Eesti kõrgkoolide programmeerimise algkursused



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Antud töö eesmärgiks on uurida programmeerimise algkursuseid Eesti kõrgkoolides. Vaatluse alla jäi kümnes Eesti kõrgkoolis 16 erinevat programmeerimise algkursust, mida võtab igal aastal üle tuhande tudengi. Igal kursusel otsiti kursuste kohta käivat üldinfot. Kõrgkoolidele esitati ka küsimustikud, millele neil paluti vastata. Vastuste põhjal koostati kursuste kohta lühikokkuvõtted ning vaadeldi käsitletavate kursuste erinevaid aspekte. Projekti „Kontseptuaalne raamistik suurendamaks ühiskonna pühendumist IKTsse“ raames uuriti Eesti tudengite kokkupuudet programmeerimisega enne kõrgkooli tulemist. Antud bakalaureusetöö jaoks kättesaadavaks tehtud andmeid analüüsiti esimeste programmeerimise kokkupuudete vaatest.
The purpose of the current bachelor’s thesis is to examine introductory programming courses in Estonian colleges and universities. 16 courses in 10 different colleges or universities were observed. These courses are attended by more than a thousand students each year. General information about each course was searched for. In addition colleges and universities were asked to answer a questionnaire. Based on the answers of the questionnaire short summaries of the courses were made and different aspects of the courses were observed. In the context of the project „Conceptual framework for increasing society’s commitment in ICT" students were asked about their first contacts with programming before attending colleges or universities. The data that were made available for this bachelor’s thesis was analyzed in the perspective of first contacts with programming.


