Cognitive functioning after first psychotic episode
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Psühhootiliste häirete puhul on tegemist bioloogiliste põhjustega aju toimimise eripäradega. Enamlevinud krooniline psühhootiline häire on skisofreenia, mille puhul võivad ilmneda psühhopatoloogilised ilmingud tajumises, mõtlemises, tunde- ja tahteelus. Üha suuremat kliinilist ja teadusuuringute põhist tähelepanu pööratakse häire avaldumise esmasele episoodile ning haiguse tuumsümptomina käsitletakse kognitiivse funktsionaalsuse omapära.
Uurimustöö eesmärgiks oli iseloomustada esmase psühhootilise episoodi ilmnemise järgselt patsientide kognitiivsete funktsioonide sooritussuutlikkuse eripärasid võrreldes tervete eakaaslastega. Lisaks, hinnata patsientide objektiivselt mõõdetud ja subjektiivselt hinnatud kognitiivset funktsionaalsust ajalises dünaamikas ning kirjeldada aju morfoloogiliste tunnuste (ajukoore paksuse ja pindala) seoseid aju funktsionaalse toimimisega.
Uuritavate kognitiivseid funktsioone hinnati arvutipõhise neuropsühholoogilise testipatarei abil, mille patsiendid läbisid võimalusel kuuekuulise ajaintervalliga ka teistkordselt. Hinnatud kognitiivsete funktsioonide valdkonnad olid: visuaalne ja ruumiline äratundmismälu, õppimisvõime, tähelepanu ümberlülitumisvõime, tegevuse planeerimis- ja täidesaatmisvõimekus, töömälu maht, töömälus oleva infoga toimetamisvõimekus, strateegiate kasutus ning infotöötluskiirus. Lisaks andsid patsiendid tagasisidet subjektiivselt tajutud kognitiivsete funktsioonide sooritussuutlikkuse kohta. Magnetresonantstomograafilise ajukuvamisuuringu kasutamine võimaldas määratleda osalejate ajukoore paksust ja pindala iseloomustavaid väärtuseid.
Tulemustest selgus, et esmase psühhoosiepisoodi järgselt ilmneb patsientide grupi tasandil laiaulatuslik kognitiivsete funktsioonide sooritussuutlikkuse langus võrreldes tervete eakaaslastega. Patsientidel avalduv kognitiivne düsfunktsionaalsus ei piirdu üksnes kvantitatiivsete muutustega, neil esinevad lisaks ka kvalitatiivsed ehk funktsionaalsuse struktuurilised erinevused. Lisaks selgitasime, et hinnatud kognitiivsete funktsioonide sooritussuutlikkuse muutused ajas võivad ilmneda määra, viisi ja suuna erinevustes. Ilmnes, et objektiivselt mõõdetud ja subjektiivselt hinnatud vaimse tegevuse sooritussuutlikkus on teineteisest eristuvad ja tõenäoliselt teineteist täiendavad konstruktid. Saamaks laiapõhjalisemat ülevaadet patsiendi igapäevasest vaimsest toimimisest tuleks kasutada samaaegselt mõlemat lähenemist. Osalejate ajukuvamisuuringute ja neuropsühholoogiliste testide tulemuste seosteanalüüsidele tuginedes näitasime, et eeskätt morfoloogilised muutused eesaju, oimu- ja kiirusagara ning vöökääru aladel korreleeruvad kognitiivse funktsionaalsuse eripäradega. Lisaks ilmnesid erinevused aju struktuuri ja funktsiooni korrelatsioonimustrites haigete ja kontrollgruppi kuulujate osas.
Uurimustöö tulemused rõhutavad kognitiivse düsfunktsionaalsuse kui haigusspetsiifilise tunnuse olemasolu juba kroonilise psühhootilise häire varajases staadiumis.
Schizophrenia is a severe psychiatric disorder that has a strong biological basis and is characterized by disturbances in perception, thought, emotion, and behaviour. In the field of psychiatric research, there is growing interest in the early stage of the chronic psychotic disorder and mounting evidence suggests that compromised cognitive function is a core feature of the illness. Aims of the research were to characterize cognitive functioning of the first-episode psychosis/schizophrenia patients, and to study its relationships with subjectively perceived cognitive functioning and brain morphological parameters. A comprehensive computer-based neuropsychological battery was used. The battery included tests designed to assess subjects’ pattern and spatial recognition memory capacity, learning and rapid visual information processing abilities, shifting and flexibility of attention, spatial planning and executive functioning, and to evaluate participants’ ability to retain spatial information and manipulate these remembered items in their working memory, and to use strategies. Objective and subjective mental functioning data were collected at baseline and follow-up measures were completed approximately six months later, in the patients’ group. We used magnet resonance imaging technique to evaluate brain morphological (i.e., cortical thickness and cortical area) parameters. The results indicated that patients exhibited widespread cognitive impairments, and that the structure of underlying cognitive abilities as measured by a selection of neuropsychological tests is not the same for healthy individuals and patients with first-episode psychosis. The findings suggested that there is variability in the type, direction, and size of the changes of different cognitive functions over time among patients with first psychotic episode. Objectively measured and sujectively perceived cognitive functioning are two distinct and probably complementary constructs, and should be measured separately in order to attain a more comprehensive assessment of each patient’s day-to-day functioning. Furthermore, we demonstrated that morphological changes in frontal, temporal, parietal, and cingulate cortices may be related to the altered cognitive functioning among patients and that the brain structure-function relationships may be dissimilar for patients with first psychotic episode and healthy subjects. Our findings support continued efforts to elucidate cognitive dysfunction as a characteristic feature of the early stage of chronic psychotic disorder.
Schizophrenia is a severe psychiatric disorder that has a strong biological basis and is characterized by disturbances in perception, thought, emotion, and behaviour. In the field of psychiatric research, there is growing interest in the early stage of the chronic psychotic disorder and mounting evidence suggests that compromised cognitive function is a core feature of the illness. Aims of the research were to characterize cognitive functioning of the first-episode psychosis/schizophrenia patients, and to study its relationships with subjectively perceived cognitive functioning and brain morphological parameters. A comprehensive computer-based neuropsychological battery was used. The battery included tests designed to assess subjects’ pattern and spatial recognition memory capacity, learning and rapid visual information processing abilities, shifting and flexibility of attention, spatial planning and executive functioning, and to evaluate participants’ ability to retain spatial information and manipulate these remembered items in their working memory, and to use strategies. Objective and subjective mental functioning data were collected at baseline and follow-up measures were completed approximately six months later, in the patients’ group. We used magnet resonance imaging technique to evaluate brain morphological (i.e., cortical thickness and cortical area) parameters. The results indicated that patients exhibited widespread cognitive impairments, and that the structure of underlying cognitive abilities as measured by a selection of neuropsychological tests is not the same for healthy individuals and patients with first-episode psychosis. The findings suggested that there is variability in the type, direction, and size of the changes of different cognitive functions over time among patients with first psychotic episode. Objectively measured and sujectively perceived cognitive functioning are two distinct and probably complementary constructs, and should be measured separately in order to attain a more comprehensive assessment of each patient’s day-to-day functioning. Furthermore, we demonstrated that morphological changes in frontal, temporal, parietal, and cingulate cortices may be related to the altered cognitive functioning among patients and that the brain structure-function relationships may be dissimilar for patients with first psychotic episode and healthy subjects. Our findings support continued efforts to elucidate cognitive dysfunction as a characteristic feature of the early stage of chronic psychotic disorder.
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psühhoosid, skisofreenia, tunnetus, kognitiivsed võimed, psychoses, schizophrenia, cognition, cognitive skills