Food habits, parasites and space use of the raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides: the role of an alien species as a predator and vector of zoonotic diseases in Estonia
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Invasiivsed võõrliigid võivad uude keskkonda sattudes rikkuda kohalike ökosüsteemide tasakaalu ja vähendada looduslikku mitmekesisust. Sageli toovad nad päritolualadelt kaasa uusi haigustekitajaid või aitavad kaasa olemasolevate patogeenide levikule. Kõrge sigimispotentsiaali ning laia toiduspektri tõttu on üheks edukaimaks võõrliigiks Euroopas kährikkoer Nyctereutes procyonoides. Käesoleva töö raames uuriti kährikkoerte toitumist, parasitofaunat ning ruumikasutust, saamaks ülevaadet liigi rollist Eesti looduses. Toitumisuuringu tulemustest selgus, et sügisel ja talvel toituvad Eesti kährikkoerad peamiselt raipest ning söödaplatsidel leiduvast teraviljast ja muust taimsest materjalist. Lisaks leidsime, et kärntõve nakkusega loomad toituvad võrreldes tervete isenditega oluliselt harvem selgrootutest loomadest ning sagedamini raipest. Raadiotelemeetrilise uuringu tulemused näitasid, et erinevalt mujal Euroopas elutsevatest kährikkoertest on Eesti loomade kodupiirkonnad loodusmaastikus pea poole väiksemad võrreldes intensiivselt majandatavate aladega. Samas tuvastasime, et kärntõve nakkusega isendite kodupiirkonna suurus ning päevateekonna pikkus vähenevad haiguse intensiivistudes märkimisväärselt ning enne surma on loomad pea liikumisvõimetud. Võttes kokku Eestis ning mujal Euroopas teostatud uuringute tulemused, võib väita, et elupaigavaliku ja toitumise poolest on kährikkoer oportunist, kes võimalusel eelistab viibida veekogude läheduses. Sellest lähtuvalt võib ta kiskjana sesoonselt ning lokaalselt ohustada veelinde ja kahepaikseid, kuid laiemat ohtu kährikkoer kohalikule faunale ei kujuta. Parasitoloogilise uuringu käigus leiti Eesti kährikkoertel kokku 17 siseparasiiti, neist 9 on zoonootilised ehk võivad nakatada ka inimest. Kõige sagedamini esinenud zoonootilisteks parasiitideks olid inimesel nahakahjustusi tekitav Uncinaria stenocephala ja silmi ning lihaskudet kahjustav Alaria alata. Muuhulgas tuvastasime Eesti kährikkoertel esmakordselt ka eluohtliku alveokokk-paelussi Echinococcus multilocularis nakkuse. Kuna haiguste levik on suuresti seotud nende kandjate asutustihedusega, on oluline hoida kährikkoerte arvukus ning selle tõusu soodustavad tegurid kontrolli all.
Invasive alien species may harm biodiversity, alter ecosystem structure and functions, inflict large economic costs and can cause serious problems to human health. Due to its omnivorous diet habits and very high reproductive potential the raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides have become one of the most successful invasive alien mammals in Europe. The main objectives of this thesis were to investigate feeding habits, parasites and space use of raccoon dog to evalute its role in Estonian ecosystem. Our diet study revealed that in autumn and winter period the most important food sources for Estonian raccoon dogs are carrion and anthropogenic plants (e.g. cereals, vegetables, fruit) originating from supplementary feeding sites. Diet comparison of scabied and asymptomatic raccoon dogs showed that infected individuals consumed significantly less invertebrates, but more carrion. Telemetry study revealed that from May to October raccoon dogs inhabiting the natural area have considerably smaller home ranges compared to managed area, which contradicts earlier findings from other parts of Europe. As well, we found that sarcoptic mange has severe impact on raccoon dog space use: during a relatively short period before their death, an abrupt and drastic decline in their home range size and daily covered distances was identified. In conclusion, raccoon dog seems to be a true opportunist in terms of habitat use and feeding habits. They prefer to live in wet habitats, which means that as a predator the species could locally and seasonally harm waterfowl and frogs, but in general raccoon dogs do not pose a threat to local native fauna. Also we recorded that Estonian raccoon dogs harbour at least 17 helminth species. Among nine zoonotic parasites found in raccoon dogs, the fox tapeworm (Echinococcus multilocularis) can be considered the most dangerous to humans. The most prevalent parasite species, which can also occasionally infect humans and cause serious health problems, were Uncinaria stenocephala and Alaria alata. As spread of pathogens is directly correlated with population density of their carriers, it is important to reduce and control the number of raccoon and factors promoting their repro¬duction.
Invasive alien species may harm biodiversity, alter ecosystem structure and functions, inflict large economic costs and can cause serious problems to human health. Due to its omnivorous diet habits and very high reproductive potential the raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides have become one of the most successful invasive alien mammals in Europe. The main objectives of this thesis were to investigate feeding habits, parasites and space use of raccoon dog to evalute its role in Estonian ecosystem. Our diet study revealed that in autumn and winter period the most important food sources for Estonian raccoon dogs are carrion and anthropogenic plants (e.g. cereals, vegetables, fruit) originating from supplementary feeding sites. Diet comparison of scabied and asymptomatic raccoon dogs showed that infected individuals consumed significantly less invertebrates, but more carrion. Telemetry study revealed that from May to October raccoon dogs inhabiting the natural area have considerably smaller home ranges compared to managed area, which contradicts earlier findings from other parts of Europe. As well, we found that sarcoptic mange has severe impact on raccoon dog space use: during a relatively short period before their death, an abrupt and drastic decline in their home range size and daily covered distances was identified. In conclusion, raccoon dog seems to be a true opportunist in terms of habitat use and feeding habits. They prefer to live in wet habitats, which means that as a predator the species could locally and seasonally harm waterfowl and frogs, but in general raccoon dogs do not pose a threat to local native fauna. Also we recorded that Estonian raccoon dogs harbour at least 17 helminth species. Among nine zoonotic parasites found in raccoon dogs, the fox tapeworm (Echinococcus multilocularis) can be considered the most dangerous to humans. The most prevalent parasite species, which can also occasionally infect humans and cause serious health problems, were Uncinaria stenocephala and Alaria alata. As spread of pathogens is directly correlated with population density of their carriers, it is important to reduce and control the number of raccoon and factors promoting their repro¬duction.
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kährikkoer, võõrliigid, elupaigad, asustustihedus (biol.), toitumine, loomaparasiidid, zoonoosid, Eesti, raccoon dog, alien species, habitats, population density (biol.), nutrition, animal parasites, zoonoses, Estonia