Genetic regulation of gene expression: detection of tissueand cell type-specific effects
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Rohkem kui 10 aastat ülegenoomseid assotsiatsiooniuuringuid on leidnud kümneid tuhandeid seoseid komplekstunnuste ja geneetiliste markerite vahel, mis on andnud palju uut infot haiguste etioloogia ning pärilikkuse kohta. Leitud seosed ei viita otse põhjuslikule geneetilisele markerile, vaid märgivad ära genoomi piirkonna, mis mõjutab haiguse saamise riski või tunnuse kujunemist. Paremini aitavad seni kogutud infot mõtestada sellised geneetilised markerid, mis mõjutavad ka geenide avaldumist kui vahepealset tunnust varieeruvate DNA aluspaaride ja fenotüübi vahel. Tähtis on kirjeldada geeniekspressiooni geneetilist regulatsiooni võimalikult paljudes erinevates rakkudes ja kudedes, sest geneetiliste markerite efekt geeniekspressioonile sõltub nii rakutüübist kui ka keskkonnamõjudest. Antud doktoritöö uurib koe- ja rakutüübi-spetsiifilist geenide avaldumise geneetilist regulatsiooni. Me näitame, et täiskasvanu maksakoes mõjutavad geneetilised markerid nende geenide ekspressiooni, mis on seotud üldise ainevahetuse ja ravimite lagundamisega. Me analüüsisime geenide avaldumist ka omandatud immuunkaitses olulist rolli mängivates CD4+ ja CD8+ T-rakkudes. Me leidsime CD4+ T-rakkudes spetsiifilise toimega mittesünonüümse variandi, mis asub IL27 (kromosoom 16) geenis ja mõjutab geenide IRF1 (kromosoom 6) ja STAT1 (kromosoom 2) ekspressiooni, mida kinnitasime ka funktsionaalse katsega ning millel on potentsiaali esimest tüüpi diabeedi ravimisihtmärgina. Lisaks uurisime väikeste mittekodeerivate mikroRNAde ja geneetiliste markerite omavahelist seost geenide avaldumisele. Me ei leidnud seaduspära geneetiliste markerite poolt tekitatud või lõhutud mikroRNAde seondumisealade ning mikroRNAde toimemehhanismi ja geenide ekspressiooni tasemete vahel, aga leidsime mitu vähkkasvajatega seotud markerit, mille mõju geenide avaldumisele toetab mikroRNAde tähtsat rolli geeniekspressiooni regulatsioonis. Seega on järgmise 10 aasta põhiülesanne uurida, millistes rakutüüpides ja missuguste molekulaarsete mehhanismide ning geeniradade kaudu mõjutavad haigusseoselised geneetilised markerid inimeste heaolu. Vastus nendele küsimustele aitaks meid sammukese lähemale inimese genoomi kohta kogutud info rakendamisele ravimiarenduses ja kliinilises praktikas.
Over ten years of genome-wide association studies have unraveled tens of thousands of genetic variants linked to complex traits and provided us with enhanced knowledge about disease aetiology and heritability. However, the identified associations do not point to the causal variant directly, but rather mark the region of the genome that influences the risk for a certain disease or phenotypic expression. Genetic variants that modulate gene expression levels, the intermediate trait between the genetic variation and human trait or disease, help to leverage the knowledge gathered by genome-wide association studies by resolving the genes and pathways affected by the variants. Thereby, it is important to systematically focus on the relevant biological context as the effect of genetic variants on gene expression depends on the cell type and environmental conditions. The current thesis explores the tissue- and cell type-specific genetic regulation of gene expression. Here we show that genes under genetic control in adult liver are enriched for genes encoding enzymes involved in both general and drug metabolism. By analysing the regulation of gene expression in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, the essential elements of adaptive immune response, we identify a variant with CD4+ T cell-specific effects. The missense variant is located in the IL27 gene (chr 16) and it influences the expression levels of IRF1 (chr 6) and STAT1 (chr 2), which we confirm with a functional experiment. Our results indicate IL27 as a new potential drug target for type 1 diabetes. We also investigate the impact of genetic variants in the binding sites of small non-coding microRNAs in the regulation of gene expression. Genetic variants that create or disrupt a microRNA binding site do not seem to be the main components in microRNA-driven regulation of gene expression. However, our prioritized list of genetic variants affecting gene expression mediated by microRNAs point to the importance of microRNAs in the regulation of gene expression in cancer. Thus, the main task for the following ten years is to assess the relevant tissues or cell types, molecular mechanisms and pathways through which susceptibility variants exert their effects. The answer would lead us one step closer to using the gathered information in clinical practice to improve drug development and human health
Over ten years of genome-wide association studies have unraveled tens of thousands of genetic variants linked to complex traits and provided us with enhanced knowledge about disease aetiology and heritability. However, the identified associations do not point to the causal variant directly, but rather mark the region of the genome that influences the risk for a certain disease or phenotypic expression. Genetic variants that modulate gene expression levels, the intermediate trait between the genetic variation and human trait or disease, help to leverage the knowledge gathered by genome-wide association studies by resolving the genes and pathways affected by the variants. Thereby, it is important to systematically focus on the relevant biological context as the effect of genetic variants on gene expression depends on the cell type and environmental conditions. The current thesis explores the tissue- and cell type-specific genetic regulation of gene expression. Here we show that genes under genetic control in adult liver are enriched for genes encoding enzymes involved in both general and drug metabolism. By analysing the regulation of gene expression in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, the essential elements of adaptive immune response, we identify a variant with CD4+ T cell-specific effects. The missense variant is located in the IL27 gene (chr 16) and it influences the expression levels of IRF1 (chr 6) and STAT1 (chr 2), which we confirm with a functional experiment. Our results indicate IL27 as a new potential drug target for type 1 diabetes. We also investigate the impact of genetic variants in the binding sites of small non-coding microRNAs in the regulation of gene expression. Genetic variants that create or disrupt a microRNA binding site do not seem to be the main components in microRNA-driven regulation of gene expression. However, our prioritized list of genetic variants affecting gene expression mediated by microRNAs point to the importance of microRNAs in the regulation of gene expression in cancer. Thus, the main task for the following ten years is to assess the relevant tissues or cell types, molecular mechanisms and pathways through which susceptibility variants exert their effects. The answer would lead us one step closer to using the gathered information in clinical practice to improve drug development and human health
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geeniekspressioon, geeniregulatsioon, ühenukleotiidsed polümorfismid, mikroRNA, genoomid, lookused, maks, T-lümfotsüüdid, gene expression, gene regulation, single nucleotide polymorphisms, genomes, locuses, liver, T lymphocytes, micro RNA