Pictorially simplified images as machine vision design tool: semiotics approach
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Käesolevas väitekirjas modelleeritakse redutseeritud arhitektuuriga graafiliste kujutiste (RPA – Reduced Pictorial Architecture) võimalikke kasutusviise keeruliste ja abstraktsete mõisteliste kategooriate representeerimisel. Tehisintellekti arendus on võimatu ilma masinnägemise kui arvutite peamise vastuvõtukanali uuringuteta ja semiootiline lähenemisnurk antud probleemile avab uusi võimalusi masinnägemise instrumentide väljatöötamisel. Tänapäeval on masinnägemise disaini uuringud ja arendustöö koondunud peamiselt neuro- ja biomehaanika ja teiste nö täppisteaduste valdkonda. Semiootika ja eelkõige visuaalsemiootika kaasamine võimaldab teoreetiliselt mõtestada ja praktiliselt teostada graafiliselt redutseeritud kujutiste disaini strateegiat, mis analüüsib väljendus- ja sisuplaani, formaalsete ja semantiliste elementide kombinatoorikat. RPA-d käsitletakse kui teatud märgitüüpi, milles teadete edastamise ja nende tõlgendamise mehhanism väljub kujutise sisese plastilise keele ja kitsa semantilise konteksti raamest.
This dissertation attempts to modeling plausible application of reduced pictorial images that can be called as RPA (Reduced Pictorial Architecture) on practical complications of abstract and complex categories representation through simplified visual structures. This segment of pictorial semiotics can be used as one of research and development instruments in the field of machine vision development. The development of artificial intelligence is impossible without research in the field of computer vision as one of the main channels of perception. In fact, in recent years in such studies, more consideration has been given to neuro- and bio - mechanics, as well as to other precise disciplines. Semiotics, and, above all, visual semiotics, unfortunately are not at this stage of the research, essentially important mechanisms in the field, although an applied semiotic approach to this issue seems to be very productive. As one of certain meaning-making activation tools, the reduced images proposed above, can be considered. The design strategy of such images is may be a way of required formal and semantic elements combinatorics, that is reflected in articles included in the thesis
This dissertation attempts to modeling plausible application of reduced pictorial images that can be called as RPA (Reduced Pictorial Architecture) on practical complications of abstract and complex categories representation through simplified visual structures. This segment of pictorial semiotics can be used as one of research and development instruments in the field of machine vision development. The development of artificial intelligence is impossible without research in the field of computer vision as one of the main channels of perception. In fact, in recent years in such studies, more consideration has been given to neuro- and bio - mechanics, as well as to other precise disciplines. Semiotics, and, above all, visual semiotics, unfortunately are not at this stage of the research, essentially important mechanisms in the field, although an applied semiotic approach to this issue seems to be very productive. As one of certain meaning-making activation tools, the reduced images proposed above, can be considered. The design strategy of such images is may be a way of required formal and semantic elements combinatorics, that is reflected in articles included in the thesis
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raalnägemine, infograafika, visuaalsemiootika, graafiline disain, computer vision, infographics, visual semiotics, graphic design