their consumption and the consequent environmental load also when differences in income levels and other socio-demographic aspects of households are considered. The thesis reveals the exceptional position of the residents of regional industrial centres in Estonian settlement hierarchy considering their significantly low environmental load from final consumption. This is only partly explained by lower affluence level and different ethnical composition of the population when compared to the rest of the country. It may be assumed that the industrial character, development peculiarities and environmental problems, lack of opportunities for self-expression, and low rate of social relations with the hinterland areas have hindered these regional centres to develop towards contemporary urban cores of active lifestyle. Estonian spatial policy in local, regional, and national planning needs to consider the causes of spatially varying consumer behaviour in order to achieve a socio-environmentally balanced society.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.
tarbimine, tarbijakäitumine, urbanisatsioon, ruumiline liikumus, äriturism, saastekoormus, keskkonnamõju hindamine, ökoloogiline jalajälg, inimgeograafia, consumption, buyer behaviour, urbanization, spatial mobility, business tourism, business tourism, pollution rate, environmental assessment, ecological footprint, human geography