Isuri keele Soikkola murde sõnamuutmissüsteem
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Isuri keelt on võrreldes teiste läänemeresoome keeltega seni suhteliselt vähem uuritud. Esimene ja ühtlasi käesoleva hetkeni viimane teadustöö, kus esitatakse isuri keele noomeni ja verbi muuttüübid, pärineb 19. sajandist.
Väitekirjas kirjeldatakse väikese kõnelejaskonnaga läänemeresoome keele, isuri keele Soikkola murde sõnamuutmissüsteemi noomeni ja verbi muuttüüpide tuvastamise ja näiteparadigmade esitamisega. Autori poolt välitöödel kogutud keeleaines täiendab eelnevaid isuri keele morfoloogiakäsitlusi. Isuri keeles varieeruvad nii suur osa sõnatüvedest kui ka muutelõppudest. Variatiivsus ei ole keele rikkusena tekkinud iseenesest, vaid tuleneb sõna kui terviku kunagisest struktuurist ning häälikulisest koostisest. Uurimuses antakse ülevaade Soikkola murde noomeni ja verbi grammatilistest kategooriatest ning kirjeldatakse, milline peab olema sõna ehitus selleks, et ta saaks väljendada konkreetseid grammatilisi tähendusi: millised tüve teisendused on selleks vajalikud, millised on muutelõpud ja nende liitumistingimused erineva struktuuriga sõnadel. Noomeni ja verbi muuttüübid tuvastatakse erinevatel liigitusalustel põhinevate lähteklassifikatsioonide kaudu. Seejuures on selgitatud ka seda, milliste sõnavormide moodustus on üksteisest tuletatav.
Läänemeresoome keelte sõnamuutmissüsteemide kirjeldamisel on üheks traditsiooniliseks liigitusaluseks astmevaheldus, mille ulatus on keeliti erinev. Isuri keele Soikkola murdes ei piirdu konsonandivaheldus sõnade muutmisel pelgalt klusiilide astmevaheldusega pearõhulise silbi piiril. Soikkola murre on põhjaeesti, lõunaeesti ja liivi keele kõrval üks keerulisemaid ja iseäralik mitmete eri tüüpi geminatsiooni- ja tugevnemisnähtuste poolest ja nende koosesinemise tõttu paradigmas. Sõna sisekonsonantide vaheldusele lisanduvad veel muud tüvede ja muutelõppude varieerumist mõjutavad reeglipärased muutused, mis omavahel kombineerudes annavad tulemuseks suhteliselt suure arvu muuttüüpe: 179 noomeni muuttüüpi ja 113 verbi muuttüüpi
Ingrian is a lesser studied language in comparison to other Finnic languages. The first and so far the last scientific research that presents the inflectional types of nouns and verbs of Ingrian dates back to the 19th century. The thesis describes the inflectional system of a nearly extinct language – the Soikkola dialect of the Ingrian language by identifying the inflectional types of nouns and verbs and presenting exemplary paradigms. The linguistic data collected by the author during fieldtrips supplements the previous treatments of the Ingrian morphology. In Ingrian, a bulk of stems and inflectional suffixes vary. Such variation has not emerged itself as an indication of linguistic complexity, rather, it results from the quondam structure and phonological composition of the word as a whole. The research gives an overview of the grammatical categories of nouns and verbs of the Soikkola dialect. It describes the structures of words necessary for the expression of specific grammatical meanings: what kind of changes in stems are necessary, what kind of inflectional suffixes are used and what are the various attachment conditions in the case of words with different structures. The inflectional types of nouns and verbs are identified by using sub-classifications based on different classificatory basis. The question which word forms can be derived from one another is also explained. Gradation is one of the traditional classificatory basis when describing the inflectional systems of the Finnic languages. The extent of gradation, however, varies from language to language. In the Soikkola dialect of Ingrian the consonant alternation does not only concern the gradation of stops at the boundary of the syllable with the primary stress. Next to North Estonian, South Estonian and Livonian, the Soikkola Ingrian is one of the most complicated and peculiar languages for its various instances of gemination and strengthening and their co-occurrence within the paradigm. In addition to stem-internal consonant alternation, there are also other regular alternations that influence the variation of stems and inflectional suffixes; when combined, they result in a fairly great number of inflectional types: 179 noun types and 113 verb types.
Ingrian is a lesser studied language in comparison to other Finnic languages. The first and so far the last scientific research that presents the inflectional types of nouns and verbs of Ingrian dates back to the 19th century. The thesis describes the inflectional system of a nearly extinct language – the Soikkola dialect of the Ingrian language by identifying the inflectional types of nouns and verbs and presenting exemplary paradigms. The linguistic data collected by the author during fieldtrips supplements the previous treatments of the Ingrian morphology. In Ingrian, a bulk of stems and inflectional suffixes vary. Such variation has not emerged itself as an indication of linguistic complexity, rather, it results from the quondam structure and phonological composition of the word as a whole. The research gives an overview of the grammatical categories of nouns and verbs of the Soikkola dialect. It describes the structures of words necessary for the expression of specific grammatical meanings: what kind of changes in stems are necessary, what kind of inflectional suffixes are used and what are the various attachment conditions in the case of words with different structures. The inflectional types of nouns and verbs are identified by using sub-classifications based on different classificatory basis. The question which word forms can be derived from one another is also explained. Gradation is one of the traditional classificatory basis when describing the inflectional systems of the Finnic languages. The extent of gradation, however, varies from language to language. In the Soikkola dialect of Ingrian the consonant alternation does not only concern the gradation of stops at the boundary of the syllable with the primary stress. Next to North Estonian, South Estonian and Livonian, the Soikkola Ingrian is one of the most complicated and peculiar languages for its various instances of gemination and strengthening and their co-occurrence within the paradigm. In addition to stem-internal consonant alternation, there are also other regular alternations that influence the variation of stems and inflectional suffixes; when combined, they result in a fairly great number of inflectional types: 179 noun types and 113 verb types.
isuri keel, murded, morfoloogia (keelet.), morfofonoloogia, keeleajalugu, Izurian language, dialects, morphology (grammar), morphonology, language history