Physical activity and sedentary time of 7–13 year-old Estonian students in different school day segments and compliance with physical activity recommendations
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Eesti õpilaste liikumisaktiivsus koolipäeval – milline on olukord? Eesti õpilaste liikumisaktiivsuse tase on murettekitavalt madal – vaid veerand Eesti 7-13 aastastest õpilastest liigub igal koolipäev tervise seisukohalt piisavalt, samas kui ligikaudu viiendik õpilastest ei täida soovituslikku liikumisaktiivsust mitte ühelgi koolipäeval. Sellisele tulemuseni jõudis uuring, kus mõõdeti liikumisanduritega üle Eesti 636 õpilase liikumisaktiivsust koolipäevadel.
Vastavalt nii riiklikule kui ka rahvusvahelistele soovitustele peaksid õpilased liikuma iga päev vähemalt 60 minutit intensiivsusega, mis tekitab soojatunde ja toob kaasa hingamise sagenemise. Lisaks soovitatakse veeta võimalikult vähe aega istudes. Kuna õpilased veedavad palju aega koolis, on koolil oluline roll õpilaste liikumisaktiivsuse toetamisel ning istuva aja vähendamisel. Uuringus osalenud õpilased kogusid veerand päevasest aktiivsest liikumisest koolis, samas kui naaberriigis Soomes on vastav näitaja pea poole suurem. Vaadates liikumisaktiivsust erinevates ainetundides nähtus, et valdavat osa ainetunde iseloomustab pikk istumisaeg ehk enamik ainetunnist veedeti istudes. Samas eri riikide tulemused on näidanud, et liikumise ja tunni teema lõimimine võimaldab ka ainetundidel oluliselt panustada päevase soovituslikku liikumisaktiivsuse taseme saavutamisesse. Nagu võis eeldada, oli koolis kõige aktiivsemaks tunniks kehaline kasvatus, kus kolmandik tunnist veedeti soovitusliku intensiivsuse tasemega. Samas üllatuslikult kolmandik kehalise kasvatuse tunnist olid õpilased kehaliselt mitteaktiivsed ehk istusid, seisid. Sellele vaatamata oli õpilaste päevane liikumisaktiivsuse tase oluliselt kõrgem nendel päevadel kui osaleti kehalise kasvatuse tunnis ning seda sõltumata treeningutel osalemisest.
The levels of physical activity of Estonian students – what is the situation? The levels of physical activity of Estonian students are distressing as only a quarter of Estonian 7-13 year-old students have healthy physical activity levels and approximately fifth of students do not meet the physical activity recommendations on any of the day, based on a physical activity study where 636 students all over Estonia were measured with accelerometers. According to national and international recommendations, students should accumulate a minimum of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day and minimize their sedentary time. School has been identified as an important setting in supporting the physical activity levels of students and reducing their sedentary time as students spend a lot of their time at school. In current research students accumulated a quarter of daily physical activity in school, whereas in Finland this indicator is approximately twice as high. When looking at lessons, the majority of lesson time is spent as sedentary, while results from other countries indicate that integrating lesson context with physical activity enables to support daily physical activity levels. As it can be assumed, the physical activity lesson was the most active lesson in school, where students had intensive physical activity for a third of lesson time. Surprisingly, another third of physical education lesson was spent as sedentary. Despite this, the physical activity levels were higher on days when students attended the physical education, regardless their sport participation. These results indicated that school is an unused resource in supporting the physical activity levels of students and reducing their sedentary time. Therefore, there is a need to support the schools in creating physical activity opportunities through implementing active (and longer) recess, integrating lesson context with physical activity, adding extra physical education lessons to the curriculum and creating opportunities for active transport.
The levels of physical activity of Estonian students – what is the situation? The levels of physical activity of Estonian students are distressing as only a quarter of Estonian 7-13 year-old students have healthy physical activity levels and approximately fifth of students do not meet the physical activity recommendations on any of the day, based on a physical activity study where 636 students all over Estonia were measured with accelerometers. According to national and international recommendations, students should accumulate a minimum of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day and minimize their sedentary time. School has been identified as an important setting in supporting the physical activity levels of students and reducing their sedentary time as students spend a lot of their time at school. In current research students accumulated a quarter of daily physical activity in school, whereas in Finland this indicator is approximately twice as high. When looking at lessons, the majority of lesson time is spent as sedentary, while results from other countries indicate that integrating lesson context with physical activity enables to support daily physical activity levels. As it can be assumed, the physical activity lesson was the most active lesson in school, where students had intensive physical activity for a third of lesson time. Surprisingly, another third of physical education lesson was spent as sedentary. Despite this, the physical activity levels were higher on days when students attended the physical education, regardless their sport participation. These results indicated that school is an unused resource in supporting the physical activity levels of students and reducing their sedentary time. Therefore, there is a need to support the schools in creating physical activity opportunities through implementing active (and longer) recess, integrating lesson context with physical activity, adding extra physical education lessons to the curriculum and creating opportunities for active transport.
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õpilased, lapsed, füüsiline aktiivsus, passiivsus, kehaline kasvatus, nõuanded, Eesti, students, children, physical activity, passivity, physical education, recommendations, Estonia