Immigration limitation of forest plants into wooded landscape corridors
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Suurepinnalise põllumajanduse tõttu on metsad maastikus killustunud ja ökoloogiliselt isoleeritud, mis omakorda mõjub negatiivselt metsadega seotud elurikkuse püsimisele ja levile. Et parandada elupaikade maastikulist ühendatust ning toetada elupaigaspetsiifiliste liikide levikut, on pakutud välja ökoloogiliste koridoride tugisüsteem, mis metsade puhul tähendab puiskoridoride (alleede, puuridade ja põõsaribade) paigutumist avamaastikusse metsatukkade vahele. Oma doktoritöös uurisin, kas puiskoridorid toetavad metsataimede levikut ning millised on koridoride kriitilised struktuursed omadused ja koridore ümbritseva maastiku eripärad, mis seavad metsataimedele ökoloogilised piiranguid levimisel metsadest puiskoridoridesse. Nõudeid ja piiranguid hindasin ka ja metsataimede tunnuste põhjal.
Käesoleva doktoritöö tulemused viitavad sellele, et puiskoridorid ei toimi siiski kui metsataimede levimist toetavad maastikustruktuurid. Isegi metsaga vahetus ühenduses olevates koridorides kahanes metsaspetsialistide liigirikkus järsult juba esimesel viiel kuni kümnel meetril; kaugematesse koridoridesse jõudsid aga vaid üksikud. Ainult sellised metsataimed, mille levised kanduvad pika maa taha, näiteks imetajate või lindude abil, suudavad koridoris kaugemale levida, kuid kuna needsamad liigid suudavad ka juba järgmisse metsatukka levida, siis pole puiskoridoril neile erilist lisaväärtust pakkuda. Lisaks limiteerib metsataimi koridorides konkurents teiste taimedega, mis saavad toetust servamõjust tingitud lisavalgustatusest.
Arvestades looduskaitselisi eesmärke, tuleks maastike planeerimisel keskenduda juba olemasolevatele laiadele puiskoridoridele, ja eriti nendele, mis asuvad ajalooliselt järjepidevalt eksisteeriva metsa läheduses ning mille aastakümnete jooksul välja arenenud puistu struktuur suudab leevendada servaefekti mõjusid. Sellised koridorid on näiteks kahe- või enamarealised vanad alleed, millel on juba väljakujunenud kaarjas võrastik ning külgmised allalaskuvad oksad. Maastiku planeerimises ja liigendamisel tuleks eelistada olemasolevaid puiskoridore ning nende sujuvat noorendamist uute alleede istutamisele, kuna uutes koridorides kulub aastakümneid sobivate struktuursete tingimuste moodustumiseks.
Large-scale agricultural and sylvicultural activities have led to the fragmentation and isolation of both ancient and recent forests in landscape. In afforested areas, the formation of forest-specific vegetation is impeded by the inhospitable surrounding agricultural matrix and by poor dispersal ability of many forest plants. Landscape corridors are proposed as a means to increase the connectivity between species source and target habitats, therein wooded corridors should enhance the dispersal of forest-specific species. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the functionality of wooded landscape corridors as dispersal enhancing landscape elements for forest plants of deciduous forests. The results of this thesis indicate that wooded corridors in their present state do not perform well as dispersal enhancing structures for specialist forest plants. Even in well-connected corridors, most of forest specialists colonised only the first 5–10 m of the corridor, and only very few species could migrate to isolated corridors. Mainly those forest plants are successful that utilise long-distance dispersal vectors, such as mammals or birds, and those that can tolerate habitat edge mediated conditions dominating in corridors. Positive signals of the use of corridors by forest-dwelling plants were mostly created by shade tolerant generalist species. Analysis results showed that forest species can be supported only by wide corridors that are directly connected to ancient (source) forest, and those that have structures reducing edge effects. Such structures are formed in corridors with a double line of mature trees (e.g. old alleys) that have wide-arching canopies and lateral side branches. Landscape planning and conservation management of rural landscapes should target first on existing wooded corridors before planting new tree lines, as the formation of suitable habitat conditions takes decades or centuries
Large-scale agricultural and sylvicultural activities have led to the fragmentation and isolation of both ancient and recent forests in landscape. In afforested areas, the formation of forest-specific vegetation is impeded by the inhospitable surrounding agricultural matrix and by poor dispersal ability of many forest plants. Landscape corridors are proposed as a means to increase the connectivity between species source and target habitats, therein wooded corridors should enhance the dispersal of forest-specific species. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the functionality of wooded landscape corridors as dispersal enhancing landscape elements for forest plants of deciduous forests. The results of this thesis indicate that wooded corridors in their present state do not perform well as dispersal enhancing structures for specialist forest plants. Even in well-connected corridors, most of forest specialists colonised only the first 5–10 m of the corridor, and only very few species could migrate to isolated corridors. Mainly those forest plants are successful that utilise long-distance dispersal vectors, such as mammals or birds, and those that can tolerate habitat edge mediated conditions dominating in corridors. Positive signals of the use of corridors by forest-dwelling plants were mostly created by shade tolerant generalist species. Analysis results showed that forest species can be supported only by wide corridors that are directly connected to ancient (source) forest, and those that have structures reducing edge effects. Such structures are formed in corridors with a double line of mature trees (e.g. old alleys) that have wide-arching canopies and lateral side branches. Landscape planning and conservation management of rural landscapes should target first on existing wooded corridors before planting new tree lines, as the formation of suitable habitat conditions takes decades or centuries
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metsataimestik, alustaimestu, rohttaimed, bioloogiline mitmekesisus, liigirikkus, levik (biol.), forest flora, ground cover, herbs, biological diversity, species richness, distribution (biology)