Images of the periphery impeding rural development? Discursive peripheralization of rural areas in post-socialist Estonia
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Kuidas säilitada elu Eesti maapiirkondades, on küsimuseks olnud juba alates Eesti taasiseseisvumisest 1991. aastal ning on oluliseks teemaks ka praegu toimuva haldusreformi taustal. Viimasel ajal on ühe lootuskiirena maapiirkondade arendamisel palju kõneldud brändingust ja kohaturundusest, mille abil võiks olla võimalik positiivset kuvandit kujundada. Paraku peab tõdema, et jätkuva maapiirkondade ääremaastumise protsessi käigus on maapiirkondadel väga keeruline hakata vastu “ääremaa” väga negatiivsele kuvandile, mis kipub domineerima maaeluga seotud positiivsemate assotsiatsioonide üle nagu traditsiooniline ja tervislik eluviis. Käesolev dissertatsioon käsitleb just seda kuvandi ja arengu vahelist seost, analüüsides, millist rolli mängib kuvand maapiirkondade ääremaastumisel ning samuti katsetel sellest staatusest välja murda. Töö eesmärk on saada aru, kuidas Eestis ääremaid avalike diskursuste raames luuakse, kelle poolt teatud piirkondi ääremaana sildistatakse ning milliseid tagajärgi ja vastureaktsioone see kaasa toob.
Tulemused ja tähtsus.
Eesti ajakirjanduses avaldatud arvamusartiklite süvaanalüüsi põhjal tuuakse väitekirjas välja, et maapiirkondade kuvand ääremaana ei ole iseenesest mõistetav ja vältimatu, vaid on aktiivselt arvamusliidrite poolt loodud. Sealjuures neid arvamusliidreid saab iseloomustada märksõnadega linnastunud, meessoost ja intellektuaalne. Kahe kaasuse analüüsimise raames läbiviidud süvaintervjuude ja vaatluste baasil näitab väitekiri erinevaid võimalusi, kuidas maapiirkonnad on ääremaa kuvandi vastu võidelnud ja selgitab erinevaid väljakutseid ja kasusid, mida erinevad kuvandile baseeruvad arengustrateegiad endas sisaldavad. Seetõttu ei panusta käesolev väitekiri mitte ainult maapiirkondade arenguga seotud akadeemilisse kirjandusse vaid aitab ka praktikuid, kes aktiivselt riiklikul või kohalikul tasandil maapiirkondade arendamise ja kuvandi loomisega tegelevad.
Description of the problem. The current discussion on the administrative reform in Estonia marks the peak of debates on the question of how to maintain life in the countryside conducted since Estonia regained its independence in 1991. In recent years, image making, in the form of place marketing and branding, has been discussed as a new beacon of hope for rural development. However, against the backdrop of continuous peripheralization processes, rural areas have faced a particularly negative image as peripheries per se, which often prevail over the positive ascriptions to rurality as traditional and wholesome way of life. The dissertation focuses precisely on this relationship between images and development by analyzing the role that images play in the peripheralization of rural areas, as well as in the attempts to overcome their peripheral status. It aims to understand the making of peripheries in Estonian public discourses by asking how peripheries are constructed, by whom and with what consequences for those areas that are labelled as peripheral. Result and benefit. With the help of a discourse analysis of opinion pieces in Estonian print media, the dissertation shows that the image of rural areas as peripheral is neither self-evident nor inevitable but actively constructed by an “opinion elite” that can be described as urban, male and intellectual. On the basis of in-depth interviews and participant observation over the course of two case studies, it moreover explores the ways in which Estonian rural areas try to fight against this peripheral image and discusses the benefits and challenges of different image-based development strategies. The dissertation therefore does not only have implications for academic debate, especially in the field of rural development, but also for practitioners at the national and local level who are actively participating in the creation of rural images and their commodification for the purposes of development.
Description of the problem. The current discussion on the administrative reform in Estonia marks the peak of debates on the question of how to maintain life in the countryside conducted since Estonia regained its independence in 1991. In recent years, image making, in the form of place marketing and branding, has been discussed as a new beacon of hope for rural development. However, against the backdrop of continuous peripheralization processes, rural areas have faced a particularly negative image as peripheries per se, which often prevail over the positive ascriptions to rurality as traditional and wholesome way of life. The dissertation focuses precisely on this relationship between images and development by analyzing the role that images play in the peripheralization of rural areas, as well as in the attempts to overcome their peripheral status. It aims to understand the making of peripheries in Estonian public discourses by asking how peripheries are constructed, by whom and with what consequences for those areas that are labelled as peripheral. Result and benefit. With the help of a discourse analysis of opinion pieces in Estonian print media, the dissertation shows that the image of rural areas as peripheral is neither self-evident nor inevitable but actively constructed by an “opinion elite” that can be described as urban, male and intellectual. On the basis of in-depth interviews and participant observation over the course of two case studies, it moreover explores the ways in which Estonian rural areas try to fight against this peripheral image and discusses the benefits and challenges of different image-based development strategies. The dissertation therefore does not only have implications for academic debate, especially in the field of rural development, but also for practitioners at the national and local level who are actively participating in the creation of rural images and their commodification for the purposes of development.
postsotsialistlikud riigid, maapiirkonnad, regionaalne areng, ääremaad, kuvand, ääremaastumine, mõjud, sotsiaalne konstruktsioon, kriitiline diskursusanalüüs, Eesti, post-communist countries, country areas, regional development, peripheries, image, impacts, social construction, critical discourse analysis, Estonia