Ajaline faktor halduskohtumenetluses tühistamis- ja kohustamiskaebuse lahendamist ning rahuldamist mõjutava tegurina
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Avalik-õiguslike vaidluste lahendamisele keskendunud halduskohtumenetluses võib tühistamiskaebuse (kaebus haldusakti tühistamiseks) ja kohustamiskaebuse (kaebus haldusakti andmiseks või toimingu sooritamiseks kohustamiseks) lahendamist oluliselt mõjutada vaidlustatava haldusakti andmisest või toimingu sooritamisest kuni kohtuotsuse tegemiseni möödunud aeg või selle kestel toimunud sündmused (ajaline faktor). Näiteks võib ametnik, kes on esitanud kaebuse talle määratud distsiplinaarkaristuse tühistamiseks, olla vahepeal avalikust teenistusest vabastatud ja karistuse tühistamine ei pruugi olla talle enam vajalik. Samuti võib isik olla esitanud kohustamiskaebuse talle ehitusloa väljastamiseks, kuid kohtuotsuse tegemise ajaks on kehtestatud planeering, millega soovitud ehitusluba enam kooskõlas pole.
Doktoritöös uuriti, millised on võimalikud olukorrad, kus ajaline faktor võib tühistamis- või kohustamiskaebuse lahendamist mõjutada. Samuti käsitleti seda, milliseid menetlusõiguslikke lahendusi võib selline olukord kaasa tuua, st millal tuleb kaebus rahuldada või rahuldamata jätta või millal peaks kohus sooritama asja lahendamiseks täiendavaid menetlustoiminguid. Eelkõige uuriti neid probleeme Eesti õiguse kontekstis.
Selgus, et Eesti kohtupraktikas on ilmnenud seoses ajalise faktoriga küllaltki palju probleeme (nt haldusakti mõju lõppemine kui selle tühistamist välistav asjaolu, määrav hetk haldusakti või toimingu õiguspärasuse hindamiseks ja muud kohtupraktikas kujundatud seisukohad, mis välistavad muidu põhjendatud kaebuse rahuldamise). Samal ajal ei arvesta Eesti seadused, eeskätt halduskohtumenetluse seadustik, piisaval määral selliste olukordadega. Doktoritöö tulemusena leiti, et vajalik oleks Eesti seaduste täiendamine selliseid olukordi arvestava regulatsiooniga
Proceeding and granting of annulment action and mandatory action may be significantly influenced by time since the contested administrative act was made or administrative measure was taken and until judgment has entered or by events arisen during that time (time factor) in administrative court procedure which adjudicates disputes arising in public law relationships. For instance, an official who has contested disciplinary penalty, may have been released from office by the time of entering the judgment and annulment of penalty is no more necessary for the person in question. Furthermore, an individual may have submitted a mandatory action for ordering a building permit to be issued but by the time of judgment, a plan which no more is in accordance with the permit required, is adopted. Possible situations, where time factor can have an impact on the proceeding of annulment – or mandatory action, were studied in the dissertation. Additionally, feasible procedural solutions that may occur in such situation, were disserted, i.e. when should action be granted or dismissed or when should court perform additional proceedings. Primarily such problems were studied in the context of Estonian law. It appeared that a lot of issues have arisen with time factor in Estonian court practice (e.g. crucial moment in the assessment of lawfulness of administrative act and other standpoints in court practice which otherwise exclude granting grounded action). At the same time Estonian laws, primarily Code of Administrative Court Procedure, take these kind of situations into consideration insufficiently. As the result of dissertation it was found that it is indispensable to complement Estonian laws with regulations that acknowledge these kind of situations
Proceeding and granting of annulment action and mandatory action may be significantly influenced by time since the contested administrative act was made or administrative measure was taken and until judgment has entered or by events arisen during that time (time factor) in administrative court procedure which adjudicates disputes arising in public law relationships. For instance, an official who has contested disciplinary penalty, may have been released from office by the time of entering the judgment and annulment of penalty is no more necessary for the person in question. Furthermore, an individual may have submitted a mandatory action for ordering a building permit to be issued but by the time of judgment, a plan which no more is in accordance with the permit required, is adopted. Possible situations, where time factor can have an impact on the proceeding of annulment – or mandatory action, were studied in the dissertation. Additionally, feasible procedural solutions that may occur in such situation, were disserted, i.e. when should action be granted or dismissed or when should court perform additional proceedings. Primarily such problems were studied in the context of Estonian law. It appeared that a lot of issues have arisen with time factor in Estonian court practice (e.g. crucial moment in the assessment of lawfulness of administrative act and other standpoints in court practice which otherwise exclude granting grounded action). At the same time Estonian laws, primarily Code of Administrative Court Procedure, take these kind of situations into consideration insufficiently. As the result of dissertation it was found that it is indispensable to complement Estonian laws with regulations that acknowledge these kind of situations
halduskohtumenetlus, haldusaktid, kaebused, menetlusaeg, menetlustoimingud, menetlusõigus, Eesti, administrative court proceedings, administrative acts, complaints, length of proceedings, procedural acts, law of procedure, Estonia