Речевой этикет в социолингвистическом аспекте (на материале марийской и эстонской коммуникативных культур)
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Kommunikatsiooni käigus inimesed vahetavad teatud informatsiooni, erinevaid tähendusi, edastavad midagi, ärgitavad mingisugustele tegudele või küsivad millegi kohta nad sooritavad keeletoiminguid. Selleks, et asuda loogilise-sisulise informatsiooni vahetamise juurde, peavad nad astuma kõnekontakti, see aga toimub teatavate suhtlemisreeglite ja kõneühikute kasutamisreeglite järgi.
Antud töö on pühendatud mari ja eesti keele kõneühikute uurimisele (need on kõneetiketi valemid (edaspidi KEV)). Sotsiolingvistilises vaatevinklis muutus kõneetiketi ühikute uurimine eriti aktuaalseks kaasajal, sest viimastel aastatel on märgata rahvusliku kõneetiketi aktiivse muutumise protsessi. Praeguses keeleteaduses on näha järsku huvi elavnemist kõnesuhtlustemaatika vastu, eriti puudutab see sotsiolingvistikat, mille eesmärk on jälgida ja uurida seda, kuidas sotsiaalsus väljendub keeles ehk teisiti öeldes, kuidas keelelised faktid funktsioneerivad konkreetsetes sotsiaal-relevantsetes verbaalse suhtlemise tingimustes. Meid aga huvitab eelkõige see, kuidas mõjutavad indiviidi keelelised eripärad (indiviidi sotsiaalsed iseloomustused) ja suhtlemisolukord (registrid temaatilistes KEV gruppides) kõneleja kõnetoodangut, KEV-i kasutussagedust ja variatiivsust.
Püstitatakse hüpotees: erinevates kommunikatiivsetes olukordades kõneleja kasutab kindlaid kõneühikuid, mis vastavad iseloomulikule suhtlemistingimuste registrile. Kui kommunikatiivne olukord muutub (muutub adressaat), siis toimub ka suhtlemisregistri muutus. Kõneleja teadvuses KEV-id on struktureeritud vastavalt nende kuuluvusele teatavasse suhtlemisregistrisse temaatilise rühma raames, seega, etiketivalemite kasutamine sõltub suurel määral pigem kommunikatiivsest olukorrast, kui sotsiaalsetest faktoritest.
Uurimistöö materjalina kasutati mari ja eesti kõneetiketi valemeid, mida saadi informantidelt nelja suhtlemisolukorra raames: «suhtlemine sugulastega», «suhtlemine sõpradega», «suhtlemine endast vanemate / kõrgema staatusega inimestega» ja «suhtlemine õpetajate, arstide ja müüjatega». Eksperimendis osales kokku 72 vastajat- noored mees- ja naissoost inimesed vanusega 8 kuni 35 eluaastani. Nad on kõik mari ja eesti keele kasutajad erinevates sotsiaalsetes parameetrites. Uuritud sai ligikaudu 2000 kõnereaktsiooni mari ja eesti kõneetiketti neljas temaatilises rühmas: TERVITAMINE, VABANDAMINE, TÄNUAVALDUS, HÜVASTIJÄTT.
Läbiviidud uurimuse tulemuseks on loodud koondmudel, mis näitab kuidas sotsiaalsed faktorid mõjutavad KEV tihedust ja varieeruvuselest mari ja eesti keele kõnelejate neljas suhtlemisregistris — see loob võimalusi mitte ainult kirjeldamiseks, vaid ka isiku keelelise käitumise prognoosimiseks. Mudel näitab, et KEV kasutuse sageduse ja varieeruvuse määramisel tähtsamateks osutusidsuhtlemisregistrid, mitte niivõrd uuritavad sotsiaalsed faktorid (sugu ja vanus).
KEV uurimine normi ja kasutustiheduse vaatevinklist lubab oletada, et osa mittenormatiivsetest KEV-idest on võimeline tulevikus kinnistuma kodifitseeritud normis. Edaspidi on võimalik veelgi põhjalikum KEV uurimine «uue» etiketinormi kujunemisel.
In the process of communication people give each other certain information, certain meanings, report something, stimulate to do something, ask about something - make certain speech actions. However, before you exchange logical information, you are to make contact according to certain rules of communication and use of speech units. The present paper is concerned with the study of speech units (speaking etiquette formulas (SEF)) in the Mari and Estonian languages. Research of speaking etiquette units in the sociolinguistic aspect is especially important at the moment, as the national speaking etiquette has been changing recently. Now in linguistics there is a revival of interest in the problems of speech communication, especially in sociolinguistics, whose aim is to monitor and study how social element is developed in a language, in other words, as the facts of a language function in the specific socio-relevant conditions of verbal communication. First of all, we are interested in how linguistic persona peculiarities (social characteristics of an individual) and the situation of communication (registers in thematic groups of SEF) influence the production of speech of a speaker and SEF usage frequency and variation. It makes a hypothesis: in different communicative situations a speaker uses certain speech units corresponding to the register specific for these communication conditions. A change in the communicative situation (change of a listener) leads to a change of communication register. In a speaker's mind the SEF are structured according to their belonging to a specific communication register in the framework of a thematic group, therefore, the use of the etiquette formulas more depends on a communicative situation rather than on social factors. As research material we used the Mari and Estonian speech etiquette formulas, received from informants in four situations of communication: "communication with relatives, " "communication with friends", "communication with the older people and people that are higher in social scale" and "communication with teachers, doctors and salesmen”. 72 respondents took part in the experiment. Young people of both genders at the ages from 8 to 35 years old. All of them are Mari and Estonian languages speakers with different social parameters. We examined about 2000 speech reactions in four thematic groups of the Mari and Estonian etiquette: GREETING, APOLOGY, GRATITUDE, GOODBYE. The informants were selected in such a way that test persons formed a study group (a general population). A created selection is representative, since it is balanced according to all examined factors (including age and gender). An equal number of informants with specified characteristics was considered in each group, that made it possible to draw conclusions applicable to the entire general population of native speakers. We use several different methods that allowed us to study the tested material from different point of views. The research allowed us to develop a summary model of social factors influence on frequency and variation of the SEF of Mari and Estonian speakers in the four registers of communication, permitting not only to describe, but also to predict a language behavior of an individual. The model shows that, in studying frequency and variation of the SEF use registers of communication proved to be more significant than the studied social factors (gender and age). Regarding the SEF in the aspect of standards and usage allowed us to suggest that a part of non-standardized SEF is able to become a codified rule in course of time. In future it is possible to study the SEF more thoroughly in formation of a "new" etiquette standard.
In the process of communication people give each other certain information, certain meanings, report something, stimulate to do something, ask about something - make certain speech actions. However, before you exchange logical information, you are to make contact according to certain rules of communication and use of speech units. The present paper is concerned with the study of speech units (speaking etiquette formulas (SEF)) in the Mari and Estonian languages. Research of speaking etiquette units in the sociolinguistic aspect is especially important at the moment, as the national speaking etiquette has been changing recently. Now in linguistics there is a revival of interest in the problems of speech communication, especially in sociolinguistics, whose aim is to monitor and study how social element is developed in a language, in other words, as the facts of a language function in the specific socio-relevant conditions of verbal communication. First of all, we are interested in how linguistic persona peculiarities (social characteristics of an individual) and the situation of communication (registers in thematic groups of SEF) influence the production of speech of a speaker and SEF usage frequency and variation. It makes a hypothesis: in different communicative situations a speaker uses certain speech units corresponding to the register specific for these communication conditions. A change in the communicative situation (change of a listener) leads to a change of communication register. In a speaker's mind the SEF are structured according to their belonging to a specific communication register in the framework of a thematic group, therefore, the use of the etiquette formulas more depends on a communicative situation rather than on social factors. As research material we used the Mari and Estonian speech etiquette formulas, received from informants in four situations of communication: "communication with relatives, " "communication with friends", "communication with the older people and people that are higher in social scale" and "communication with teachers, doctors and salesmen”. 72 respondents took part in the experiment. Young people of both genders at the ages from 8 to 35 years old. All of them are Mari and Estonian languages speakers with different social parameters. We examined about 2000 speech reactions in four thematic groups of the Mari and Estonian etiquette: GREETING, APOLOGY, GRATITUDE, GOODBYE. The informants were selected in such a way that test persons formed a study group (a general population). A created selection is representative, since it is balanced according to all examined factors (including age and gender). An equal number of informants with specified characteristics was considered in each group, that made it possible to draw conclusions applicable to the entire general population of native speakers. We use several different methods that allowed us to study the tested material from different point of views. The research allowed us to develop a summary model of social factors influence on frequency and variation of the SEF of Mari and Estonian speakers in the four registers of communication, permitting not only to describe, but also to predict a language behavior of an individual. The model shows that, in studying frequency and variation of the SEF use registers of communication proved to be more significant than the studied social factors (gender and age). Regarding the SEF in the aspect of standards and usage allowed us to suggest that a part of non-standardized SEF is able to become a codified rule in course of time. In future it is possible to study the SEF more thoroughly in formation of a "new" etiquette standard.
eesti keel, mari keel, kõnekeel, suuline kommunikatsioon, kõnetlussõnad, etikett, sotsiolingvistika, Estonian language, Cheremis language, colloquial language, speech communication, words of address, etiquette, sociolinguistics