Distribution, feeding and habitat of benthic suspension feeders in a shallow coastal sea
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Hõljumtoiduliste põhjaloomade levik, toitumine ja elupaik madalas rannikumeres.
Hõljumtoidulised põhjaloomad on tähtis funktsionaalne rühm rannikuökosüsteemides. Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärk oli uurida, kuidas erinevad abiootilised ja biootilised tegurid ning nende interaktsioonid mõjutavad hõljumtoiduliste põhjaloomade levikut, toitumist ja kooseksisteerimist ning kuidas saab rakendada olemasolevaid andmeid nende kohta looduskaitseks. Uurimisalased liigid on söödav rannakarp, muutlik rändkarp ja harilik tõruvähk, mis on tähtsad elupaiga moodustajad Läänemeres.
Rändkarbi toitumise hindamiseks korraldasime Pärnu lahes in situ ja ex situ katseseeriad looduslikest populatsioonidest kogutud isenditega. Tulemused näitasid, et isegi tugevalt eutrofeerunud veekogus sõltus rändkarpide toitumine peamiselt toidu kättesaadavusest. Samuti mõjutasid rändkarbi toitumist vee soolsus ja tuulest põhjustatud setete resuspensioon.
Rannakarpide levikumustrite kirjeldamiseks kasutati olemasolevate arvukuse ja biomassi andmete põhjal Boosted Regressioon Trees masinõpe modelleerimist. Loodud mudelid näitasid, et põhjasubstraat, avatus lainetusele ja soolsus mängivad Eesti meres rannakarpide leviku kujundamises põhirolli. Bioloogilised interaktsioonid põhjataimestikuga mõjutasid rannakarpide biomassi nende elupaiga ulatuses. Põhjalikud teadmised liigi keskkonnaeelistustest ja levikumustrist panustavad nende liikide seire korraldamisse ja elupaikade säilitamisse.
Rändkarbi ja tõruvähi kinnitumise ning keskkonnatingimuste vaheliste seoste uurimiseks teostati Pärnu lahes katse betoonist tehissubstraatidega. Tulemused näitasid, et loomade kinnitumist määrasid tehissubstraadi pinnaorientatsioon, bioloogilised interaktsioonid rändkarbi ja tõruvähi vahel ja erinevad keskkonnategurid. Rändkarpi mõjutas kõige rohkem temperatuur, tõruvähki aga avatus lainetusele. Tulemusi saab rakendada keskkonnaseisundi parandamise eesmärkidel, liikide leviku muutuste ennustamisel või võõrliikide seirekavade väljatöötamisel.
Hõljumtoiduliste põhjaloomade elupaiga hindamiseks kasutati arvukuse ja biomassi olemasolevaid andmeid aastatest 1995-2014. 2015 aastal kogutud andmete põhjal hinnati hõljumtoiduliste põhjaloomade elupaiga seisundit heaks kümnes jaamas üheteistkümnest. Kogutud andmed aitavad kaasa looduskaitseliste tegevuste läbiviimisel ning soodustavad ökosüsteemi probleemide varajast avastamist
Distribution, feeding and habitat of benthic suspension feeders in a shallow coastal sea. Benthic suspension feeders (BSF) are an important ecological guild in coastal ecosystems, functioning as a natural biological filter and providing habitat and food for other species. Human activities are causing rapid changes in coastal ecosystems with a wide range of ecological responses of species and communities. Detailed knowledge of the ecology of BSF species is highly important for human pressure mitigation. Study species were the non-indigenous Amphibalanus improvisus and Dreissena polymorpha; and the native Mytilus trossulus. The objectives of this study were to explore how various environmental gradients and biotic interactions affect BSF communities. Feeding rates of D. polymorpha were derived from field populations by measuring the content of algal pigments in specimens and their biodeposits in their natural habitat in the Pärnu Bay and separate mesocosms. Mussel feeding was mainly explained by chlorophyll a concentrations, salinity, and wind-induced disturbances. The study showed that mussel feeding was principally food regulated even in a highly eutrophic system. This supports their potential value as biofilters in the manipulation of eutrophic waterbodies. To explain the distribution and biomass of M. trossulus on a larger scale, we analysed existing data on the occurrence and biomass of M. trossulus for the period of 2005–2009 in the Estonian coastal sea. Distribution patterns of M. trossulus were manly explained by substrate availability, wave exposure, salinity, and biotic interactions with algae. These results provide a useful basis for predicting future bay mussel distribution in the Baltic Sea in the changing climate conditions. Colonization of A. improvisus and D. polymorpha was studied in in situ experiments in the Pärnu Bay using artificial substrate. The results showed that local colonization was structured by species-specific microhabitat use coupled with biotic interactions between the two species, and individual and interactive effects of environmental gradients. These results can be considered when designing artificial structures for monitoring or biomanipulation purposes in the respective sea area. In order to evaluate BSFs’ habitat quality we used available scientific data for the period of 1995–2014 to define the relevant assessment criteria in the Estonia coastal sea. We evaluated BSFs’ habitat to be in good status in 10 out of 11 stations based on the data collected in 2015. The use of existing field data provides a robust foundation for habitat quality assessment.
Distribution, feeding and habitat of benthic suspension feeders in a shallow coastal sea. Benthic suspension feeders (BSF) are an important ecological guild in coastal ecosystems, functioning as a natural biological filter and providing habitat and food for other species. Human activities are causing rapid changes in coastal ecosystems with a wide range of ecological responses of species and communities. Detailed knowledge of the ecology of BSF species is highly important for human pressure mitigation. Study species were the non-indigenous Amphibalanus improvisus and Dreissena polymorpha; and the native Mytilus trossulus. The objectives of this study were to explore how various environmental gradients and biotic interactions affect BSF communities. Feeding rates of D. polymorpha were derived from field populations by measuring the content of algal pigments in specimens and their biodeposits in their natural habitat in the Pärnu Bay and separate mesocosms. Mussel feeding was mainly explained by chlorophyll a concentrations, salinity, and wind-induced disturbances. The study showed that mussel feeding was principally food regulated even in a highly eutrophic system. This supports their potential value as biofilters in the manipulation of eutrophic waterbodies. To explain the distribution and biomass of M. trossulus on a larger scale, we analysed existing data on the occurrence and biomass of M. trossulus for the period of 2005–2009 in the Estonian coastal sea. Distribution patterns of M. trossulus were manly explained by substrate availability, wave exposure, salinity, and biotic interactions with algae. These results provide a useful basis for predicting future bay mussel distribution in the Baltic Sea in the changing climate conditions. Colonization of A. improvisus and D. polymorpha was studied in in situ experiments in the Pärnu Bay using artificial substrate. The results showed that local colonization was structured by species-specific microhabitat use coupled with biotic interactions between the two species, and individual and interactive effects of environmental gradients. These results can be considered when designing artificial structures for monitoring or biomanipulation purposes in the respective sea area. In order to evaluate BSFs’ habitat quality we used available scientific data for the period of 1995–2014 to define the relevant assessment criteria in the Estonia coastal sea. We evaluated BSFs’ habitat to be in good status in 10 out of 11 stations based on the data collected in 2015. The use of existing field data provides a robust foundation for habitat quality assessment.
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söödav rannakarp, rändkarp, bentos, arvukus, levik (biol.), toitumine, veeökosüsteemid, võõrliigid, rannikumeri, Pärnu laht, Läänemeri, Mytilus edulis, Dreissena polymorpha, benthos, abundance, distribution (biology), nutrition, aquatic ecosystems, invasive species, coastal sea, Pärnu Bay, Baltic Sea