Negotiating faith and identity in a Komi village: Protestant Christians in a pro-Orthodox sociocultural environment
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Väitekiri teeb sissevaate nõukogude aja järgse usuelu arengusuundadesse Komi Vabariigis. Alates 1990. aastatest on Venemaa religioossele maastikule ilmunud arvukalt kohalikus kontekstis uusi ja vähetuntud usugruppe. Samal ajal on jõudsalt kasvanud Vene Õigeusu Kiriku ühiskondlik positsioon ja tähendus. Nõukogude korra ja identiteedi lagunemise järel on religioon omandanud olulise sotsiaalse rolli, seda on nähtud kultuuri ja identiteedi hoidmise ja loomise vahendina, usuline identiteet on võrdsustatud etnilise ja kultuurilise kuuluvusega. Dissertatsioon käsitleb usulise mitmekesistumisega kaasnenud sotsiaalseid pingeid, keskendudes õigeuskliku enamuse ja protestantliku vähemuse vaheliste suhete problemaatikale ühe väikese evangeelsete kristlaste kogukonna näitel. Uurimuse keskmes oleva kogukonna eripäraks on selle oikumeeniline suunitlus ning avatus erinevate denominatsiooniliste eelistustega inimestele. Mitmed kogukonna liikmed on selles avatuses ja kristluse vormide mitmekesisust tunnustavas lähenemises leidnud võimaluse teadlikult kombineerida õigeusklikku ja evangeelset identiteeti. Esimest väärtustatakse tihti järjepidevuse kontekstis, teine on paljude jaoks võimaldanud tähenduslikult ümber mõtestada oma suhte religiooni ja jumalaga. Käsitlen raskusi, millega kogukonna liikmed on vastamisi sattunud, püüdes legitimeerida oma kohalolu ajalooliselt õigeusklikus kultuuriruumis ning analüüsin strateegiaid, mille abil püütakse sobituda nende suhtes tihti ebasõbralikku keskkonda. Uurin, kuidas sotsiaalse konteksti eripärad on mõjutanud kohalikke religioosseid tõlgendusi, väljendusi ja praktikaid. Samuti käsitlen seda, kuidas protestandid kasutavad ja kohandavad teatud ideid ja praktikaid viisil, mis on tähenduslikud nii konkreetses sotsiokultuurilises keskkonnas kui ka nende usu kontekstis.
Uurimuse aluseks olev materjal on kogutud Komi Vabariigis Kulömdini rajooni külades etnoloogilistel välitöödel, mis toimusid aastatel 2006–2015.
This study explores the dynamics of post-Soviet religious life in Komi Republic, Northern Russia. Following the demise of communist and Soviet identity, the question of identity has been on the foreground in Russia in general as well as in the Komi Republic. Religion has acquired important social role as part of the resources of constituting and expressing identity and culture. Russian Orthodoxy as the historically and culturally most rooted religious tradition claimed and was granted a special and leading position in the religious landscape of Russia. At the same time, more or less explicitly this dominating position has been challenged in the context of exuberant religious diversity that quickly developed in the post-Soviet society. This thesis focuses on the relationship between Orthodox majority and Protestant minority on the example of a small evangelical group in the Komi countryside. Although numerically a minority, the social visibility and significance of evangelical Christians in Russia considerably exceeds their proportion in numbers. Looking at evangelical Christians’ interactions with the surrounding society allows examining tensions accompanying the growth of religious pluralism, tackling questions of belonging and discussing links between religion and national and ethnic identity. The study examines the difficulties a minority religion group has faced in establishing itself as legitimate in rural Komi and the strategies of how the group members negotiate their presence in the wider society frequently unsympathetic towards them. How the particularities of specific social context have influenced local interpretations, expressions and practices of faith are analysed. The study also discusses how the evangelicals use and adapt specific ideas and practices in ways that are meaningful to both their particular socio-cultural context and faith. The study is based on ethnological fieldwork conducted in the villages of Kulömdin, Komi Repbulic, between 2006 and 2015.
This study explores the dynamics of post-Soviet religious life in Komi Republic, Northern Russia. Following the demise of communist and Soviet identity, the question of identity has been on the foreground in Russia in general as well as in the Komi Republic. Religion has acquired important social role as part of the resources of constituting and expressing identity and culture. Russian Orthodoxy as the historically and culturally most rooted religious tradition claimed and was granted a special and leading position in the religious landscape of Russia. At the same time, more or less explicitly this dominating position has been challenged in the context of exuberant religious diversity that quickly developed in the post-Soviet society. This thesis focuses on the relationship between Orthodox majority and Protestant minority on the example of a small evangelical group in the Komi countryside. Although numerically a minority, the social visibility and significance of evangelical Christians in Russia considerably exceeds their proportion in numbers. Looking at evangelical Christians’ interactions with the surrounding society allows examining tensions accompanying the growth of religious pluralism, tackling questions of belonging and discussing links between religion and national and ethnic identity. The study examines the difficulties a minority religion group has faced in establishing itself as legitimate in rural Komi and the strategies of how the group members negotiate their presence in the wider society frequently unsympathetic towards them. How the particularities of specific social context have influenced local interpretations, expressions and practices of faith are analysed. The study also discusses how the evangelicals use and adapt specific ideas and practices in ways that are meaningful to both their particular socio-cultural context and faith. The study is based on ethnological fieldwork conducted in the villages of Kulömdin, Komi Repbulic, between 2006 and 2015.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
usk, identiteet, õigeusk, protestantism, komid, sotsiokultuuriline keskkond, sotsiaalsed muutused, kogukonnad, külad, Komi, Venemaa, 21. saj. algus, belief, identity, orthodoxy, Protestantism, Komi people, sociocultural environment, social changes, communities, villages, Komi, Russia, beginning of the 21st century