Nutimaja häkkimine



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Nutimaja on intelligentne kodu, mis on varustatud erinevate seadmete ja\n\rinfosüsteemidega ning lubab maja elanikel neid süsteeme juhtida. See tehnoloogia on muutnud mugavamaks viisi, kuidas tarbija suhtleb oma koduga, andes talle paremat kontrolli seadmete üle. Samuti on sellel tehnoloogial positiivne mõju maja energiasäästlikusele. Tarbijate suurest huvist hoolimata on selle tehnoloogia kasutuselevõttu takistanud kasutajate ebakindlus nende süsteemide turvalisuses.\n\rAntud magistritöö uurib nutimaja platvormidega seotud turva- ja\n\rprivaatsusprobleeme. Konkreetsemalt uuritakse platvormi nimega CoSSmic. Samuti antakse hinnang targa kodu ja HomeMatic tarkade pistikute vahelise suhtluse turvalisusele. Uuritakse ka CoSSMic platvormi turvalisust veebis laialt\n\rlevinud ohtude vastu. Leitud probleemidele esitatakse soovitused ja\n\rvastumeetmed, et parandusi saaks rakendada vaatlusalustel platvormildel.\n\rDemonstreeritakse ka kahte rünnakut eesmärgiga võtta üle HomeMatic targa\n\rpistiku juhtimine.
Smart Home is an intelligent home equipped with devices and communications systems that enables the residents to connect and control their home appliances and systems. This technology has changed the way a consumer interacts with his home, enabling more control and convenience. Another advantage of this technology is the positive impact it has on savings on energy and other resources. However, despite the consumer's excitement about smart home, security and privacy have shown to be the strongest obstacles to the adaption with this technology. \n\r\n\rThis work investigates the security and privacy issues found at an emerging smart home technology such as the CoSSMic platform. The security of the communication between the smart home and the connected devices through HomeMatic smart plugs is assessed. CoSSMic platform is also investigated for common web vulnerabilities. Finally, recommendations and countermeasures are given to deploy the fixes on CoSSMic platform before the product release. Moreover, two attacks are performed in order to take the control of HomeMatic smart plug.


