Allostery in cAMP dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit
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Informatsiooni omamine ja selle edastamine on määrava tähtsusega kõikide keeruliste süsteemide toimimisel. Nii on see ka eluslooduses, kus toimub infovahetus nii rakkude vahel kui ka rakkude sees. Antud doktoritöö on keskendunud ühele rakus infot edastavale ensüümile, nimega cAMP sõltuv proteiinkinaas (proteiinkinaas A).
Kinaasid on valgud, mis reguleerivad teiste valkude omadusi, kinnitades nende külge ATP molekulist pärineva fosforhappe jäägi. Selle reaktsiooni tulemusena teised valgud kas aktiveeruvad või inaktiveeruvad, või muutub nende asukoht rakus.
Inimese genoomis on 518 kinaasi, millel kõigil on omad ülesanded. Nende ülesannete täitmiseks peab kinaas ära tundma oma toime märklaua, st teise valgu, mille aktiivsust ta muutma peab. See molekulide omavaheline äratundmine toimub valkude kokkupuudete kaudu, mille toimumise kohad omavad kindlat keemilist struktuuri ning mida nimetatakse sidumistsentriteks. Samadele sidumiskohtadele võivad seonduda ka muud molekulid, takistades või soodustades valgumolekuli funktsioneerimist, ning neid nimetatakse inhibiitoriteks ja aktivaatoriteks. Samal valgul võib olla ka mitu sidumiskohta.
Rohkem kui 60 aastat tagasi avastati, et kui valgu pinnale on juba üks molekul seostunud, võib see oluliselt mõjutada järgnevate molekulide seostumist. Kui sidumist mõjutavad ja järgnevalt seostuvad molekul on erinevad, siis nimetatakse sellist regulatsiooni allosteeriaks. Kuigi selliseid nähtusi on kirjeldatud juba aastakümneid, ei mõisteta nende olemust täielikult tänapäevani.
Selles doktoritöös uuriti allosteerilisi nähtusi proteiinkinaas A näitel, mille regulatsioon on määrava tähtsusega rakus toimuvate protsesside suunamisel. Leidsime, et allosteeriline efekt sõltub ligandide struktuurist ja selle kaudu nende valguga seostumise tugevusest ning ilmselt ka sellest, kuidas taoline sidumine muudab valgumolekuli struktuuri võnkumisi. On esitatud oletus, et allosteeriline regulatsioon toimibki valgu dünaamiliste omaduste muutmise kaudu. Tulemuste saamiseks oli vajalik luua uudne metodika, mis võimaldab iseloomustada molekulide seondumist valgule ning mõõta erinevate ligandide mõju sidumisele ning selle kaudu iseloomustada allosteerilist efekti.
The ability to store and exchange information is an essential feature present in complex systems. The same principle is also true in living organisms, where information is exchanged between cells and even cell compartments. The present thesis explores one of such information forwarding enzymes in cells, namely cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Kinases are proteins that can regulate characteristics of other proteins by adding a phosporyl group to their structure. This reaction can modulate various aspects of proteins, for example their activity, cellular location or degradation timing. All 518 kinases encoded in human DNA have their specific duties to fulfill. To accomplish this, kinases must specifically identify and subsequently modify their target molecules. This ability depends on specific chemical interactions at the binding interfaces between protein kinases and their target proteins. Other molecules, called activators or inhibitors, can bind to the same binding sites, improving or hindering the proteins‘ function. There can be one or several binding sites on a protein surface. More than 60 years ago it was discovered that binding of a molecule to a protein surface can affect subsequent binding of another molecule which binds to a different binding site. This regulation mechanism is called allostery if the molecules that sequentially bind to a protein are different. Although this phenomenon has been known for decades, it is still not fully understood. In this thesis, allosteric phenomenon was studied in case of PKA. Regulation of this enzyme is important as it plays a significant role as a signal forwarding system in cells. We found that allosteric effect depends on binding affinity which is linked to ligand structure. Data analysis suggested that allostery mainly arises through modulation of protein intrinsic movements, shortly by freezing protein, that is in compex with its binding partners, into a tightly packed conformation. To reach these conclusions, a novel method for detection of ligands in different conditions was developed during the preparation of this thesis.
The ability to store and exchange information is an essential feature present in complex systems. The same principle is also true in living organisms, where information is exchanged between cells and even cell compartments. The present thesis explores one of such information forwarding enzymes in cells, namely cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Kinases are proteins that can regulate characteristics of other proteins by adding a phosporyl group to their structure. This reaction can modulate various aspects of proteins, for example their activity, cellular location or degradation timing. All 518 kinases encoded in human DNA have their specific duties to fulfill. To accomplish this, kinases must specifically identify and subsequently modify their target molecules. This ability depends on specific chemical interactions at the binding interfaces between protein kinases and their target proteins. Other molecules, called activators or inhibitors, can bind to the same binding sites, improving or hindering the proteins‘ function. There can be one or several binding sites on a protein surface. More than 60 years ago it was discovered that binding of a molecule to a protein surface can affect subsequent binding of another molecule which binds to a different binding site. This regulation mechanism is called allostery if the molecules that sequentially bind to a protein are different. Although this phenomenon has been known for decades, it is still not fully understood. In this thesis, allosteric phenomenon was studied in case of PKA. Regulation of this enzyme is important as it plays a significant role as a signal forwarding system in cells. We found that allosteric effect depends on binding affinity which is linked to ligand structure. Data analysis suggested that allostery mainly arises through modulation of protein intrinsic movements, shortly by freezing protein, that is in compex with its binding partners, into a tightly packed conformation. To reach these conclusions, a novel method for detection of ligands in different conditions was developed during the preparation of this thesis.
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cAMP-sõltuv proteiinkinaas, allosteeriline regulatsioon, katalüüs, peptiidid, cAMP-dependent protein kinase, allosteric regulation, catalysis, peptides