Liivimaa ja Püha Rooma keisririik 1199–1486
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Doktoritöö käsitleb Liivimaa maahärrade õiguslikke, poliitilisi ja isiklikke sidemeid keisriga. Keskaegne Liivimaa oli regioon, mille maahärrad ise soovisid olla osa Püha Rooma keisririigist. Nad kasutasid keisri autoriteeti ära omavahelises rivaalitsemises, püüdes valitseja käest saadud ürikute toel tagada oma härrusõiguste püsimise ning legitimeerida oma poliitilist tegevust. Samas ei soovinud nad keisririigi poliitikas kaasa rääkida ega kanda keisririigi ees sõjalisi- või maksukohustusi. Keisrid ise Liivimaa vastu huvi ei tundnud. Nad ei sundinud sealseid maahärrasid oma õiguslikke sidemeid üleval hoidma, kuid reageerisid meeleldi Liivimaalt saabunud palvetele, väljastades maahärradele soovitud sisuga ürikud.
Seejuures ilmnes ajaline kõikumine Liivimaa maahärrade ja keisri suhete intensiivsuse astmes. 13. sajandi esimesel poolel – ajal, mil asutati keskaegse Liivimaa maahärrused – täitis keiserlik autoriteet regioonis võrdlemisi tähtsat funktsiooni: legitimeerida vastsete maahärrade ilmalik võimutäius. Seevastu 13. sajandi keskpaigas algas ligi saja-aastane periood, mil suhteid keisrivõimuga hoidis üleval üksnes maahärra ja sedagi äärmiselt harva.14. sajandi teisel poolel hakkas suhtlus keisrivõimuga taas tihenema ning 15. sajandil mängis keiserlik autoriteet Liivimaal juba olulisemat rolli kui 13. sajandi alguses. Seesugune ajaline kõikumine keskvõimu ja regionaalsete isandate suhetes ei olnud siiski Liivimaa eripära, vaid oli omane ka paljudele Saksa vürstidele. Kokkuvõtteks võib öelda, et Liivimaa sidemed keisriga olid selgelt nõrgemad kui Saksa piirkondade omad, kuid siiski piisavalt tugevad, et lugeda keskaegset Liivimaad Püha Rooma keisririigi osaks.
This dissertation studies legal, political and personal ties of the Livonian territorial lords with the Holy Roman Emperors between 1199 and 1486. Medieval Livonia was a region whose territorial lords were eager to belong to the Holy Roman Empire. They entered into legal ties with the Emperors and used imperial charters as a source of legitimacy for their political actions. On the other hand, they showed no interest towards imperial affaires and did they fulfil any military and financial obligations. The Emperors themselves showed hardly any interest towards the region and did not even urge Livonian bishops to renew their feudal ties. Nevertheless, the Emperor gladly issued charters requested by Livonian territorial lords and often did not take sides in Livonia’s inner conflicts. There appears to have been a temporal fluctuation in the intensity of the ties between the Emperor and the territorial lords of Livonia. During the first half of the 13th Century the territorial lords of Livonia used the Emperor’s authority to legitimate their newly founded temporal lordships. Between the years ca. 1250–1350, on the other hand, only one territorial lord preserved its ties with Emperor. Relations with the Emperor began to densify from the middle of the 14th Century onwards and during the 15th century imperial authority played a significant role in Livonian inner politics. These kind of temporal fluctuations in the intensity of relations with the Emperor were not a particular feature of Livonian territorial lords, but were also characteristic of several German imperial princes. Livonia’s relations with the Emperor were clearly weaker compared to regions in Germany, but were nevertheless strong enough to consider Livonia a part of the Holy Roman Empire.
This dissertation studies legal, political and personal ties of the Livonian territorial lords with the Holy Roman Emperors between 1199 and 1486. Medieval Livonia was a region whose territorial lords were eager to belong to the Holy Roman Empire. They entered into legal ties with the Emperors and used imperial charters as a source of legitimacy for their political actions. On the other hand, they showed no interest towards imperial affaires and did they fulfil any military and financial obligations. The Emperors themselves showed hardly any interest towards the region and did not even urge Livonian bishops to renew their feudal ties. Nevertheless, the Emperor gladly issued charters requested by Livonian territorial lords and often did not take sides in Livonia’s inner conflicts. There appears to have been a temporal fluctuation in the intensity of the ties between the Emperor and the territorial lords of Livonia. During the first half of the 13th Century the territorial lords of Livonia used the Emperor’s authority to legitimate their newly founded temporal lordships. Between the years ca. 1250–1350, on the other hand, only one territorial lord preserved its ties with Emperor. Relations with the Emperor began to densify from the middle of the 14th Century onwards and during the 15th century imperial authority played a significant role in Livonian inner politics. These kind of temporal fluctuations in the intensity of relations with the Emperor were not a particular feature of Livonian territorial lords, but were also characteristic of several German imperial princes. Livonia’s relations with the Emperor were clearly weaker compared to regions in Germany, but were nevertheless strong enough to consider Livonia a part of the Holy Roman Empire.
Saksa Ordu, Mõõgavendade Ordu, Liivimaa Ordu, keskaeg, Liivimaa, Vana-Liivimaa, maahärrad, piiskopid, Saksa-Rooma riik, keisrid, autoriteet, võim, legitimeerimine, aktsepteerimine, vasalliteet, poliitilised suhted, kommunikatsioon, poliitilised lahkhelid, poliitiline ajalugu, õigusajalugu, kirjalikud allikad, ürikud, 12.-15. saj., Deutscher Orden, Orden der Schwertbrüder, Deutscher Orden in Livland, Middle Ages, Livonia, Old Livonia, reigning princes (hist.), bishops, Holy Roman empire, emperors, authority, power (authority), system of feudal dependency, political relations, communication, political conflicts, political history, legal history, written sources