The role of global regulator Fis in regulating the expression of lapF and the hydrophobicity of soil bacterium Pseudomonas putida
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Bakteritel on pikaaegse evolutsiooni käigus välja kujunenud omadused ja mehhanismid selleks, et olla kohanemisvõimelised ja jääda ellu mitmesugustes keskkonnatingimustes. Vastavalt vajadusele muudavad bakterid oma eluvormi, ujudes vabalt keskkonnas ringi või olles paiksed ja moodustades koos teiste bakteritega ühise kooseluvormi, mida nimetatakse ka biofilmiks. Biofilmis elades on bakterid paremini kaitstud kahjulike keskkonnamõjude eest. Üleminek liikuvalt eluviisilt paiksele algab tavaliselt bakterite kinnitumisega elusale või elutule pinnale. Erinevatele pindadele kinnitudes võivad bakterid tekitada tõsist kahju näiteks meditsiini ja tööstusvaldkondades. Samas, biofilmi moodustavaid baktereid on kasutatud ka edukalt näiteks mürgiste ühendite eemaldamiseks keskkonnast.
Üks peamisi bakteriraku pinna omadusi, mis aitab kinnitumisele kaasa, on hüdrofoobsus. Hüdrofoobsema pinnaga rakud liituvad ehk agregeeruvad omavahel paremini, tänu millele nad vähendavad kättesaadavat rakupinda kahjulikele ainetele. Näiteks mullabakter Pseudomonas putida muudab oma rakupinda hüdrofoobsemaks kokkupuutel erinevate toksiliste ainetega. P. putida on kosmopoliitne bakter, mis tihti elab taimejuurtel ja soodustab taimede kasvu. Üldiselt mullabakterid eelistavad elada taimejuurte ümber risosfääris, sest taimed eritavad juurte kaudu bakterite jaoks kergesti kasutatavaid toitaineid. Samas, taimed võivad juurte kaudu ümbritsevasse mulda eritada ka toksilisi ühendeid. Seega bakterid peavad kohanema nii kasvu soodustavate kui ka pärssivate tingimustega.
Käesolevas töös kirjeldatakse P. putida pinna hüdrofoobsufaktorit LapF-i ning selle geeni regulatsiooni Fis-ga. Varem ei ole avaldatud seoseid LapF-i ja P. putida pinna hüdrofoobsuse vahel ega ole ka teada detailsemat infot lapF geeni ekspressiooni regulatsiooni kohta.
P. putida rakud, mis toodavad pinnavalku LapF, on stressitingimustes hüdrofoobsemad võrreldes rakkudega, kus puudub LapF. LapF-st tulenev hüdrofoobsem rakupind võib omada potentsiaalset kaitsvat rolli P. putida’le. LapF-ga P. putida’l on soodustatud rakkude liitumine, tänu millele vähendatakse toksilistele ainetele kättesaadavat rakupinda. Kirjeldatud kaudne kaitsemehhanism võib olla üks seni avastamata LapF-i rolle mullabakteris P. putida.
Bacteria have developed several mechanisms to cope with the changing conditions of the surrounding environment. The characteristics of cell surface can passively help to deal with unfavourable conditions or can be involved in the switch between two different life-forms: free-swimming aka planktonic lifestyle and surface-attached aka biofilm aka sessile lifestyle. When living in a biofilm, bacteria are better protected against harmful conditions. The transition from free-swimming to sessile happens when bacteria attach to the surface and/or each-other. The formation of bacterial biofilms can cause serious problems for humans. Hospital-related infections due to bacteria on surgical instruments are one of the examples. However, the human society has also learned to benefit from the bacterial biofilm by using microorganisms to remove contaminants from environment. In most cases, the adhesion properties of bacteria are defined by cell surface hydrophobicity. Bacteria with more hydrophobic surface attach to each-other, which helps reduce their surface to toxic compounds. For example, the surface of Pseudomonas putida becomes more hydrophobic in the presence of toxic chemicals. P. putida is a soil bacterium mainly residing on the roots of plants. That kind of habitation is strongly dependent on the roots exudates, which include both nutrients and toxic compounds for bacteria. In order to survive and outcompete other microorganisms on the plant roots P. putida must be able to quickly adapt to the changes in its surrounding environment. For example staying put by forming biofilm or moving freely to recolonize new parts of plant roots for better conditions. The aim of this research was to study and enlighten the role of surface protein LapF in P. putida and it`s regulation by global regulator Fis. Prior this work, LapF had only been described as a biofilm-related protein and there was no detailed information published about the lapF gene regulation in P. putida. We demonstrate, that LapF is the factor for making P. putida cells more hydrophobic and propose that LapF might have a potential role as a protective factor for P. putida. More hydrophobic bacteria can be more aggregative and therefore might help the cells reduce the surface exposed to the environment. This can be a passive protection mechanism against toxic compounds.
Bacteria have developed several mechanisms to cope with the changing conditions of the surrounding environment. The characteristics of cell surface can passively help to deal with unfavourable conditions or can be involved in the switch between two different life-forms: free-swimming aka planktonic lifestyle and surface-attached aka biofilm aka sessile lifestyle. When living in a biofilm, bacteria are better protected against harmful conditions. The transition from free-swimming to sessile happens when bacteria attach to the surface and/or each-other. The formation of bacterial biofilms can cause serious problems for humans. Hospital-related infections due to bacteria on surgical instruments are one of the examples. However, the human society has also learned to benefit from the bacterial biofilm by using microorganisms to remove contaminants from environment. In most cases, the adhesion properties of bacteria are defined by cell surface hydrophobicity. Bacteria with more hydrophobic surface attach to each-other, which helps reduce their surface to toxic compounds. For example, the surface of Pseudomonas putida becomes more hydrophobic in the presence of toxic chemicals. P. putida is a soil bacterium mainly residing on the roots of plants. That kind of habitation is strongly dependent on the roots exudates, which include both nutrients and toxic compounds for bacteria. In order to survive and outcompete other microorganisms on the plant roots P. putida must be able to quickly adapt to the changes in its surrounding environment. For example staying put by forming biofilm or moving freely to recolonize new parts of plant roots for better conditions. The aim of this research was to study and enlighten the role of surface protein LapF in P. putida and it`s regulation by global regulator Fis. Prior this work, LapF had only been described as a biofilm-related protein and there was no detailed information published about the lapF gene regulation in P. putida. We demonstrate, that LapF is the factor for making P. putida cells more hydrophobic and propose that LapF might have a potential role as a protective factor for P. putida. More hydrophobic bacteria can be more aggregative and therefore might help the cells reduce the surface exposed to the environment. This can be a passive protection mechanism against toxic compounds.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
cell membrane, hydrophobicity, regulator gene, gene expression